Wednesday, July 23, 2014


Helps Usp of Available Courses

Summarize of Unit Selling Point

CoursesAwarding BodyUnit Selling Point
American Degree Programme (ADP)
Majors In :
a)Business Administration
b)International Business                                                              BAO 2203 corporate accounting
c)MarketingSouthern New Hampshire University (SNHU)i)Recognized by U.S. Regional Accreditation Board (NEASC) ii)Approved by the Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) of Malaysia iii)Fully accredited by LAN

iv)Selected lectures are conducted by SNHU professors
v)Online electronic library access to SNHU
vi)All entry requirements are governed by SNHU
vii)Follow the entire curriculum and recommended assessments, academic guidelines strictly adhered to SNHU viii)Lecturers need to be approved as adjunct faculty of SNHU prior to teaching the course ix)Examination papers are moderated by SNHU faculty

x)Complete the entire degree in HICT Malaysia
External Programme , Bachelor of Science (Hons)
Majors In :
a)Accounting and Finance
b)Economics and Management

Coming Soon:
c)BusinessUniversity of London in Association with London School of Economics (LSE)i)100% final exam based assessment ii)Exam paper set and mark by LSE
iii)Exam in KL, invigilated by Lembaga Peperiksaan Malaysia iv)Subject guideline, past year exam paper and examination reports will be provided by LSE v)World- wide recognition, therefore student might transfer to LSE or other universities in UK, Australia, USA and Canada vi)Fully accredited by MOHE and LAN

vii)Opportunity to obtain LSE external scholarship
viii)Maximum 9 exemptions by ACCA

CoursesAwarding BodyUnit Selling Point
London A LevelEdexceli)Gold standard pre-university qualification, internationally recognized by top universities [eg: Oxford, Cambridge, Harvard and etc] ii)Syllabus is relevant and updated
iii)Flexible subject combinations in Arts and Science
iv)Highly qualified & experience lecturers with PhDs and Masters v)Small student-lecturer ratio
vi)Well equipped teaching resources and laboratory facilities

HICT Foundation Studies In
b)ScienceHICTi)Fully accredited by LAN
ii)Internally Assessment
iii)Moderated by University of Adelaide, Australia
Diploma In BusinessHICTi)Internal assessment
ii)Recognized by universities in Australia, New Zealand, UK and USA iii)Possibility to further to degree in Malaysia or overseas

CoursesAwarding BodyUnit Selling Point
Engineering Programmes

a)2 + 2 Degree in Engineering (Electrical, Mechanical, Civil, Chemical)

b)2 + 2 Degree in Engineering (Electrical, Mechanical, Civil)

c)3 + 0 Degree in Engineering (Electrical, Mechanical)

d)Diploma in Engineering (Electrical, Mechanical, Chemical, Civil)

University of Queensland (UQ)

University of Southern Queensland (USQ)

University of Hertfordshire (UH)

•Headed by qualified and experience lecturers, 80% with master degree •High standard programmes recognized by overseas universities •World class engineering programs

i)UQ : Group of 8 in Australia
ii)THS world ranking 33 in 2008 (3rd in Australia)
iii)Complete diploma and degree fast, duration of study 4.5 – 5.0 years

i)USQ : Joint winner of Australian University in year 2000 – 2001 ii)Modern and best in distance learning
iii)Complete diploma and degree fast, duration of study 4.5 years

ix)Complete 3 years study in HICT

i)Assessment : 50% exam, 50% coursework
ii)Complete study fast, duration of study 2.5 years
iii)Credit transfer into 2nd or 3rd year of engineering degree courses [UQ, USQ and etc] iv)Flexible, students allowed to work before continuing to degree courses

CoursesAwarding BodyUnit Selling Point
IT Programmes :

a)Bachelor of Computer and Information Science

b)Diploma Computer Science

c)Diploma in Business Information Systems

University of South Australia (UniSA)



i)Highly-experienced lecturers
ii)Teaching materials prepared by UniSA lecturers
iii)Industry relevant curriculum (revised every 5 years)
iv)Examinations set and marked by UniSA
v)Accredited by LAN & Australia Computer Society
vi)Complete study in Malaysia
vii)Allowable to transfer to UniSA, Australia

i)40 – 60 ratio of assessment and examination
ii)Study review done every semester, students are performing below par will be notified and required to undergo counseling iii)Curriculum development and revision done every 5 years
iv)Course evaluation done every semester, including courses and lecturers v)Fully accredited by LAN

i)Provides a pathway to UniSA degree or HICT internal business degrees or other foreign degrees ii)Highly-experienced lecturers
iii)Newly upgraded computer labs

CoursesAwarding BodyUnit Selling Point
Professional Studies:
a)Diploma in Accountancy
b)Diploma in Business Studies

Information Security Policy

Information Security Policy

Table of Contents
1.Information Security Policy (Word Count = approx. 1000)3 1.1Security:3
1.3Information Security Policy and its importance:4
1.4Policies, Procedures, Practices, Guidelines5
1.5Example of good policy statement6
1.6Possible structure of information security policy documents7 1.7Strategies and techniques to implement information security policies8 2.Developing the Security Program(Word Count = approx. 500)9 3.Security Management Models and Practices (Word Count = approx. 500)11 A.ISO/IEC Model11

B.NIST Security Model11
C.RFC 219611
4.List of References:13

1.Information Security Policy
Security has been a real issue for this century. Due to the new emerging technology like RFID and wireless devices there have been various issues regarding privacy and security of person and an enterprise. Security can be understood as a condition to protect against unauthorized access. In terms of IT, security can be categorized into application security, computing security, data security, information security, and network security. Source: (Whitman & Mattord 2007, p.5)

Even though all of these security fields need to be monitored in an enterprise, for instance in this document we are concerned only with information security. Information security is responsible for ensuring intrigrity, availability and confidentiality of the enterprise’s valuable assets. For protecting valuable assets one of the preventive measures is develop and implement policy within an enterprise. The figure above shows the policy is essential in all the security aspects. 1.2Policy:

“A policy is a deliberate plan of action to guide decisions and achieve rational outcome(s)” (Wikipedia: policy, 2009). It is also known as a process of making decisions with different priorities and choosing among them. Policies can be written for policical, financial, management and administrative conditions for achieving explicit goals (Wikipedia: policy, 2009). Information security policy document contains the written statements for how an organization intends to protect information.

1.3Information Security Policy and its importance:
Information flow within a business is a foundation of its competitive edge and financial liquidity. Maintaining the competitive edge is also increasingly often related to implementing information services, which act as a way to improve information flow. However, it is important that these services be implemented in such a fashion, that the intended profits do not become losses. That is why information security policy is of such importance. Information security policy must be implemented in such a fashion, that it enables business continuity, minimizes risk, and maximizes business efficiency. Improper development of information resources leads in consequence to data scattering and decrease in security. In order to protect the business assets, businesses develop information security policies as sets of regulations and procedures, which are intended to help maintain information confidentiality, integrity and availability. Company’s information security policy is a document which states the company’s resources and assets which are continuously updated as technology and business requirements changes. It is one of the most important information security document. Enterprises implements information security policies for the following five major consequences (Peltier 2002) : i.It can be benificial for gaining competitive advantage;

ii.Improves customer and shareholder confidence;
iii.Decreases governmental interference;
iv.Compliance with legislative requirements; and
v.The risk of legal liability decreases

1.4Policies, Procedures, Practices, Guidelines

Source: (Whitman & Mattord 2007, p.112)
The figure above provides a general view for policies, standards, practices, guidelines and procedure. More specifically, I.Policies are plan of action of the governement, business, party or political sector for influencing and determining decision, actions and other matters. II.Standards are the more detailed statement for complying policy. III.Practices, Guidelines and Procedures explains how the employees in an organisation comply with the policy. For example a policy of an enterprise can be something like the employees are not allowed to view inappropirate web sites in the workplace. While implementing these policy, enterprise create standards that all the inappropirate sites are bocked and list those sites that are considered inappropirate.

1.5Example of good policy statement
A good policy statement must have the following properties (Whitman & Mattord 2007) i.Policy must be developed with industry-accepted practices ii.Distributed and disseminated using all appropirate methods iii.Reviewed or read by all the employees

iv.Formally agreed to by act or assertion
v.Uniformly applied and enforced
USQ has also got the different policy statement for different purposes. For information and communication technology USQ have got “USQ POLICY FOR ICT INFORMATION MANAGEMENT AND SECURITY”. It can be found in the web site of USQ i.e., Purpose:

To outline the direction, scope, and approach to the secure management of information resources and services within the USQ ICT environment. It will continue to be reviewed and evaluated in line with changes to business processes and information security risks. Scope and Application:

This policy applies equally to all USQ employees, including permanent, temporary, part-time and contract as well as students, consultants, or third-party employees with access to the USQ ICT environment. Responsible Officer: Chief Technology Officer CIS 8000 Global system strategy
Policy Type/Category: Governance and Management
The policy in USQ ensures
oInformation Security
oInternet and Email Use
oMonitoring and Privacy
oPenalties and Discipline
oPolicy Making and Review

1.6Possible structure of information security policy documents According to Weise & Martin 2001, the structure of information security policy documents contains the following sections: Statement of Purpose: Defines what is the pupose of this policy or why is that needed. Scope: Tells about policy’s applicability and area of coverage Policy Statement: Defines about what are the specifics of policy? Responsibilities: Describes about who must do what?

Audience: Describes about to whom the policy is oriented?
Enforcement: Describes about who is charged with enforcement of policy and what are the penalties for non-compliance Exception: Describes about condition under which they apply
Communicating Policy: Describes about who is responsible and what the process for disseminating policy is Review and Update Process: Under what condition is the policy reviewed Implementing the Policy: Who is responsible and how policy is accomplished Monitoring Compliance: How is monitoring accomplished?

1.7Strategies and techniques to implement information security policies When the security policy is all drawn up, revised, updated and agreed upon, the implementation process will follow. This is usually harder than the creation of the policy itself, due the fact that at this stage you also need to coach and educate your staff to behave in a "secure" manner, following each of the core elements pointed in the formal security policy (Danchev 2003). Access Control Lists: defines the access and privileges of every users to the available resources. Security Awareness program can be developed for the staffs to provide better understanding of security risk and potential security problems (Danchev 2003). Configuration Rules: Specific configuration codes that guides the execution of system what action to perform on each set of information being processed. (Whitman & Mattord 2007)

Security involve risk assessment, analysis of threat and forming organizational policy. Setting the policy and control is not enough, they even have to be effective. To make them effective proper auditing and monitoring must be done and apart from that need of company and business conditions changes from time to time. It is very essential that the level of security are maintained appropirately in an organisation.

