Global Information System
Assignment 4 Instructions
Description Assignment 4 (written report) Marks out of 100 Weighting (%) 40%
This written assignment is to be electronically submitted through the EASE system in the CIS8000 Study Desk. Hardcopy or email submission will NOT be accepted. Length: The total word limit for the assignment is 4500 words. Learning objectives This assignment specifically addresses the following learning objectives of the course: LO2 Identify and explore contemporary challenges and opportunities in information systems and to formulate an opinion or judgement and offer possible solutions. LO3 Demonstrate ability to identify potential opportunities for creative and sustainable use of information technologies to achieve corporate objectives. LO4 Demonstrate ability to collaborate with peers to analyse and solve business problems with information technologies, and present the solution in a report. LO5 Demonstrate effective communication by composing writing that communicates ideas, meaning and/or argument in a format that broadly follows conventions in the information systems field. LO6 Apply technology and online skills to locate relevant information for the assignments, analyse the presented problems and data, and engage in the use of the resources provided on Uconnect. Individual submission Students are encouraged to work with other students in researching and developing their reports but each student’s submission should be their own individual effort and be differentiated from the submission of others. Plagiarism check You must subject your written assignment to plagiarism check by the Turnitin software prior to its submission in the EASE system. The Turnitin software can be indirectly accessed through the Study Desk without the need to provide any login-id or password. Further details on how you should interpret the Turnitin results will be posted in the Study Desk. No assignment will be marked if it is not accompanied by the Turnitin report.
Activity A: Journal (maximum 500 words)
Prepare a journal which records your activities and progress related to completing this assignment. In date order, clearly list the following: â— Date of research activity/discussion/meeting â— Topic researched or discussed â— Time duration â— Brief description of research activity/discussion. Submit this journal as an appendix to activity B.
Activity B: Report to CEO (maximum 4000 words)
Select an organisation to analyse for this assignment. The organisation may be a commercial, government or not-for-profit organisation but it should have at least 50 employees, a web site and be a user of e-business/e-commerce. Use the web, newspapers and/or personal contacts to gain information about the organisation and its management of IT. When selecting the organisation, you should take into account the nature of the organisation’s business environment and the extent to which the organisation is dependent on IT to run its operations. If you are employed, you are encouraged to base this assignment on the organisation that you are currently working with, if it meets the above criteria. Complete the requirements below by producing a written report to the CEO. Part 1: Introduction: background of selected organisation 1.1 Describe the background of the selected organisation in terms of the following: the industry sector (e.g. banking, healthcare, travel, airline etc.) it operates within, its key products/services, corporate mission, corporate structure, major business processes, business strategy and relationship with external entities e.g. other organisations, government etc. Provide its homepage URL. Part 2: IT infrastructure - management issues and Cloud Computing 2.1 Using Figure 5-9 ‘The IT Infrastructure Ecosystem’ in Laudon and Laudon 12th edn p. 206 as a guide describe the organisation’s current IT infrastructure. 2.2 Identify the issues and challenges that the organisation faces in the management of its IT infrastructure. Use the information provided in Section 5.5: Management Issues on pp. 224227 of the textbook as a guide. 2.3 Search the Internet for articles about Cloud Computing. Ascertain whether the organisation already has a strategy to take advantage of Cloud Computing in place or intends to establish one. Then, describe, analyse and discuss any current or planned Cloud Computing Strategy or otherwise the Strategy you would recommend, explain why it is important for the organisation to have one. You are required to justify your reasons. Start your research using the prescribed text first. According to L&L ‘cloud computing provides access to shared pool of computing resources..’ (page 200). Review the material on page 213 and the case on page 233 based on Acquire more information on the Internet about cloud computing and explain to CEO what cloud computing is and its current trends. Part 3: Big Data – background and recommended strategy 3.1 One of the emerging innovations is around the concept of Big Data; this involves the advent of tools to analyse massive quantities of data that up to now would have been difficult or impossible. This has a number of potential benefits including identifying trends, needs, consumer perceptions and many more. Search the Internet to find out about Big Data eg: What is big data? Every day, we create 2.5 quintillion bytes of data — so much that 90% of the data in the world today has been created in the last two years alone. This data comes from
everywhere: sensors used to gather climate information, posts to social media sites, digital pictures and videos, purchase transaction records, and cell phone GPS signals to name a few. This data is big data. (source: IBM Write a summary to the CEO and other senior managers in the organisation addressing the following: â— What Big Data is about ï‚· The potential of Big Data â— How businesses are using Big Data â— Business opportunities and benefits from Big Data â— Problems and drawbacks of Big Data â— The future of Big Data and the next steps for taking advantage of Big Data 3.2 Recommend a strategy to help the organisation plan to leverage Big Data to achieve its business objectives. If the organisation already has such a strategy in place, recommend how it could further avail itself of new opportunities provided by recent advancements in Big Data technologies. Before you commence your search for material to help you formulate the strategy you should first review ‘Chapter 3: Information systems, organisations and strategy’ in the textbook. Your recommended strategy should be sufficiently detailed to help the CEO in its implementation. The following are some of the areas and issues which your strategy must factor in: â— The reasons why the organisation should consider investing in Big Data â— The key areas where Big Data is likely to have an impact on its business e.g. customer and supplier intimacy, business intelligence, knowledge management, future planning â— The risks the organisation should consider and how these can be mitigated â— The supporting tools, solutions and skills the organisation need to have, â— How the organisation can measure the success of its Big Data initiative
Part 4: Conclusions: key findings and recommendations 4.1 Summarise your key findings and recommendations to the CEO related to your analysis. Clearly state your conclusions.
