Wednesday, May 28, 2014

CIS3009 Assignment help

CIS 3009   SEMESTER 3, 2013 

Assignment 3 specification

Marks out of
Due date
20 January 2014


The total submission for this assignment should consist of two files:

1.      A file containing the Case Study Evaluation Report, SAP Reflective Essay and Journal Entries. A Word document (.doc or .docx) is preferred but a refined text file format (.rtf) is also acceptable. 

2.      A second file containing only the SAP Exercise 2 answers.  These will need to be collated into one file by cutting and pasting into either a .doc, .docx, .rtf, or a .pdf file. 

Instructions for submission:

1.      Submit the FINAL version of file containing the Case Study Evaluation Report, SAP Reflective Essay and Journal Entries to Turnitin for review as instructed on the course Study Desk.

a.       If your Turnitin report is acceptable, it is ready for submission. 

b.      If the Turnitin report stands at more than ten percent, you should revise the applicable sections before submitting. Even if it is below ten percent but there is a significant match with the work of another student, some revision is advisable.

2.      You should not submit your Turnitin report as we are able to access them in Turnitin.

3.      Submit your assignment file and your SAP exercise file electronically via EASE by the due date.   The EASE link will be available on the CIS3009 StudyDesk. 

4.      If you experience issues with the submission process please:

1.      Check and ensure that the size of each file is less than 5MB and that it is either a .doc, .docx, .rft  or .pdf file type (as per instructions above), then attempt to submit again,

2.      If you continue to have problems submitting, contact AskUSQ for technical assistance,

3.      If no technical causes are identified and you continue to have problems submitting, send me an email with your name, student number and details of the problem you are experiencing and I will advise you what to do next.

4.      Please DO NOT send your assignment files via email. 



In-text citation and references (or sources) are required using the Harvard referencing style

This section is based on the following case study.

Brown, V & Vessey, I 2001, 'Nibco's "Big Bang"', Communications of the Association for Information Systems, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 1-42.

As an external consultant, you have been hired by NIBCO to conduct an analysis of the effectiveness of the processes NIBCO undertook in choosing SAP as its ERP system and to present your analysis in the case study format to NIBCO’s Leadership Triad addressed to Mr. S. Beutler. 

Your tasks:

1.      Read the complete case study to ensure you fully understand the SAP implementation and its outcomes.

2.      Focus on the Case Study sections VIII-XV, pp. 20-39 and use your knowledge of the Motiwalla & Thompson textbook, chapters 5-9 inclusive and at least 6 academically sound external sources, to develop your report. 

3.      As the case study highlights many issues, too many to be addressed in this assignment, you are required to restrict your analysis to following topics:

a.       The implementation strategy adopted,

b.      Risk management,

c.       Gap analysis, and

d.      Change management

4.      Your report should end with an evaluation of the overall effectiveness of the Implementation Process (in relation to the above topics only), and a ‘lessons learned’ section to inform any future ERP purchase process.


Length: 2500-3000 words.


SECTION B (50 marks) - SAP Practical Exercise 2, Journal and Reflective Essay

In-text citation and references (or sources) are required for the reflective essay using the Harvard referencing style

SAP Exercise 2, Journal and Reflective Essay.

1.      Complete the SAP exercise as directed in tutorials 7-9 and record the outputs in a word or refined text file. 

2.      Continue to keep a journal of your activities and experience of using SAP.  Include a copy of your full journal as an appendix to the reflective essay.

  1. Reflective Essay: Using your journal written as you completed both SAP exercises, write an essay of between 800 and 1200 words reflecting your end user experiences of the SAP software.  To assist you in your reflection, you must:
    1. Identify five appropriate end user criteria with which to evaluate the SAP software.  The five criteria should be based upon the course readings and your research of suitable academic and highly regarded industry papers.  That is, this essay should be based on your journals but should also draw upon the theoretical knowledge you have gained during the semester.

In the allocation of marks, your inputs in the SAP GBI database (as shown in a SAP report of your activity by User ID), your submitted journal and SAP exercise outputs will be taken into account.  Please note, no marks will be given for this section if the SAP report generated does not produce a record of any activity by your User ID).


CIS 3009 solution



CIS3009 Assignment 3
Marking Criteria
Section A: Case Study  

As an external consultant, you have been hired by NIBCO to conduct an analysis of the effectiveness of the processes NIBCO undertook in choosing SAP as its ERP system and to present your analysis in the case study format to NIBCO’s Leadership Triad addressed to Mr. S. Beutler. 

Your tasks:

1.       Read the complete case study to ensure you fully understand the SAP implementation and its outcomes.

2.       Focus on the Case Study sections VIII-XV, pp. 20-39 and use your knowledge of the Motiwalla & Thompson textbook, chapters 5-9 inclusive and at least 6 academically sound external sources, to develop your report. 

3.       The case study highlights many issues, too many to be addressed in this assignment.  Consequently you are required to restrict your analysis to following topics:

a.       The implementation strategy adopted,

b.       Risk management,

c.        Gap analysis, and

d.       Change management

4.      Your report should end with an evaluation of the overall effectiveness of the Implementation Process, and a ‘lessons learned’ section to inform any future ERP purchase process.

1. Case study follows required format (5 marks)
2. Demonstrates knowledge of relevant sections of the study materials (10 marks)
3. Demonstrates insight into the core issues and stimulates interest. (5 marks)
4. Essay demonstrates the ability to develop an argument and draw appropriate conclusions. (5 marks)
5. Correct use of citation and referencing using the Harvard referencing style. (10 marks)
6. Essay is structurally and grammatically sound, with well-developed paragraphs. (-5 marks)
7. Essay is free from spelling and punctuation errors. (-5 marks)
Section A - Total Mark
Section B – SAP exercise, journal, and reflective essay:
SAP exercise, journal
SAP report shows few if any section(s) of the exercise was attempted (-10  marks)
Reflective Essay: To assist you in your reflection, you must:
1.       Identify five appropriate end user criteria with which to evaluate the SAP software.  The five criteria should be based upon the course readings and your research of suitable academic and highly regarded industry papers.  That is, this essay should be based on your journals but should also draw upon the theoretical knowledge you have gained during the semester.
Identify five end user criteria with justification of appropriateness (5  marks)
Essay demonstrates insight into the student’s experience learning and using SAP based upon their chosen criteria.  (10 marks)
Essay is grammatically sound; exhibits clarity and facility of expression; grammatically sound; and is free from spelling and punctuation errors. (-5 marks)
Section B - Total Mark


1 comment:

  1. Thanks a lot for sharing such a useful information..

    Assignment help