2.Developing the Security Program

Prioritization of Security Functions for MetOcean Engineers Pty Ltd are done in the following manner (Whitman & Mattord 2007) (1)Planning: Planning by the executives need to have the priority because everything have to be done according to plan. If proper planning is done then it would be easy to manage things accordingly and hence assign security roles and responsibilities to each member. (2)Policy: Policy is a standard that provides guidelines for the members and staff of MetOcean Engineers Pty Ltd (MetOcean) to formulate planning and operation. Policies need to be set for the overall information security program and specific issues facing the consultancy. (3)Training: Education and training should be provided to the employees regularly by perfoming security awareness programs. (4)Legal assessment: It is important to review and perform legal assessment which is compatible with policies and procedures to ensure legal aspects. (5)Network Security Administration: Network security are ensured by technologies like firewalls, routers, wireless devices that are performed by the network administrator to protect network connectivity between computers, to protect shared information storage resources, to protect internet connectivity and e-mail capability (6)Vulnerability Assessment: Since lack of formal security policies in the network, there may be several threats to the information system of MetOcean Engineers Pty Ltd (MetOcean) that can exploit weakness of system .So vulnerability assessment should be performed that includes information assets and weak points. (7)Risk Assessment: After identifying the vulnerabilities which exist in the system, it is necessary to conduct risk assessment which is done either qualitatively or quantitatively to estimate the potential risk that occurs in MetOcean Engineers Pty Ltd (MetOcean) information system. (8)Risk Management: As soon as potential risks and their impacts on MetOcean are identified, it is important to conduct various risk controls to mitigate the potential risk so a proper risk management should be done that make recommendations to general improvements in the information security posture. (9)Measurement: After implementing various control measures in the existing system, it is necessary to calculate the residual risks and their impact to the academy. (10)Centralized authentication: It is necessary to centralize the authentication mechanism and granting privileges to access the networks in order to resolve different issues related with network system. (11)System Security Administration: Since monitoring and controlling of MetOcean Engineers Pty Ltd (MetOcean) has been achieved by risk management and assessment so configuration of system should be done by system administration. (12)Compliance: Since identified vulnerabilities are repaired by system administrator and network administrator, compliance should be done to ensure the performance of job done. (13)System testing: Software vulnerabilities are evaluated through installation of patches and system testing are done to assure compliance and system performance which is performed as a part of risk management and incident response. (14)Incident Response: MetOcean Engineers Pty Ltd (MetOcean) should have incident response plan and disaster recovery plan to protect sensitive and valuable information assets from unwanted and undesirable event that may occur for their business continuity.

3.Security Management Models and Practices

A security model is a generic blueprint offered by a service organisation (Whitman & Mattord 2007). Some of the security management models and practices are listed as follows:

It is an abbreviation for International Organisation for Standarization (ISO) and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). It is a propieitary document, anybody who want to adopt it needs to purchase the license. It is based on British standard Information Technology – Code of Practice for Information Security Management. It contains the recommended practices of control objectives and control in security policy, information security organisation, asset management, human resource security, physical and environmental security, communication and operation management, access control and complaince. Apart from that it lacks justification for code of practices, the necessary measurement of technical standards. Not useful as any other methods Not a complete framework and requires license to adopt.

B.NIST Security Model
oIt does not require cost.
oReviewed broadly by the government and the industry professionals oIt have got various publication, which can be the best reference and guide for routine mangement of information security. Disadvantages

oIt is a generalized model which makes it difficult to customize in order to meet the orgnaisational need. oIt is developed by US so it is may not be compatible to the organisations that are outside US.

C.RFC 2196
RFC 2196 is created by Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). Charcteristics of RFC 2196:
Provides functional discussion of security issues and overview of developement and implementation of security including five basic areas. It covers security policies, security technical architecture, secrity services and security incident handling. One of the drawback of RFC 2196 is that the organisations require license to purchase the standards which results the model to be costly.

Control Objectives for Information and related Technology (COBIT) provides advice about the implementation of security. Advantages
oIt is used as a planning tool for information security as well as control models oIt is an IT governance framework and supporting toolset that allows managers to bridge the gap between control requirements, technical issues and business risks oIt also helps the organization to increase the value attained form IT, and enables alignment. Disadvantages

oWork done in earlier version of COBIT is not validated
oA bit expensive to purchase standards

Committee if Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO) is a US private sector based model. It is process, effected by an entity;s board of directors, management and other personnesl, designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding the achievet of the objectives in effectiveness and efficiency of oerations; reliability of financial reporting; and complaince with applicable laws and regulations (Whitman & Mattord 2007). Five comonents of COSO are:

i.Control Environment
ii.Risk Assesment
iii.Control Activities
iv.Information and communication

Charcteristics of COSO
Major objective is to identify the factors that cause fraudulent financial reporting and to make recommendations to reduce its incidence Establishes a common definition of internal controls, standards and criteria against which organizations can access their control systems A framework to describe and analyse those internal control systems which are on IT systems that incorporate information security controls It only helps those organizations that are comply with critical regulations

4.List of References:

Danchev, D 2003, “Building and Implementing a Successful Information Security Policy”,, viewed on 15th January 2009,

Peltier, 2002, “Information security Policies, Procedures, and Standards”

RPS MetOcean, 2008 "Company Profile", viewed on 12 December 2008,

Whitman, ME & Mattord, HJ 2007, “Management of information security”, 2nd edn, Thomson Course Technology, Boston, Massachusetts

Weise, J, and Martin, CR, 2001, “Data Security Policy – Structure and Guidelines”, viewed on 19 Janurary 2009,

Wikipedia: Policy, updated 10th January 2009, viewed on 20th January 2009, <> 

University of Southern Queensland MKT5000

Zara Audit


Zara Marketing Audit
MBA-USQ 11: MKT5000
University of Applied Sciences Zurich (HWZ) Switzerland
Supervised by: Prof. Richard Beswick


MBA-USQ 11: MKT5000
Written Assignment I: Zara Marketing Audit, Anja Anastasja Keller, U1028905

Executive Summary
Zara is a publicly listed company and belongs to the Inditex Group, founded by Amancio Ortega in 1975 in Spain. Zara always continues to bring excitement to fashion and fulfils customer demand. Currently, Zara has 1,600 stores in 77 countries and continues to force its logistics system to complete stock rotation every 15 days. Zara needs only 14 days to develop a new product and delivery it to stores (industry average: six-month) and launches around 10’000 new designs each year. Furthermore, Zara disagreed to the industrial trend towards transferring fast fashion production to low-cost countries and has the most unusual strategy of zero advertising; the company preferred to invest a percentage of revenues in opening new stores instead. Zara is moving forward with its successful entry into the digital world and continues to expand and manage its online presence: over a million daily visits on web site and more than 14 million Facebook fans. The online expanding strategy in international key markets as the U.S. is one of the hot topics and in the face of H&M’s online arrival scheduled for 2012, and strengthening its presence in Asia, North America, Australia and South Africa.

The aim of this report will analyse the online strategy and particularly the online-shopping service.

Current Market Situation
Positioning and economic performance
The positioning of Zara brand in a competitive market aims diversification from the other competitors as H & M and GAP. Regarding Alexa Traffic Rank, present (i) 1,440 Global Rank, (ii) 341 Rank in Spain and (iii) 16,122 Sites Linking in. Under Alexa ‘Number of First Page Keywords for in Google’ Figures 2) Appendix III) its illustrate the last 12 months development, especially May and June 2012 dropped significantly up nearly 50% compare the April 2012.

The sales have increased significantly by 10% reaching 13,793 million euros and the increase in the turnover and the improvement in operating efficiency have made it possible to raise EBITDA by 10%, up to 3,258 million euros. Thus, the profitability of the Group continued to improve: the net profit raided by 12% and reached 1,932 million euros.

Target Market
Zara’s target customers are paying attention in high trends and want to have the latest fashion tends but cannot afford dresses from the haute couture boutiques. In consideration of the market, Zara provides the customers with a turnover period of 4 and 5 weeks for its “New Arrivals” collections. Customer Profiles

In order of Alexa audience report on on Figures 1) Appendix III) it shows the equal the main users age from 18-34, in addition, mostly female and half of them have children. The main visitors by countries of on Figures 3) Appendix III) are from Spain (11.2%), United States (10.6%), United Kingdom (8.1%), France (7.7%), Germany (6.6%), China (4.3%), Italy (4.3%), Poland (3.3%) and Japan (3.2%), which demonstrates a balanced demographical mix of customers around the world.

Zara Marketing Mix
Zara manufactures and sells products such as clothes, shoes, cosmetics and accessories for men, children and woman. Furthermore, Zara extended its collection with additional sizes (petit, tall). Price

Zara provides for people with lower income so its prices are very reasonable that everybody can afford that. Cost effectivity influences also the supply chain management, which requires a fast decision making process.

MBA-USQ 11: MKT5000
Written Assignment I: Zara Marketing Audit, Anja Anastasja Keller, U1028905 Place
Zara is present in about 30 countries at private locations. There are 600 commercial stores and Zara is selling its service trough out the world. High frequency in the flagship stores with high valuable interior designs; new openings in prestige locations (Pitt Street, Sydney; Burke Street, Melbourne; Taipei 101 building; Taiwan and in EU: Rathenauplatz, Frankfurt; George Street London, Van Baerlestraat, Amsterdam) are Zara’s target strategy.

Zara focuses less on advertisement based marketing, but more on internet online marketing opportunities as ECommerce strategy, social media and online shops. From the original focus on central European market, Zara expended its multi-channel strategy of stores and expansion in new markets such as Japan and the United States and extended online sales to Denmark, Norway, and Sweden, Monaco and Switzerland.

Competitors Analysis
Based on the Alexa Daily Traffic Rank Trend on Figures 1) Appendix IV), currently rank circa (c.r.c.) 900, is obviously the leader under the top ranked websites worldwide, followed by c.r.c. 1400 and c.r.c. 1600.

Regarding on Alexa Daily Reach (percent) on Figures 2) Appendix IV) the gap between and recued significantly and the estimated percentage of global internet users who visit (0.06%) and (0.07%) are nearly on the same level, and correspondents with Figures 3) Appendix IV) the estimated percentage of global pageviews.

A very interesting development on Figures 4) Appendix IV) shows the estimated daily time spent on the site (mm:ss). H&M daily time dropped down middle of July to 4:00 and jumped up middle of August to 8:00, it raises the question, what happened that users are spending 100% more time on H&M page? Compared to Zara, the users daily time of the last three months 6:37 as Gap users. The audience under the advanced demographics for Zara and its competitors shows under Figure 5) Appendix IV) a similar customer structure, age between 18-34; education between graduated school and some collage; dominated by females; browsing location by and school / work, by school and home; yearly income by and up to $60K, up to $100K+ and up to $30K.

Online-Shopping Service
Internal Investigation
Zara Online-Shops presents a moderate choice of fashion for women, mean and kids. The user can select his search criteria by quality, characteristics, colour, size and prize. Nevertheless under Figure 1) Appendix V) even though the functionality is given, the presentation of the collection does not correspond with the highfashion flagship stores of Zara, where Zara impresses by creative interior design and prestige location. Furthermore, by selecting a specific product, the detailed view on Figure 2) Appendix V) does not provide an outfit or accessories compensation.

The ordering process on Figure 3) Appendix V) does not show the delivery costs or time, only by adding details such as address, the order processes to the shipping stage on Figure 4) Appendix V), where you can select the shipping method. In consideration of an express delivery within 2-3 working days, the costs are 19 USD (17.95 CHF). It appears not to be a part of Zara cost-leadership strategy and by standard delivery the costs are still 8 USD (7.95 CHF) and requires 4-6 working days for delivery. In addition, the return policy under Figure 5) Appendix V) does not reflect the terms of condition easily and clear.