General guidelines for Activity B
â— Your submission must be submitted to the CEO as a report in a single document, not an essay. The format must comply with the report structure detailed in chapter 3 (‘Report Writing’) of the Communication skills handbook 3edn, except that you would not need a glossary. Please note from the handbook that reports do have subheadings and an appropriate letter of transmittal is required. â— The word count does not include the following: executive summary, letter of transmittal, table of contents, figures, tables, references or appendices. â— The body of the report should be about 4,000 words in length and you may lose marks if it varies by more than 10%. Additional relevant material may be included in the Appendices. â— You must demonstrate additional research from outside the text. Suggestions for other references include other general texts on information systems management, industry journals, periodicals, electronic databases etc. (many of which are available online from the USQ Library at: .
â— Use the Harvard referencing format for in-text references and the reference list. Your references should include at least one web/electronic link but all the references should not be from the web. Refer to chapter 2 (referencing) of the Communication skills handbook 3edn for further details. â— Inappropriate referencing or excessive grammar/spelling errors will incur a penalty. You should refrain from cutting and pasting chunks of materials from the Internet as this will be treated as plagiarism. To avoid any allegation of academic misconduct from unintentional plagiarism from Internet sources you should use the Turnitin software to check your work before submitting it. Report formatting instructions â— Major headings should be in upper case, 14 point Times New Roman Bold. â— Minor headings should be in lower-case, 12 point Times New Roman Bold. â— Body text should be formatted to 12 point, Times New Roman. â— Page size should be A4. Allow for a 25 mm margin on both sides of each page, a 25 mm margin at the top of each page and a 25 mm margin at the bottom of each page. â— Use single line spacing. â— Your assignment should be submitted in one of the following formats: o Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) o Rich Text Format (.rtf) o Portable Document Format (.pdf).
Marking criteria
You are strongly advised to read the marking criteria carefully before starting on your assignment. Note the marks allocation for each part and sub-part in Activity B. Ensure that the length of your solution should be commensurate with the allocated marks. Also, note that the journal is worth 10% and the report presentation 10% of the total marks.
A Journal
Compelling and wellstructured account. Activities clearly described. Initiative clearly demonstrated. Reference list provided and correctly formatted.
Good structure and comprehensive account of activities.
Adequate structure and account of activities.
Adequate structure but limited description of activities. Limited references provided and/or poorly formatted reference list.
Poor structure and/or inadequate list of activities. Incoherent account. Lack of reference list or poorly formatted references. Disorganised/ incoherent. Poor formatting, or missing title page, table of contents.
Referencing compliant with Harvard referencing Minor errors in method with some minor referencing lapses. method. Carefully and logically organised. Title page and table of contents clear and accurate. Appendices used to provide appropriate supporting material. Expression fluent. Grammar and spelling accurate. Referencing compliant with Harvard referencing method with some minor lapses. Variety of appropriate sources appropriately analysed, applied and discussed.
B Report
Presentation of report
Professional presentation of material resulting in clarity of message and information. Professional appearance of title page and accurate table of contents. If used, appendices are clearly labelled and referenced. Excellent clarity of expression. Grammar and spelling accurate. Referencing fully compliant with Harvard referencing method. Wide range of appropriate sources appropriately analysed, applied and discussed. Clear and concise letter of transmittal, executive summary, suitable tone and style for CEO
Shows organisation Shows some attempt to and coherence. organise in a logical manner.
10%ACC 2113 Management accounting
Adequate title page and table of Some flaws in title page contents. and/or table of contents. Appendices not clearly identified or referenced. Grammar and spelling mainly accurate Most sources are referenced. Minor errors in referencing method. Clear evidence of research and application of textbook concepts. Grammar and/or spelling contains errors. Frequent mistakes in grammar and/or Gaps in referencing and spelling. errors in in-text references or reference Unsatisfactory list. referencing. Few or no references or inconsistent reference References are used in method. a purely descriptive way indicating limitations of No evidence of understanding. research or irrelevant sources cited. Language is poorly executed or uses too much jargon. Lacks letter of transmittal or executive summary. Style not appropriate for CEO. Basic facts on industry, organisations and report. Some aims identified. Lacks vital information about the industry, organisations and report. Fails to address the purpose of the assignment. Misses key points and demonstrates a low level of understanding of IT infrastructure concepts and related issues. Misses key points and demonstrates a low level of understanding of the issues and challenges in IT infrastructure. Misses key points and demonstrates a low level of understanding of cloud computing concepts and related issues. Misses key points and 10% 10%
Format suitable for CEO At times language with minor lapses in is unclear and/or audience focus. poorly unsuitable for CEO.