MBA-USQ 11: MKT5000
Written Assignment I: Zara Marketing Audit, Anja Anastasja Keller, U1028905 Competitor Comparison
H&M Online-Shop presents a multifunctional choice of fashion for women, mean and kids. The user can select his search criteria by quality, characteristics, colour, size and prize, furthermore H&M provide a dress room function under Figure 6) Appendix V) where you can create your own outfit and by selecting the model under figure 7) Appendix V). H&M clearly represents the ethical fairness of customers around the world. Beside of this H&M focuses close attention on details (coat open / close; colour selection) by additional outfit presentation Figure 8) Appendix V). The User can even create out of an autumn a winter outfit or adding additional articles such as sunglass. The item list which provides a clear overview of the total costs is present at all time on the left side of the page. Under Figure 10) - 16) Appendix V), it’s all about excitement and styles. Current campaigns can be easily tried in the dress room, moreover the background can be changed by fancy colours, last but not least, the shipment costs of USD 6 (GBP 3.90) and the delivery time of 4-6 working days provide a customer-friendly service.

GAP Online-Shop presents a multifunctional choice of fashion for women, mean, kids, maternity, babies and more, Figure 17), 21), 22), 23) and 24) Appendix V). The user can expend his search criteria by additional functions. GAP provides an outfit search under Figures 18), 19) Appendix V), which can be easily selected for purchase, Figure 20) Appendix V), compared to H&M where it’s only a dress room and not a purchase sector. The shipment costs of USD 7 and the delivery time of 2-5 working days appear customer-friendly as well, furthermore, by selecting 7-8 working days there would be no extra charge for delivery and by express delivery of only one working day the costs of USD 22 are acceptable. Zalando Online-Shop presents as well a multifunctional choice and outfit selection for women, mean, kids, babies and more, Figure 25), 26), and 27) Appendix V). There are no shipment costs under Figure 28) Appendix V), regardless of the purchase volume. For returned goods no shipment costs are charged. Compared with the other competitors a standard delivery time by Zalando of only one working day can be rated as first-class customer service.

PEST Analysis
Political Analysis
Zara as one of the best retail brands worldwide has various interactions with governmental policy for intervention in the economy and legal aspects in decision making processes. There are restrictions in different countries, which have to be considered before forcing a market entry. In addition the trade policy requires specific adjustments as for example in China there is a currency policy which causes imports to the countries to be significantly above market price or India who requires productions in the country. Economic Analysis

Global growth increased to 3.6 percent in the first quarter of 2012 and Global trade rebounds in parallels with industrial production in the first quarter 2012, which, in turn, benefited trade-oriented economies, notably Germany and those in Asia. (World Economic Outlook Update, July 2012) Zara’s expansion strategy in Asia correspond with the GDP accumulated growth Figure 2) Appendix I), however Zara should be aware of GST, Duties and Tariffs. They are based on the classification code of the goods, valuation and country of origin. The worldwide distribution audience channel under Figure 1), Appendix I) present a % composition of regional visitors to selected retail and auction sites. Amazon Sites attracted 35.4% of its audience from North America, while Europe contributed 31.8% of visitors and Asia Pacific accounted for 24.1%, on contrary where Wal-Mart attracted 83.4% of its audience from North America and with only contributed 8.9% from Europe and Otto Gruppe attracted 92.3% of its audience from Europe.

MBA-USQ 11: MKT5000
Written Assignment I: Zara Marketing Audit, Anja Anastasja Keller, U1028905

Social Analysis
Regarding the social media trend development it’s a must for Zara to establish a social media relationship to satisfy customer’s demands due to change in generation choices. It’s one of Zara’s strength to provide direct social contact to the customers as per Newsletter, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Youtube, Flickr, Web mobile or a customer account. Furthermore, Zara social engagement for social-human rights and social-society dimension are performance indicator in the INDITEX annual report. Technological Analysis

Zara’s IT strategy has to consider the complexity and requirements regarding of the organic growth strategy to reduce costs and improve quality. The consumers can benefit from these developments as well as the organisation itself by providing the efficient source of technology service. Furthermore, Zara should establish an E-Commerce strategy to expand not only on existing markets, moreover on new markets with online shopping opportunities.

SWOT Analysis
The SWOT details analysis on Figure 3) Appendix I) present on the TOWS analysis on Table 1) the key internal strengths, weaknesses and the key external opportunities and threats.

TOWS Analysis

1) Table of TOWS Analysis of Zara

MBA-USQ 11: MKT5000
Written Assignment I: Zara Marketing Audit, Anja Anastasja Keller, U1028905

Conclusion of the audit
Even tough Zara is focussing on new opening flagship stores at prestige locations around the world and providing high-fashionable new products every 4-5 weeks Zara should consider that there are potential new customers worldwide who do not visit Zara locally, because of time-efficiency Zara is not the first choice (other priorities in free time as local shopping), location wise not possible (too fare away from a local store) or because organizational wise to complicate, like a young mother, who has to handle her career, children and family in the same time.

Even though Zara’s online shops feature all major functions it does not correspond with Zara’s local presentation (prestige image), even more a bit disappointing, especially compared with H&M’s creative way to convey fashion online with the dress room function, moreover, by saving outfits or share on facebook, twitter, send a link or e-mail.

Recommendation objectives and proposed strategy
Due to the fact that of online expenditure in sales not only increases the economical profit, it boosts the online ranking worldwide and creates an added value on the brand. It’s highly recommended to build a customer friendly online shopping opportunity based on Appendix II) Customer Experience. By taking into account of customer friendly shop presentation among creative features, fair delivery condition with an easy return process.


Alexa - The Web Information Company (online analysis)


Annual Report 2011 Inditex


Best Retail Brands 2012 -


Ecommerce (2010). Web strategist and Project Manager. Retrieved May, 10, from


Global Audience Analysis for Top Retail Sites


Harward Business School 2011, Customer Loyalty Programs That Work, viewed 13 August 2012,


PESTEL Analysis of the macro-environment. (2010). Foundation of Economics – Business Strategy. Retrieved May 5, from


Online Shopping Customer Experience Study omer_Experience_Study


SWOT Analyasis. (2010). Strategic Management – Swot Analysis. Retrieved May 20, from


Wikipedia website Zara


Wikipedia list of countries by real GDP growth rate


World Economic Outlook Update June 2012


Zara website

MBA-USQ 11: MKT5000
Written Assignment I: Zara Marketing Audit, Anja Anastasja Keller, U1028905

Appendix I)

MBA-USQ 11: MKT5000
Written Assignment I: Zara Marketing Audit, Anja Anastasja Keller, U1028905

Appendix I) Global Audience in Online Shopping

Comscoredatamine, August 2012. (Report outline)
Global Audience Analysis for Top Retail Sites

A recent comScore report analyzed some of the largest global retail and auction sites with a specific look at how these sites are penetrating various geographic regions. Among destinations included in the study, Amazon Sites and Worldwide Sites showed more globally distributed audiences compared to most other brands in the study. Amazon Sites attracted 35.4% of its audience from North America, while Europe contributed 31.8% of visitors and Asia Pacific accounted for 24.1%. Similarly, Worldwide Sites attracted 32.0% of its visitors from North America, while Europe contributed 29.6% of visitors and Asia Pacific accounted for 24.9%. On the other hand, China’s Corporation (85.7% and Japan’s Rakuten, Inc. (72.7%) reach sourced the vast majority of their traffic from the Asia Pacific region. Of the 10 selected sites, MercadoLibre showed the strongest concentration of visitors from a single region with 93.3% of its audience from Latin America, where it ranked as the top retail player in the region. For the full study, please visit the comScore website.

Figures 1) Appendix I)

MBA-USQ 11: MKT5000
Written Assignment I: Zara Marketing Audit, Anja Anastasja Keller, U1028905

Global GBP accumulated 1990-1998, 1990-2006

Figures 2) Appendix I)

Zara SWOT Analysis

Figures 3) Appendix I)

MBA-USQ 11: MKT5000
Written Assignment I: Zara Marketing Audit, Anja Anastasja Keller, U1028905

Appendix II)

MBA-USQ 11: MKT5000
Written Assignment I: Zara Marketing Audit, Anja Anastasja Keller, U1028905

Appendix II) Customer Experience in Online Shopping

comSCORE, May 2012. (Report outline)
Introducing the Online Shopping Customer Experience Study
The Online Shopping Customer Experience Study provides insights into consumers’ online shopping behaviors and preferences. Other online shopping surveys have focused on purchase or web usability, but this particular survey bridges that gap with a view of perceptions on customer experience from pre-purchase through post-delivery. This study also provides a clear picture of which shipping and post-purchase services enhance customer experience. Topics included are:

What are the most/least important aspects of past online shopping experiences? What leads a site user to return to or recommend a site? What is important to consumers during the check-out process? What shipping services and options do consumers find most valuable? How important is tracking and what delivery services are preferred? What are consumers’ returns experiences and what aspects are important in a returns process? How do all of the services offered during and after the online purchasing experience impact the overall impression of that online retailer?

The study analyzes the data from a comScore survey of more than 3,100 U.S. online shoppers conducted in February 2012. All shoppers surveyed had to meet the criteria of making at least two online purchases in a typical 3-month period. Additionally, an online focus group was held on January 12, 2012. Participants met in a virtual online forum where they were asked about a series of topics related to online shopping and logistics, including shipping and returns. This forum allowed participants to respond to online discussion questions as well as other participants’ comments throughout the course of the focus group. This report will provide retailers with the necessary insights into what steps they must take to satisfy their customers, thereby increasing customer loyalty as well as the lifetime value of customers. Key Findings

While online shoppers are generally very satisfied, there is room to improve their satisfaction related to shipping and returns. While free shipping is a great motivator, drawing shoppers back to sites to make repeat purchases and causing shoppers to recommend an online retailer, consumers are willing to pay a nominal fee for getting their product faster. When comparison shopping, consumers take product price and shipping charges almost equally into consideration.

There are several other things that retailers can do to improve the experience for their online shoppers. The first is to communicate the expected delivery date of the order; customers are willing to wait for their orders but want to know just how long that might be. Timely arrival of shipments encourages shoppers to recommend an online retailer. Consumers also like having tracking updates and delivery notifications to understand when their package is arriving. Online shoppers want flexibility in their shipping, particularly the ability to give special delivery instructions or schedule a delivery time or select an alternate delivery location. Online shoppers that have made returns prefer to have a preprinted return label in their original package or access to an easy-to-print label. Having to pay for return shipping negatively impacts the overall returns experience. A lenient and clear returns policy is likely to lead to recommendations and repeat business from online shoppers, while reducing shopping cart abandonment.

MBA-USQ 11: MKT5000
Written Assignment I: Zara Marketing Audit, Anja Anastasja Keller, U1028905

Online Shopping Industry Snapshot

Total U.S. Internet Population –
Purchasers of Shippable Goods

About 75 million people, or one-third of the total Internet
population, buy goods online to be shipped to them over
the course of a quarter. Of those, about one-third make 1
transaction and half make 1-2 transactions. About a quarter
make 3-5 purchases, and the other quarter make 6 or more.

Percentage of Total e-Commerce Dollars Spent via
Mobile or Tablet Device

Figures 1) Appendix II)

Mobile and tablet e-commerce has exploded in the
past year. At the end of 2010, mobile e-commerce was
3% of total e-commerce. Just a year later, mobile ecommerce was 9% of e-commerce. Retailers must move quickly to adopt these new platforms to meet
the evolving expectations of savvy consumers.
Figures 2) Appendix II)

Online Shopping Experience and Satisfaction
Consumer satisfaction with online shopping overall is high, at 86%. Online shoppers are most satisfied with ease of check-out (83%), variety of brands/products (82%), and online tracking ability (79%). Online shoppers are least satisfied with flexibility of shipping, including flexibility to choose delivery date (58%) and re-route packages (57%), and the ease of making returns and exchanges (65%). In addition to ease of making returns and exchanges, there is also 

CIS 3008 information technology service management
Figures 3) Appendix II)

MBA-USQ 11: MKT5000
Written Assignment I: Zara Marketing Audit, Anja Anastasja Keller, U1028905

Quadrant Analysis

Figures 4) Appendix II)

Aspects Shoppers Want to See Improved by Retailer

Figures 5) Appendix II)

Discounts/Specials That Bring Customers Back to Retailer

Figures 6) Appendix II)

MBA-USQ 11: MKT5000
Written Assignment I: Zara Marketing Audit, Anja Anastasja Keller, U1028905

Factors Taken into Consideration
When Comparison Shopping

Figures 7) Appendix II)

Recommendation of Online Retailers – Top 4 Factors –

Figures 8) Appendix II)

Reasons for Abandoning Shopping Cart

Figures 9) Appendix II)

MBA-USQ 11: MKT5000
Written Assignment I: Zara Marketing Audit, Anja Anastasja Keller, U1028905

Important Information/Options at Check-out

Figures 10) Appendix II)

Days Willing to Wait for Most Purchases

Figures 11) Appendix II)

Estimated Delivery Time Provided
(of those who abandoned their cart due to delivery date)

Figures 12) Appendix II)

MBA-USQ 11: MKT5000
Written Assignment I: Zara Marketing Audit, Anja Anastasja Keller, U1028905

Shipping Options Expected

Most Important Shipment Tracking Service

Figures 13) Appendix II)
Figures 14) Appendix II)

Shipping Option Actually Chosen Most

"Giving me tracking information for my packages is
an important service every retailer should offer"

Figures 15) Appendix II)

Figures 16) Appendix II)

Most Convenient Services While Waiting for Delivery
Average # of Chips Allocated out of 100

Figures 17) Appendix II)

MBA-USQ 11: MKT5000
Written Assignment I: Zara Marketing Audit, Anja Anastasja Keller, U1028905

Factors Enhancing Purchasing Experience for Valuable/Important Purchases Average # of Chips Allocated out of 100

Figures 18) Appendix II)

Most Preferred Flexible Shipping Service
– Ranked #1 or #2 –

Figures 19) Appendix II)

Look for an Online Retailer's Return Policy ...

Figures 20) Appendix II)

MBA-USQ 11: MKT5000
Written Assignment I: Zara Marketing Audit, Anja Anastasja Keller, U1028905

If an Online Retailer Offers a Lenient, Easy-toUnderstand Returns Policy, I Will …

Elements of the Best Returns Experience

Figures 21) Appendix II)
Figures 22) Appendix II)

Issues Faced in Previous Returns Experience

Figures 23) Appendix II)

While free and discounted shipping is a big story, there is more to online shopping and the customer experience. In fact, many shoppers are willing to pay a nominal fee to receive the product faster if given the option. Shipping and delivery timing is important during check-out – it’s all about communication! To reduce shopping cart abandonment, retailers should show the shipping costs, present how much more should be purchased to get free shipping, and give consumers the option of shipping time frames. Customers are willing to wait for their packages, but need to know what is happening – they want estimated delivery time clearly stated and they want e-mail or text alerts about their delivery. Also important to the customer is the feeling of control. Options such as “special delivery instructions,” the ability to schedule a late delivery, or having a delivery window give the consumers the control they need to better their shipping experience.

Finally, good experiences with returning items leads to repeat customers and recommendations for the retailer. Good returns experiences are marked by ease for the consumer, while the bad experiences highlight hassles and the extra cost required.

MBA-USQ 11: MKT5000
Written Assignment I: Zara Marketing Audit, Anja Anastasja Keller, U1028905

Appendix III)

MBA-USQ 11: MKT5000
Written Assignment I: Zara Marketing Audit, Anja Anastasja Keller, U1028905

Appendix III) Customer Analytical Research of

Alexa, August 2012. (online research outline)

Figures 1) Appendix III)

Figures 2) Appendix III)

MBA-USQ 11: MKT5000
Written Assignment I: Zara Marketing Audit, Anja Anastasja Keller, U1028905

Figures 3) Appendix III)

MBA-USQ 11: MKT5000
Written Assignment I: Zara Marketing Audit, Anja Anastasja Keller, U1028905

Appendix IV)

MBA-USQ 11: MKT5000
Written Assignment I: Zara Marketing Audit, Anja Anastasja Keller, U1028905 Appendix IV) Competitors Analytical Research of

Alexa, August 2012. (online research outline)
Figures 1) Appendix IV) :

Figures 2) Appendix IV) :

Figures 3) Appendix IV) :

Figures 4) Appendix IV) :

MBA-USQ 11: MKT5000
Written Assignment I: Zara Marketing Audit, Anja Anastasja Keller, U1028905

Advanced Demographics for - Audience breakdown by category. Figures 5) Appendix IV) :

MBA-USQ 11: MKT5000
Written Assignment I: Zara Marketing Audit, Anja Anastasja Keller, U1028905

Appendix V)

MBA-USQ 11: MKT5000
Written Assignment I: Zara Marketing Audit, Anja Anastasja Keller, U1028905

Appendix V) Zara Online-Shop Comparison

Zara Online-Shop, August 2012. (outfit research)

Figures 1) Appendix V)

Figures 3) Appendix V

Figures 5) Appendix V

Figures 2) Appendix V)

Figures 4) Appendix V

MBA-USQ 11: MKT5000
Written Assignment I: Zara Marketing Audit, Anja Anastasja Keller, U1028905

H&M Online-Shop, August 2012. (outfit research)

Figures 6) Appendix V

Figures 7) Appendix V

Figures 8) Appendix V

Figures 9) Appendix V

MBA-USQ 11: MKT5000
Written Assignment I: Zara Marketing Audit, Anja Anastasja Keller, U1028905

Figures 10) Appendix V

Figures 13) Appendix V

Figures 15) Appendix V

Figures 11) Appendix V

Figures 12) Appendix V

Figures 14) Appendix V

Figures 16) Appendix V

MBA-USQ 11: MKT5000
Written Assignment I: Zara Marketing Audit, Anja Anastasja Keller, U1028905

GAP Online-Shop, August 2012. (outfit research)

Figures 17) Appendix V

Figures 19) Appendix V

Figures 21) Appendix V

Figures 23) Appendix V

Figures 18) Appendix V

Figures 20) Appendix V

Figures 22) Appendix V

Figures 24) Appendix V

MBA-USQ 11: MKT5000
Written Assignment I: Zara Marketing Audit, Anja Anastasja Keller, U1028905

ZALANDO Online-Shop, August 2012. (outfit research)

Figures 25) Appendix V

Figures 26) Appendix V

Figures 28) Appendix V

Figures 27) Appendix V


University of Southern Queensland

A Study on Student and Staff Awareness, Acceptance and Usage of E-Books at Two Queensland Universities


Martin Borchert, Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia Alison Hunter, University of Southern Queensland, Toowoomba, Australia Debby Macdonald, Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia Clare Tittel, University of Southern Queensland, Toowoomba, Australia

Page 1

Abstract Aims Previous research on e-books has generally focused on business models and content delivery. This investigation, sponsored by the Queensland University Librarians Office of Cooperation (QULOC) aims to verify the quantitative and qualitative aspects of client awareness (or non-awareness), acceptance (or nonacceptance), usage levels (or non-use) and usage patterns of electronic books amongst students and staff at selected local universities. Results will inform library marketing, information literacy and collection development priorities. Methods Griffith University and University of Southern Queensland developed and made available online surveys via the institutions’ library web sites and catalogues. Print versions of the survey were also distributed in libraries. Various e-book publishers were approached to provide deep log usage statistics. Responses to multiple choice and textual responses were quantitatively and qualitatively analysed. Results Over 2,200 students and staff responded and survey responses indicated a high level of awareness of ebooks amongst both staff and students, but relatively low usage, with the library catalogue being the major access point. Both students and staff generally liked ebooks and many had used ebooks in their subject area, but not within the context of resources for courses. Most preferred the library to purchase books in both print and electronic format with 24x7 access and ebook database searching being the most popular reasons for liking ebooks, while difficulty in reading from the screen for extended periods of time was the main reason for disliking ebooks. Few would read an entire ebook on the screen. Printing before reading was common. Usage log statistics from sample publishers were used to verify findings. Conclusion Results are discussed in the context of the available literature. Responses can be used in collection development to ensure ebooks are appropriately considered within collection development strategies and that ebooks are well received and used by clients.

Page 2

1. Introduction After a lengthy and perhaps cautious start, publishers are bringing a greater number of electronic books (ebooks) to the information market via an ever-widening range of business and technical models. University libraries in Australia have been purchasing ebooks for a considerable time and are now purchasing more ebooks than ever before. The Information Resources and Access Working Party of Queensland University Libraries Office of Cooperation (QULOC, 2008) in 2007 discussed the need for further information to inform collection development and acquisition of ebooks to ensure they meet clients’ needs. Working party members concluded that such information would be important before their institutions invested greater funds in the purchase of ebooks. Few existing studies, all non-Australian, had been found to focus on end-user perceptions of ebooks which could inform collection development planning activities. In response to this, QULOC funded a small local study on user perceptions of ebooks. Two Queensland universities undertook the study: • Griffith University (Griffith) which is a large multi-campus metropolitan university in Brisbane and the Gold Coast with about 30,000 full time equivalent (fte) students/staff and University of Southern Queensland (USQ), a regional multi-campus university based in Toowoomba with about 13,000 fte students/staff and a high percentage of students enrolled in the off-campus mode.

Both university libraries have been making ebook services available in significant numbers and from multiple sources for about 5 years. 2. Aims of the survey The survey aimed to verify quantitative and qualitative aspects of client awareness (or non-awareness), acceptance (or non-acceptance), usage levels (or non-usage) and usage patterns of electronic books amongst students and staff at the two Queensland universities. The results of the survey will be used to plan resource development policies and funding allocations for the purchase of ebooks which reflect the requirements and expectations of the respective university communities. Information gained will be shared amongst QULOC institutions and with the broader library community. 3. Literature Review In early 2007 when the ideas for this project were being developed, there already existed a large number of studies on ebooks, but these tended to focus on the content, technology platforms, business models and drivers, how many and what ebooks particular libraries had purchased, and to a lesser extent, what publisher-

Page 3

derived usage statistics had been recorded. Relatively few studies had focused on the customer side of awareness, acceptance or reasons for use of ebooks. Chu (2003) was one of the first to seek feedback from library users on ebooks and surveyed just 27 non-randomly selected library science students in 2002. Only one third of these students had ever used ebooks. Reasons for using ebooks included availability around the clock and searchability. The main reasons for not using ebooks included “lack of thought or exposure” to ebooks, need for special hardware, and difficulty in reading on a screen. Levin-Clark (2006) conducted a survey of library users at the University of Denver’s Penrose Library to determine their degree of awareness of ebooks, how and why they used them, and their level of satisfaction. It was found that half of library users used ebooks, albeit only occasionally, and liked the online convenience and searchability, but preferred to read only small portions of ebooks. An increasing number of studies then became available from 2007. Walton (2007) found that at Southwest Baptist University, clients spoke of a perceived increase in learning difficulty when using ebooks. Ebooks were less used than were print books, either to conduct research or study from textbooks, or for leisure reading. Advantages of ebooks included the digital format, portability, searchability and scalability while disadvantages included ebooks being hard on the eyes and not easy to read. The use of ebooks was found not yet to be mainstreamed and to be supplemental to print books. Connoway (2007) in an Academic Research Libraries study of only 20 respondents found that 25% preferred to read online, 45% would buy an ebook, 70% would lease an ebook and 75% claim to read ebooks online, while 28% would read between 4 pages and a chapter online. JISC (2007) commenced the National eBooks Observatory Project to assess impacts, observe behaviours and develop new models to stimulate the ebooks market by licensing a collection of ebooks. It aimed to achieve a high participation rate by making them freely available over a range of technology platforms, in order for publishers’ deep log statistics and observational analysis to be used. A report of findings from the first, benchmark user survey was published in 2008 and found student dissatisfaction with the low availability of print textbooks in the library to be a primary motivator for using ebooks. Some 60% of students were already using ebooks, although fewer than 5% of students had purchased their own copy. Interestingly, over 50% of ebook users of all ages reported that they read from the screen; but 35% of readers spent less than 10 minutes reading on screen in a session. Some 62% of respondents said they had used ebooks. Carlock and Perry (2007) held a focus group of only 6 participants at Arizona State University and found that ebook users had generally unsatisfactory experiences with ebooks, citing unreliability, lack of usability, and the need for a steep learning curve to use multiple interfaces. eBrary, a major ebook publisher, ran the Global eBook Survey in 2008, with respondents from over 2,100 colleges and universities worldwide. Some of the results more pertinent to this study include: over half of the respondents described their awareness of electronic library resources as good or excellent; half of the Page 4

respondents knew their library had ebooks; but more than half had never used them, primarily because they don’t know where to find them, or they preferred to read print books. While Google was the most popular online resource, print books were considered the most trust-worthy for research and class assignments. A list of features including searching, anytime off-campus access, multi user, downloading, copying and pasting, printing, zooming, highlighting, automatic citations, emailing, annotating, book reviews, multimedia, note taking and more, were all considered important. Rowlands et al (2007) distributed an email survey to staff and students of the University College London and received over 1,800 responses. It was found that 44% of responders had used ebooks and that age was a good predictor of usage, with under-35s using ebooks more heavily, and interestingly, users preferring to read from the screen than from paper. Reading lists, library catalogues, personal recommendations and Google were the most commonly used ebook discovery tools. The University College London (2007) then also began the SuperBook project, with results due in late 2008 prior to the writing of this study. It is interesting that there appears to be as yet no theoretical framework in the literature to inform or summarise analysis. The authors have attempted in section 6 to begin that analysis. It is clear from the proliferation of recent papers that others have had similar ideas at about the same time as did the QULOC Information Resources and Access Working Party. This study appears, however, to be the first Australian work. 4. Methods A questionnaire survey was designed by Martin Borchert and Clare Tittel. Griffith and USQ liaised and shared the tools with QULOC IRA Working Party members so the survey questions met the needs of all member institutions. The student and staff survey instruments for Griffith are provided as Appendix 1 and 2 respectively. The same survey tools were used for USQ, except for minor differences reflecting the names of academic areas and existing ebook services used. The survey was conducted over three weeks at USQ and four weeks for Griffith, from the end of March 2008 to mid April 2008, as an online survey and supported with printed questionnaires. The survey consisted of separate instruments for students and staff with a few questions specific to the staff survey. The following instruments were used: • • • The online survey was made available via a link on each institution’s library homepage and administered through the software Survey Methods (2008). A library blog post promoted the survey on the USQ Library website, notification was placed on the university’s secure portal, a global email was sent to all university staff, and articles featured in each University’s newsletter. Printed questionnaires were variously distributed to students in the refectories and in campus libraries and were distributed to staff mail boxes.

As the response figures on the online survey were already quite high after only a few days, the distribution of printed survey questionnaires was discontinued at USQ after a week and at Griffith after two weeks. The responses from the printed Page 5

questionnaires were later transferred to the online survey to take advantage of the analytical tools available through the survey software used. Survey results were collated by each institution separately to ascertain institutional differences as a result of academic, student and collection profiles, and were also combined. 5. Results The response rate was quite high. A total of 2,084 responses were received and 1,732 students and 352 staff completed the survey. From the student responses received, (894 from Griffith, 838 from USQ), 67% of respondents are female. The average age range of students at both institutions is 20-29 years. Across the two institutions, 77% of students were undergraduates, 18% postgraduate coursework and 5% were postgraduate research. There was a good range of responses from students across all faculties. The highest response rate for Griffith was 27% from the Arts & Humanities area, followed by Business (25%) and Health (25%). For USQ, it was from Business (28%), followed by Education (27% and Science (18%) (Appendix 3). About 177 or 50% of the 352 responses from staff were from general staff. The high proportion of responses from this group was unexpected. These responses were from faculty administration, learning and teaching and library. As academic staff select and recommend resources for students to use, only their responses have been included. Of the total academic staff responses received, 63% were female and 37% male. The average age range was 40-49 years at Griffith and 40-59 years at USQ. The highest response rate by faculty for Griffith academic staff was from Arts & Humanities (17%) followed by Health(14% and Business (9%). For USQ it was from the Faculty of Sciences (23%), then Education (23%) and Business (21%) (Appendix 4). Ninety-three percent of students at Griffith and 54% of students at USQ indicated they study in on-campus mode. About 7% of Griffith students study in external mode and 4% via web mode. These figures are much higher at USQ, with 48% and 10% of students indicating they study via off-campus or web-mode (Appendices 3). The response rate of on- and off- campus respondents is representative for each institution, with USQ having a higher proportion of off campus enrolments and a slightly older age profile than Griffith. Eighty-nine percent of responding academics are involved in teaching on campus students, 47% in teaching off campus students and 23% via web mode. A much higher proportion of USQ academics (83%) than Griffith (37%) is involved with teaching off campus students. 5.1 Awareness We asked a series of questions about awareness of ebooks. Awareness levels of the ebook format amongst students and staff was very high with over 80% and 90% positive responses. Awareness that their universities are providing ebooks was also high with responses over 70% for students and 80% for staff. However, the proportion of students who were unsure (12%) about what is an ebook provides grounds for some caution in interpreting the results (Appendix 5). Page 6

For 42% of students the primary source for identifying/locating ebooks is the library catalogue and for 25% of students it is a web search engine. Eighteen percent of students find out about ebooks through course resources. 53% of staff respondents find ebooks through the library catalogue, 23% from library staff, 10% through the library website and 19% through web search engines like Google. It is heartening that 18% of responses are for course resources, given the generally low proportion of ebooks that are currently linked in courses (Appendix 6). Staff are far more focussed: they use Library resources more than students do, and the effect of Faculty Librarian advice and training is also very evident. It could be a generational effect that they located ebooks first through the catalogue, but also a consequence of a need for more specific searching. Both students and staff generally liked ebooks and many had used ebooks in their subject area, although not necessarily within the context of course resources (see Appendix 9). 5.2 Usage Nineteen percent of students strongly agree and 41% agree that they like ebooks (Appendix 7). There is a strong base of 60% of student respondents who are appreciative of the ebook format. Twelve percent of staff strongly agree and 33% agree that they like ebooks. At USQ 55% of staff respondents said that they liked ebooks, while the Griffith figure was 32%. This inter-university difference is striking, for which the reasons are suggested in further discussion. Nineteen percent (28% staff) have used ebooks often, while forty-five percent of students and 48% of staff have used ebooks a couple of times. However, fifteen percent of students and 8% of staff have used an ebook only once and 20% (17% staff) have never used an ebook (Appendix 8). This proportion of use is still not high compared with the well known heavy use of e-journals and databases, but is close to usage in the JISC survey and higher than surveys reported by Levin-Clark (2006),Rowlands et al (2007) and eBrary (2007). Influential factors require additional investigation and may include awareness, total numbers of ebooks, numbers of relevant ebooks and the extent of embedding of links into course materials. Sixty-one percent of students say they have used an ebook in their subject area, while 27% have not and 13% have never searched for an ebook in their subject area. This means 40% of student respondents have not made any use of ebooks provided by their university library in the context of their studies (Appendix 9). Appendix 10 shows that 70% of education students have used an ebook in their subject area, 76% in arts and IT, 62% in business, 55% in health, 52% in science, 50% in engineering and the lowest was 45% of law students. Fifty-eight percent of responding staff have used an ebook in their subject area, whilst 32% have not. The high percentage of academics saying that they have used an ebook in their subject area is higher than expected considering that the number of ebooks at each university is still relatively limited when compared with other electronic resources. Griffith and USQ have been acquiring ebooks for a Page 7

relatively short period of time (5 years), which will have an impact on usage and awareness. Eighteen percent of academic staff have gone to the next level, and used ebooks(s) in their course material, although 82% have not (see Appendix 11a). At USQ 27% of academic staff indicated that they are using ebooks in their course materials, as opposed to Griffith academic staff, of which 15% indicated this. Surprisingly the Arts & Humanities are standing out with 50% of USQ respondents from that faculty integrating ebooks in their course material. This is by far the highest usage of any faculty; the lowest being Information Technology (see Appendix 11b) Griffith’s IT ebooks similarly were not integrated into course materials (see Appendix 11c). One reason for the rather low usage of ebooks in course material could be lack of available and suitable materials. Other reasons could include reluctance to update course materials, copyright concerns, uncertainty of continued access to annually subscribed material and lack of awareness of a parallel e-format for previously selected print-format titles. The under-representation of this format in course material needs further investigation, and also promotional effort, particularly since 51% of academics at USQ agree that ebooks are suitable for the courses they teach (Appendix 12). When asked in which format they would prefer the library purchased resources, the majority of students and staff alike were strongly opposed to the library buying only ebooks. At the same time, the greater majority of both groups supported the library continuing to buy ebooks. This is also underlined by the high minority of USQ academic respondents saying that they find ebooks suitable for the courses they teach and for their own research. Griffith staff are less engaged (Appendix 12). Why is the ebook format is liked or even preferred to the print format? The responses indicate that users are well aware of the specific advantages and characteristics of this format (Appendix 13). The most liked feature of ebooks is the 24x7 access from home or office. This was consistent across institutions and respondent type. Library users are becoming increasingly time-independent learners and assume instant accessibility. The next most important feature for staff and students is searching functionality that enables users to search across a whole ebook or to search across a complete collection of ebooks. This gives an ebook a functional advantage over the print book with its dependence on indexes and tables of contents for searching. The advantage of not needing to physically borrow that is clearly favoured by students probably reflects both the off-campus means of student access, but perhaps also could reflect frustration with existing loan conditions. Online referencing and copying and pasting were other reasons why ebooks are liked. The main reasons selected by students why ebooks are disliked included difficulty in reading from the screen (48%), cost of printing pages (44%), slow downloads (38%) and online access problems (38%) (Appendix 14). Access problems and slow downloads though still important are not ranking as highly as a reason for dislike, which may well indicate / confirm increasing stability of technical infrastructure and ebook services. The main dislike factors for academics were difficulty in reading from the screen (63%), slow downloads (47%), cost of printing pages (43%) and online access problems (41%). Is age-related eye strain a factor, or is it a cultural issue? We suspect the latter but this requires more investigation. Do academics have slower equipment/network access? Or download larger files? Page 8

Or are they less tolerant of speed barriers? From these results it is clear that the most serious barrier to the acceptance of ebooks is the dislike of reading from the computer screen. This is in agreement with some previous studies, but not all. 5.3 Usage patterns Students and staff approach the ebook format with a view to extracting particular information. Twenty-seven percent of student respondents (35% staff) prefer to read excerpts and 33% (26% staff) prefer to read a chapter, whilst only 7% of students and 6% of staff respondents said they would read an entire ebook online (Appendix 15). Forty-eight percent of students and 43% of staff would read an ebook online whilst 51% of students and 57% of staff would prefer to print and read from the printed copy. Forty-nine percent of students and 38% of staff respondents would read an entire book on the screen, and 51% of students and 62% of staff said they would print an entire ebook and read from the printed copy (Appendix 16). However, log statistics from the ebook services contradict this pattern of usage. There is a much smaller percentage of pages printed than viewed, so it is more likely that only a very small percentage of users would read an entire ebook, much less print the entire work, even if copyright laws or publishers permitted this. Forty percent of student and 38% of staff respondents indicate that they can spend 30 minutes reading from the screen, 21% of students and 31% of staff can spend 10 minutes reading from the screen, 21% of students and 15% of staff one hour. 13% of students and 10% of staff would spend two and more hours reading from the screen (see Appendix 17). Log statistics from USQ of the ebook provider Books24x7 show that 47% or the biggest group of users are spending up to 30 minutes in this service per session and more users are spending up to 2 hours or even longer in the service that they reported. Over a period of eight months,1,180 USQ users logged into Books24X7. Fifty percent of users had only 1 session during this time; 22% of users had 2 to 3 sessions; 14% had 4 to 9 sessions and 11% had over 10 sessions. This means that 50% of users log in only once, and are then not returning. The reasons for this require further investigation. Twenty-five percent of users are repeat customers for which ebooks appear to be meeting a significant need. The combination of time spent and number of pages viewed for this group also provides useful information. Twenty percent of users spent 0 to 1 minute in the service. Forty-seven percent spent 2 to 30 minutes per session. Eleven percent of users spent up to 1 hour, 6% up to 2 hours and 14% spent over two hours per session logged into Books24x7. 32% of users were not opening any documents or were viewing only one page. These comprised 8% of all sessions. Twenty-five percent of users were viewing 2 to 10 pages and these comprised 9% of all sessions. 30% of users were viewing up to 100 pages and these comprised 30% of all sessions. Ten percent of users were viewing more than 100 pages, comprising 20% of all sessions.

Page 9

Almost a third of the users who use the service are not receiving any results. These could be first-time or casual users, or even students in a class being shown ebooks for the first time. Log data shows that these users typically do not return. There is also a group of users (almost a third) who do not spend a great deal of time searching, but are retrieving results. The final third of users are frequent and therefore experienced users, who are getting sufficiently good results to return and could be considered satisfied customers. The log statistics from the “eBrary” service over a one year period show that on average 12 pages were viewed per session, 0.4 pages per session were copied and 1.5 pages per session were printed. The overall number of pages viewed by session is quite comparable with the statistics from Books24x7. Unfortunately data about the number of pages printed or copied was not available from the latter service. (Log statistics are available in Appendix 18). 5.4 Services used Finally, we sought to identify particular ebook services which respondents had used. The services listed were those which the libraries make available but also included ProQuest and Ebsco, which are heavily used platforms for various ejournal databases though not specifically ebook platforms (Appendices 19 and 20). All ebook services listed had been used, but clearly at both universities the generalist services with large suites of content were most recognised and used (Books@OVID, EBL, eBrary, Informit). At USQ, 52% of academics selected eBrary and 46% Ebsco. Surprisingly, 23% of academic respondents also selected ScienceDirect ebooks and 21% recognised Wiley Interscience, though USQ has only a very small number of ebook titles in these services. eBrary emerged as USQ’s favourite ebook service which is confirmed by its usage statistics. The wider range of ebook services available at Griffith is a reflection of the more diverse subject areas taught and researched at the larger institution. Griffith has had 55,000 plus EBL ebook titles available via its library catalogue since early 2007 and the high recognition of EBL is recognition of this. The ProQuest name is very well known for ejournals and that factor will have mitigated the lack of ebooks through that service. The high selection of EBSCO (USQ) and ProQuest (Griffith) suggests some confusion between ebooks and e-journals/databases. Finally students and staff were able to offer their opinion/comments on ebooks in general. Overall the comments were positive and representative examples are found in Appendices 21 and 22.

Page 10

6. Discussion 6.1 Awareness The level of awareness of ebooks and of their availability in the respective university libraries amongst students and academic staff, is unexpectedly high regardless of subject, mode of teaching, gender and age. This contrasts with the Chu (2003) study. The perceived awareness level is in agreement with more recent studies (Rowlands, 2007; and eBrary, 2008). We suggest that general awareness of ebooks has substantially increased since then, both as the result of the general increase in electronic resource use since then but also as the result of the greatly increased content now available in ebook format. Major factors for creating awareness about the availability of ebooks are access through the library catalogue for both students and staff; and for academics, promotion through library staff. Continuing improvement in awareness amongst academic staff will depend particularly significantly on the advocacy and activities of library liaison with faculty in academic departments. Increasing awareness amongst students will require a greater promotion through academic staff and greater inclusion of ebooks in course resources and course material, but also more active promotion and improving visibility of this format amongst other library information resources. This study found that the library catalogue and library staff were more influential awareness mechanisms than the library website. This contrasts with the primacy of the website reported in the JISC study (2007), and confirms the emphasis found in the UCL Superbook study (2007). 6.2 Acceptance The level of acceptance of ebooks differed between students and staff, and also between staff at the two universities. Students are more accepting of ebooks than are staff. This appears to correlate with the previous study by Rowlands (2007) that age was a good predictor of usage of ebooks. Staff at USQ are more accepting of ebooks than are staff at Griffith and this appears to correlate with USQ having a greater online presence in course offerings, although a direct cause and effect relationship cannot be assumed. USQ staff would however, obtain significant benefits in online delivery of course materials by using ebooks over print books. 6.3 Usage Results from this study indicate that both students and staff prefer to read only extracts or chapters from ebooks rather than the whole ebook. One of the greatest factors affecting both acceptance and usage of ebooks appeared to be users’ comfort levels with reading from the screen. This study indicated that most users preferred to read ebooks from the screen for only up to 30 minutes. This was substantiated by log statistics obtained from Books24x7 which confirm that most users are readings online for up to 30 minutes only and open 100 ebook pages or less during a session. Results from this study seem to agree with those found by Chu (2003), Connoway (2007) and to a lesser extent the JISC (2008) study, but this last study also reported that over 50% of ebook users read from the screen. Page 11

6.4 A model of ebook adoption The following model is inspired by the work on innovation diffusion of Rogers (1995) and a typology of Internet use developed by Howard, Rainie and Jones (2001). In their suggested typology, four ‘ideal types’ of users (Netizens, Utilitarians, Experimenters and Newcomers) are elucidated using length of Internet experience and frequency of use as variables. In our study, the two variables selected are amount of use and awareness/satisfaction, The four quadrant model is a tentative and conceptual attempt to represent how ebooks are currently meeting the needs of our users. Learners/lurkers: are either learning the system (in classes?) or are trying the system without a specified need. They probably don’t stay long enough to locate or use the material they need, and certainly don’t browse other related topics or books. Browsers: Browsers spend time in ebook services but possibly don’t gain the benefits that they wish. They don’t download a lot of material, though they may make notes from the screen, and may annotate, mark etc. This typology doesn’t identify whether such users are inefficient but keen, or are efficient because they don’t download material. Efficient users:,These have a functional approach to using information services (Howard, p. 393). Possibly with a known item to search for, they locate the item and either find the answer, or print/download the required materials, then exit. If they don’t locate the material, they don’t attempt to substitute or explore. Satisfied users: These users are more like the good library users of old: they search, browse and spend time in single or multiple services and are confident in their use. Figure 1. suggests that there are various pathways from complete ignorance of ebooks to engagement with and satisfaction in use of ebooks.

Amount of use

Browsers (Experimenters)

Satisfied Users (Netizens)

Learners / Lurkers (Newcomers)

Efficient Users (Utilitarians)

Awareness / satisfaction Figure 1.: Typology of ebook users
Page 12

6.5 Implications for collection development The overall positive acceptance of ebooks, and the preference for books to be purchased in both print and ebook format, can be used to inform the collection development policies and activities of each institution. That users prefer to have both formats available indicates that collection development policies and practices should be flexible: purchase of ebooks should not replace purchase of print books. Feedback supporting both formats should be taken in the general sense and not in the specific sense that every book should be purchased in both print and ebook format. Particularly encouraging was that academics thought that ebooks would be suitable for the courses they teach and would be preferred for their own research and scholarship if suitable titles were available. Students, especially off-campus students, clearly expressed a desire for more textbooks and ebooks in their subject areas. The textbook issue is in direct alignment with the JISC (2007) National eBook Observatory Project which identified access to course textbooks as a primary issue for library access to books in both print and ebook formats. Libraries should work closely with academics in all subject areas to select texts and other course resources keeping available ebooks in mind. 6.6 Promotion Because content is now much more extensive, and user acceptance is high, academic staff are much more likely to be able to select textbooks and other standard publications, and more specifically chapters and excerpts of ebooks, for specific course readings. This would promote the use of ebooks through the links from online courses to specific ebook titles. Linking at the chapter level may be highly desirable where possible because most users reported a preference for reading only excerpts online. Ebook promotion needs to leverage the convenience, searchability and accessibility of ebooks as a format. Remote students, students studying at home or at work, and students in a hurry to research assignments are attracted to ebooks simply because of the time they save. This suggests ebooks should be promoted as a collection, or as a brand within the University. Collections of ebooks presented as ebook databases can be promoted in their own right. A problem with this is that many ebook database products have non-subject based names that are meaningless to library users. Providing access to lists of ebook databases on the library web site provides some contextualised access. It is probably more client focused and meaningful to promote ebooks in the context of the library’s ebook collection as a whole using a filtered search of all ebook records in the library catalogue, narrowing search results using facets, or using a federated database search service and open URL resolver service. Although searching is generally marketed as a key selling point for ebooks, our survey results did not particularly support the specific promotion of the added

Page 13

features of ebooks such as, highlighting and note taking, automatic citations, zooming, annotating, book reviews and multimedia.

Page 14

6.7 Evaluation of Survey Method and Instrument Following the completion of the study, some comments are made about the survey method and the survey instrument. Survey method: • • The high response rate for both institutions indicates that the right approach for promoting the survey was taken and access points for the survey on the library websites and other locations were appropriate Print surveys were initially thought to be important as it was thought that online survey access would be self selecting for ebook proficient users. The printed questionnaires were not nearly as popular as the online instrument, although they were easily available and attractive. However, in the early days of the survey, clients who were approached to complete the print survey said that they preferred to do the survey online at a time convenient to them. The selection of Survey Methods (2008) as survey software was a good decision as it allowed generation, graphing and charting of detailed reports for all questions and by each respondent group. Reports could be exported in various formats such as excel or PDF files and were easy to generate. Hindsight with using Survey Methods says we should not have developed two separate surveys for staff and students, but should have used one single survey for both groups. This was because we were unable to combine results in a single report. As a result, additional collation and manipulation of raw data files was necessary.

Survey instrument: • • • • Questions had been developed to match similar surveys done overseas to provide us with comparison data. This was a productive approach The sequence of questions could have been more logical to follow the order of awareness - acceptance - usage Some questions of acceptance of ebooks in comparison to print books were too complex and the request to apply a ranking value was confusing Additional control questions relating to use of print books would have made interpretation of results more rigorous because it would have allowed a direct comparison of results for ebooks and print books. We note that the recent ebrary survey did ask such control questions The set of questions about usage patterns did not prove to be as meaningful as intended, because we were not able to obtain the detailed log statistics from a variety of publishers as originally intended. This topic could be explored in a separate further study that could include both deep log data from providers, keyboard tracking surveys, and observational studies. We are pleased that the JISC Observatory Project is taking that approach There is a multitude of information contained in the responses which can still be further explored with follow up interviews with staff or students We conclude that the instrument developed for this survey should probably not be used in its current form by other libraries without some reworking. Reformulation of some questions and restructuring of order would be necessary. Page 15

• •

7. Conclusion Both Griffith and USQ consider the QULOC eBook Survey to be a success because response rates from students and staff were reasonably high, useful responses were obtained, and some issues with the awareness, usage and acceptance were identified. Considerable insight can be drawn from the survey results. This will be used to confirm the collection development strategy as outlined in the Griffith’s Information Resources Management Guide and USQ’s Resource Development Policy. Griffith and USQ aim to continue their existing approach to collect monographs in both print and electronic format, and will endeavour to purchase more texts in electronic format when available giving equivalent priority to each format though not necessarily equal numbers. We intend to use user-driven purchasing models, restrict when possible the numbers of platforms accessed to those with demonstrated high use, and continue to use non-platform-dependant discovery means. Results from external ebook studies will be used to reaffirm the approach. The success of the study suggests a follow-up study could be conducted in the future. It would be interesting to see how awareness, usage and acceptance may change over time, and also whether collection development policies regarding ebooks have been successful or not. It is yet to determined by Griffith, USQ and QULOC if a follow-up study will be pursued. Equity issues surrounding the availability and usage of ebooks could also be considered in a subsequent study.

 CIS 8018 Strategic information security

8. References Carlock, D., Perry, A., 2007, Exploring faculty experiences with ebooks; a focus group, Library Hi Tech, vol. 26, iss. 2, pp. 244-254 Chu, H., 2003, Electronic books: Viewpoints from users and potential users, Library Hi Tech, vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 340-346. Connoway, L., 2007, The emerging role of ebooks, Association of Research Libraries (ARL), viewed 12 August 2008, eBrary, 2007, ebrary’s global ebook survey, viewed 10 July 2008, : Howard, P., Rainie, L., Jones, S., 2001, Days and nights on the Internet: the impact of a diffusing technology, American Behavioral Scientist, vol. 45, pp. 383-404, viewed 17 December 2008, Joint Information Steering Committee, 2007/8, JISC national e-books observatory project, viewed 12 August 2008, Levin-Clarke, M., 2006, Electronic book usage: a survey at the University of Denver, Portal, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 285-299. QULOC – Queensland Universities Office of Cooperation, Viewed 17 December 2008, Rogers, E., 1995, Diffusion of innovations, New York: Free Press. Rowlands, I., et al, 2007, What do faculty and students really think about e-books?, Aslib Proceedings: New Information Perspectives, vol. 59, no. 6, pp. 489-511. Survey Methods, 2008, viewed 17 December 2008, University College London, 2007, SuperBook – preparing for the ebook revolution, viewed 12 August 2008, Walton, E., 2007, Faculty and student perceptions of using e-books in a small academic institution, ACRL 13th National Conference, viewed 12 August 2008,

Page 17

Appendices Appendix 1 – Survey tool – Griffith University / QULOC ebook survey tool for students The University library is conducting a survey on student awareness, acceptance and use of electronic books (ebooks). A similar survey is being conducted for staff. The results of the survey will be used to help us plan and build the library collections for the future. The survey should take only 10 minutes to complete. Please provide your contact details on the final page if you wish to be included in the lucky draw to win a $75 gift voucher. All responses will be treated confidentially.


The following statements are about you. Undergraduate student 1.1 I am an: Postgraduate research student 1.2 I am: Female Male Postgraduate coursework student

1.3 I am in the following age group: Less than 20 years old 20-29 years old 30-39 years old 40-49 years old 50-59 years old 60 years or older I am a student in the following area(s). (You may select more than one): Arts & Humanities Education Law Business Health Science Engineering Environment Information Technology

I am enrolled in the following mode of study. (You may select more than one). Internal students Off campus students Off campus students (On campus) (External mode) (Web mode) 2. The following statements are about your awareness level of eBooks. 2.1 I have heard of ebooks: Yes No

If you answered ‘No’ to Statement 2.1, you have completed the survey, thank you. If you answered ‘Yes’, please proceed to the next question.

2.2 2.3

I know what an ebook is: I have used an ebook:

Yes Once Never


Not sure

A couple of times Often
Page 18


I am aware that my University library provides access to ebooks: Yes No Not sure


I found out about ebooks from: Library catalogue search Course resources Other University staff Other (please indicate) Library web site search Library Staff Web search engine (e.g. Google)


The following statements are about your acceptance level of ebooks. 3.1 I have used an ebook in my subject area Yes No I have not searched

Using the following grading scheme please circle your response to the statements: 1 Strongly disagree 2 Disagree 3 Neutral 4 Agree 5 Strongly agree


Ebooks are as good as print books 1 2 3 4 5


The library should continue to purchase books in print format only and not buy ebooks 1 2 3 4 5


The library should purchase books in both print and ebook format 1 2 3 4 5


The library should purchase book titles in ebook format instead of print format 1 2 3 4 5


I like using ebooks because: (Please rank from 1 = highest to 7 = lowest) 24x7 access from home or office Searching across the ebook Copying and pasting Other (please indicate) I don’t have to borrow the book Searching across a database of books Easy online referencing

Page 19


I dislike using ebooks because: (Please rank from 1 = highest to 5 = lowest) Online access problems Cost of printing pages Other (please indicate) Slow downloads Difficulty in reading from the screen

Continuing to use the following grading scheme please circle your response statement 4.1: 1 Strongly disagree 2 Disagree 3 Neutral 4 Agree 5 Strongly agree


Usage and Usage Patterns 4.1 I like using ebooks 1 2 3 4 5


I prefer to read: The whole ebook Chapters from ebooks Excerpts from ebooks All of the aforementioned


When I read a part of an ebook, such as a chapter, I prefer to: Read it on the screen Print and read from the printed copy


When I read an entire ebook I prefer to: Read it on the screen Print and read from the printed copy

4.5 When I use ebooks I can comfortably spend the following amount of time reading from the screen: 10 minutes 2 hours 30 minutes More than 2 hours 1 hour Not at all

Page 20


I have used the following ebook services: OECD : source OECD studies, periodicals and statistics : online MDConsult NetLibrary Project Gutenberg ProQuest PsycBooks (APA) PsycEXTRA (APA) Proquest Dissertations full-text Safari Business Books Online Safari Technical Books Online ScienceDirect eBooks STAT!Ref - Nursing and Allied Health Collection STAT!Ref - Dental collection Taylor & Francis eBook Collection Wiley InterScience OnlineBook

Bennetts eTitlebooks24x7 Books@OVID Clinics@Ovid CRC Press titles: ENGnetBASE NEUROSCIENCEnetBASE EBL eBook Library eBrary EBSCO Facts and Comparisons Humana Press titles: BioMedProtocols NeuroSciNow Informit eLibrary Lecture Notes in Computer Science McGraw-Hills Access Medicine Other (please indicate) 4.7

My favourite ebook service is: Because:


Have your say Please provide any additional comments about ebooks:

Thank you for completing the survey. Please provide your contact details below if you wish to be included in the lucky draw to win a $75 gift voucher. All responses will be treated confidentially. First name: Contact Phone No:

Page 21

Appendix 2 – Survey tool – Griffith University / QULOC ebook survey tool for staff The University library is conducting a survey on staff awareness, acceptance and use of electronic books (ebooks). A similar survey is being conducted for students. The results of the survey will be used to help us plan and build the library collections for the future. The survey should take only 10 minutes to complete. Please provide your contact details on the final page if you wish to be included in the lucky draw to win a $75 gift voucher. All responses will be treated confidentially. 1. The following statements are about you. 1.1 1.2 I am: I am: Academic staff Female General staff Male

1.3 I am in the following age group: Less than 20 years old 20-29 years old 30-39 years old 40-49 years old 50-59 years old 60 years or older 1.4 I am a staff member in the following area(s). (You may select more than one): Administration Education Health Law Arts & Humananities Engineering Information Services Science Business Environment Information Technology

I teach students in the following mode. (You may select more than one). Please tick this box if do not teach) ( Internal students Off campus students Off campus students (On campus) (External mode) (Web mode) 2. The following statements are about your awareness level of ebooks. 2.1 I have heard of ebooks: Yes No

If you answered ‘No’ to Statement 2.1, you have completed the survey, thank you. If you answered ‘Yes’, please proceed to the next question.

2.2 2.3

I know what an ebook is: I have used an ebook:

Yes Once Never


Not sure

A couple of times Often

Page 22


I am aware that my University library provides access to ebooks: Yes No Not sure


I found out about ebooks from: Library catalogue search Course resources Other University staff Other (please indicate) Library web site search Library Staff Web search engine (e.g. Google)


The following statements are about your acceptance level of ebooks. 3.1 I have used an ebook in my subject area : Yes No I have not searched I am using ebook(s) in my course materials or courses readings Yes No


Using the following grading scheme please circle your response to the statements: 1 Strongly disagree 2 Disagree 3 Neutral 4 Agree 5 Strongly agree


eBooks are as good as print books 1 2 3 4 5

3.4 The library should continue to purchase books in print format only and not buy ebooks 1 3.6 2 3 4 5

The library should purchase book titles in both print and ebook format 1 2 3 4 5


The library should purchase book titles in ebook format instead of print format 1 2 3 4 5

3.7 If available, I would prefer to use ebooks as resources than print books for the courses I teach ( Please tick this box if you do not teach) 1 3.8 2 3 4 5

ebooks are suitable resources for the courses I teach ( Please tick this box if do not teach) Page 23






3.9 If available, I would prefer to use ebooks for my research and scholarship ( Please tick this box if are not involved in research) 1 3.10 2 3 4 5

I like using ebooks because: (Please rank from 1 = highest to 7 = lowest) 24x7 access from home or office I don’t have to borrow the book Searching across the ebook Searching across a database of books Copying and pasting Easy online referencing Other (please indicate)


I dislike using ebooks because: (Please rank from 1 = highest to 5 = lowest) Slow downloads Difficulty in reading from the screen

Online access problems Cost of printing pages Other (please indicate)

Continuing to use the following grading scheme please circle your response statement 4.1: 1 Strongly disagree 2 Disagree 3 Neutral 4 Agree 5 Strongly agree


Usage and Usage Patterns 4.1 I like using ebooks 1 4.3 I prefer to read: The whole ebook Chapters from ebooks 4.3 Excerpts from ebooks All of the aforementioned 2 3 4 5

When I read a part of an ebook, such as a chapter, I prefer to: Read it on the screen Print and read from the printed copy


When I read an entire ebook I prefer to: Read it on the screen Print and read from the printed copy

Page 24

4.5 When I use ebooks I can comfortably spend the following amount of time reading from the screen: 10 minutes 2 hours 4.7 30 minutes More than 2 hours 1 hour Not at all

I have used the following ebook services: OECD : source OECD studies, periodicals and statistics : online MDConsult NetLibrary Project Gutenberg ProQuest PsycBooks (APA) PsycEXTRA (APA) Proquest Dissertations full-text Safari Business Books Online Safari Technical Books Online ScienceDirect eBooks STAT!Ref - Nursing and Allied Health Collection STAT!Ref - Dental collection Taylor & Francis eBook Collection Wiley InterScience OnlineBook

Bennetts eTitleBooks24x7 Books@OVID Clinics@Ovid CRC Press titles: ENGnetBASE NEUROSCIENCEnetBASE EBL EBook Library eBrary EBSCO Facts and Comparisons Humana Press titles: BioMedProtocols NeuroSciNow Informit eLibrary Lecture Notes in Computer Science McGraw-Hills Access Medicine Other (please indicate) 4.7 My favourite ebook service is: Because:


Have your say Please provide any additional comments about ebooks:

Thank you for completing the survey. Please provide your contact details below if you wish to be included in the lucky draw to win a $75 gift voucher. All responses will be treated confidentially. First name: Contact Phone No: Page 25

Appendix 3 Characteristics of student respondents from both institutions

Characteristics of Student Respondents
100 90 80 70 60



Faculty or subject area


% 50
40 30 20 10 0 Environment IT p/g research Education Science Internal Engng female Health male u/g 60 Offcamp (ext) p/g coursework Offcamp (Web) Business Arts Law

Appendix 4 – Characteristics of staff responses from both institutions

Characteristics Staff Respondents
70 60 50 40 % 30 20 10 0 Environment Arts& Humanities male Health Engineering Information Services Education Administration Information Technology female 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 >60 Business Sciences Law USQ GU



Discipline or faculty area

Page 26

Appendix 5 – Awareness of ebooks
Awareness of e-books (%)
100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0

Yes student Yes staff No student No staff Unsure student Unsure staff I have heard of ebooks I know what an ebook is I am aware that my University library provides access to e-books:

Appendix 6 – Source of awareness
I found out about e-books from
60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Library catalogue Library w ebsite Course Library staff resources Uni staff Search Engine Other Students Staff

Page 27

Appendix 7 – Attitude towards ebooks
I like using e-books (%)
45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree

Students Staff

Appendix 8 – Usage of ebooks
I have used an e-book
50 40 30 20 10 0 Never Once Couple of times Often Students Staff

Page 28

Appendix 9 – Use of ebooks in subject areas

Use of e-books in my subject area
70 60 50


40 30 20 10 0 Yes No I have not searched

All Students All Staff

Appendix 10 – Use of ebooks in subject area Total and by Faculty

Student Subject material use by Faculty
80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0

Yes No I have not searched


Page 29

Appendix 11 Appendix 11a Using ebooks in course materials
Usage of e-books in course material (%)
100 80 60 40 20 0 USQ academic staff GU academic staff



Appendix 11b Usage of ebooks by USQ academics in course materials

Appendix 11c Usage of ebooks by Griffith academics in course materials

Academics usage of ebooks in course materials
30 25 20 15 10 5 0 No Yes

A Bu rts sin Ed es u s En cat gi io n n En e e vir ring on m en He t al th


La Sc w ie nc e

Page 30

Appendix 12 Student and staff acceptance of ebooks
Acceptance of e-books (%)
90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0
e-books are as good as pbooks purchase pbooks only purchase both e- and p-books purchase ebooks only e-books suitable for courses prefer e-books for research

USQ Students GU Students USQ Staff GU Staff

Appendix 13 Reasons why ebooks are liked
Why e-books are liked
80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 24x7 access searching across the e-book searching across w hole database copying and pasting don't have to borrow a book Students Staff

Page 31

Appendix 14 – Reasons why ebooks are disliked
Why e-books are disliked
70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Online access problems Cost of printing pages Slow dow nloads Difficulty in reading from screen Students Staff

Appendix 15 – How ebooks are read
I prefer to read
40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Whole e-book Chapters Excerpts All of these Students Staff

Page 32

Appendix 16 – Reading on screen vs printing
Reading on screen vs printing
70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 read chapter on the read chapter from read entire book on print entire e- book screen printed copy screen Students Staff

Appendix 17 – Time comfortably spent reading from the screen Time spent reading from screen
45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 10 minutes 30 minutes 1 hour 2 hours more than 2 hours

Students Staff

Page 33

Appendix 18 – Log statistics Books 24x7. Length of time reading on the screen Time spent reading from the screen
50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 to 1 minute 2 to 30 minutes to 1 hour to 2 hours more than 2 hours Survey respondents Books24x7 log statistics

Number of session per user over 8 months
Books24x7 : Sessions per user May to Dec 2008
60 50 40 30 20 10 0 USQ users

1 session

2-3 sessions

4-9 sessions

10 and more sessions

Page 34

Appendix 18 continued Ebrary log statistics
Books24x7: Time per session
50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 to 1 minute 2 to 30 minutes to 1 hour to 2 hours more than 2 hours USQ users

Pages viewed by session
Search success by pages viewed
35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 to 1 pages view ed 2-10 pages view ed 11-100 pages view ed more than 100 pages view ed USQ users Sessions

Page 35

Appendix 19 – Specific ebook services (USQ responses) - % of total responses

Page 36

Appendix 20 – Specific ebook services (all Griffith responses) - % of total responses

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Appendix 21 – Student comments USQ I have viewed the library resources on how to use ebooks, however I still feel I don't have the skills to use ebooks to the best advantage. I wish there were more of them. In summary, I think they provide a good service. It is always better to have online access which not only saves time it has other benefits too. Need to be able to access faster. Need more ebooks in all subject areas. Ebooks are very convenient on a notebook. Saves printing pages. Great portability. Ebooks not convenient on a PC. Need to print pages. No portability. I am really happy with the ebooks offered by USQ. I think they should be promoted more (I found out through other students their availability and how to use them). However, printed books are also very important. They sound quite basic, in that they must be a book accessed and read on the internet. The name sounds familiar but I have never been told about, seen or used one of them. It would be a great idea if there were online textbooks, as in many courses a lot of the required texts offer only the minimal necessary information. It's hard enough to afford student life without spending hundreds of dollars on textbooks which you will never fully read and which will not be useful in the long run. Have not had a lot of experience with them. Textbooks online as ebooks would be awesome for those of us experiencing financial difficulty in getting books for subjects. Some of the older books are great even if access is only available in ebook. Because I am a distance education student, I heavily rely on ebooks. They are invaluable. I would like to see many more ebooks and journals though USQ. They are also convenient & I love that I can make notes online, highlight, copy & paste etc. The downsides are: the search functions-too slow & time consuming. I can't concentrate for long when reading online. I don't like the bookshelf in ebrary - it's too erratic, especially with all my highlights. I'd like to use ebooks, because I'm external student, difficult to find and buy textbook from own country, so find and buy or download any ebooks through the Page 38

internet, if I buy textbook through online shopping, I need to wait many days for let the textbook delivery to my home. Griffith University An extremely useful means of obtaining reference material in an accurate and expedient manner. there are great and easy to use. I like having access to ebooks of popular titles. Often all copies have been borrowed from the library, and it is very helpful to be able to access the text from home. I didn't realise that there was so many ebooks. I am currently overseas on exchange and Griffith ebooks are proving invaluable to my research. Through ebooks, I have access to two libraries (both at Griffith and my overseas university), which gives me even greater choice of sources when researching. It also allows me to continue to use the system from my home institution, which I am familiar with and is very convenient. The best thing ever for external students, no opening hours or renewals or late fees. ebooks easy to use and beats overdue library fines. It is the only one I know how to use. I don't remember which services I have used, always accessed through library catalogue. Because it is free! (through the Griffith Library website). It is the one I am most familiar with, plus it allows printing of page ranges, rather than page by page. I can download it, read it within the borrow time, and be finished with it without needing to return it - ie, risk library fines.

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Appendix 22 – Staff comments USQ They are an essential part of contemporary research patterns. They are immediately available and easily searched for relevant materials. They allow excerpts to be copied and used where required. They save considerable expense for students and save having to transport printed copies to difficult locations. Ebooks help EXT, ONC-Twba, ONC-Spr, and ONC-FC students enrolled in my undergraduate courses. Ebooks help psychology honours students who live intrastate and interstate and who are doing research projects with me. Ebooks help me complete my research projects. Unfortunately, EXT students who are in prison and who are taking my courses can not access ebooks. ebooks are very handy. I think Library needs to publicize the availability of ebooks bit more. They should also be easily "findable" in the Library Catalogue. Ease of access by students make ebooks very suitable for additional material for courses. Good resources to ensure students from around the globe have access to textbooks. Ebooks are an excellent resource for off-campus students. However, I prefer to read in print format as would prefer a balance of both types. I need more information to access ebooks efficiently; someone told me you cannot use Endnote with ebooks and that is not efficient. Dislike ebooks: loads one page at a time so can't search whole book for a key term. Sorry. I have never heard of them. I download and purchase ebooks. However, the service the library subscribes to does not allow downloads - just part of a page at a time. It is worse than useless. Griffith Having access to my own 'bookshelf' of ebooks and being able to make notes, review books or tagged pages etc at a later date is invaluable. By having my own electronic library bookshelf I am able to maintain, monitor and update this information. If the electronic library also enabled storage of PDF journal articles, tagging, notes etc. as well this would be a powerful resource. If it is available I don't know about it, which suggests an information dissemination issue. While I use some e books my main interest in e books is to provide access to books electronically for the online delivery of programs where students need to access books in a timely fashion. In this time of rising educational costs for students ebooks are a viable cost effective option - IF they have access to computers and afford the download or printing. Page 40

These are great for courses with large numbers of students as they allow lots of students to access the books rather than them "fighting" over the one or two print copies. However, for indepth reading they are frustrating and quite unsuitable for research/scholarship purposes. Slow download and restricted to one day on computer – useless. They are all equally bad because ebook as a book form is a very bad idea, especially in the university teaching and learning environment. I find access to ebooks to be too restrictive.


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