B1 Introduction: background of selected organisation
Attention to purpose
Clearly introduces the industry, organisations and report. Has addressed the purpose of the assignment comprehensively.
Reasonable details of industry, organisations and report. Has addressed the purpose of the assignment coherently. Demonstrates clear understanding of IT infrastructure concepts and related issues.
Basic facts on industry, organisations and report. Addressed the main purpose of the assignment. Demonstrates satisfactory understanding of IT infrastructure concepts and related issues. Demonstrates satisfactory understanding of the issues and challenges in IT infrastructure. Demonstrates satisfactory understanding of cloud computing concepts and related issues. Demonstrates
B2.1 IT infrastructure: current status
Knowledge of strategic role and critical reasoning
Demonstrates sophisticated understanding of IT infrastructure concepts and related issues.
Demonstrates some understanding of IT infrastructure concepts and related issues.
B2.2 IT infrastructure: Issues and challenges B2.3 IT infrastructure: cloud computing
Knowledge of strategic role and critical reasoning
Demonstrates sophisticated understanding of the issues and challenges in IT infrastructure.
Demonstrates clear understanding of the issues and challenges in IT infrastructure.
Demonstrates some understanding of the issues and challenges in IT infrastructure.
Knowledge of strategic role and critical reasoning
Demonstrates sophisticated understanding of cloud computing concepts and related issues.
Demonstrates clear understanding of cloud computing concepts and related issues.
Demonstrates some understanding of cloud computing concepts and related issues.
Knowledge of
Demonstrates sophisticated
Demonstrates clear
Demonstrates some
Big Data: summary to CEO B3.2 Big Data: recommende d strategy B4 Conclusions
strategic role and critical reasoning Knowledge of strategic role and critical reasoning Conclusions and recommendations
understanding of Big Data concepts and related issues.
understanding of Big Data concepts and related issues.
satisfactory understanding of Big Data concepts and related issues. Demonstrates satisfactory understanding of the strategic role of Big Data. Adequate development shown in summary, conclusions and recommendations.
understanding of Big Data concepts and related issues. Demonstrates some understanding of the strategic role of Big Data. Limited summary or conclusions do not build on analysis. Recommendations not practical for implementation.
demonstrates a low level of understanding of Big Data concepts and related issues. Misses key points and demonstrates a low level of understanding of strategic role of Big Data. Summary not provided or conclusions not drawn from material. Lack of recommendations, or recommendations not consistent with body of report.
Demonstrates sophisticated Demonstrates clear understanding of the strategic understanding of the role of Big Data. strategic role of Big Data. Effective summary, clear conclusions well-grounded in the material presented, appropriate recommendations demonstrating insights into information systems and business concepts. Good development shown in summary, conclusions and recommendations.
Description Assignment 4 (written report) Marks out of 100 Weighting (%) 40%
This written assignment is to be electronically submitted through the EASE system in the CIS8000 Study Desk. Hardcopy or email submission will NOT be accepted. Length: The total word limit for the assignment is 4500 words. Learning objectives This assignment specifically addresses the following learning objectives of the course: LO2 Identify and explore contemporary challenges and opportunities in information systems and to formulate an opinion or judgement and offer possible solutions. LO3 Demonstrate ability to identify potential opportunities for creative and sustainable use of information technologies to achieve corporate objectives. LO4 Demonstrate ability to collaborate with peers to analyse and solve business problems with information technologies, and present the solution in a report. LO5 Demonstrate effective communication by composing writing that communicates ideas, meaning and/or argument in a format that broadly follows conventions in the information systems field. LO6 Apply technology and online skills to locate relevant information for the assignments, analyse the presented problems and data, and engage in the use of the resources provided on Uconnect. Individual submission Students are encouraged to work with other students in researching and developing their reports but each student’s submission should be their own individual effort and be differentiated from the submission of others. Plagiarism check You must subject your written assignment to plagiarism check by the Turnitin software prior to its submission in the EASE system. The Turnitin software can be indirectly accessed through the Study Desk without the need to provide any login-id or password. Further details on how you should interpret the Turnitin results will be posted in the Study Desk. No assignment will be marked if it is not accompanied by the Turnitin report.
Activity A: Journal (maximum 500 words)
Prepare a journal which records your activities and progress related to completing this assignment. In date order, clearly list the following: â— Date of research activity/discussion/meeting â— Topic researched or discussed â— Time duration â— Brief description of research activity/discussion. Submit this journal as an appendix to activity B.
Activity B: Report to CEO (maximum 4000 words)
Select an organisation to analyse for this assignment. The organisation may be a commercial, government or not-for-profit organisation but it should have at least 50 employees, a web site and be a user of e-business/e-commerce. Use the web, newspapers and/or personal contacts to gain information about the organisation and its management of IT. When selecting the organisation, you should take into account the nature of the organisation’s business environment and the extent to which the organisation is dependent on IT to run its operations. If you are employed, you are encouraged to base this assignment on the organisation that you are currently working with, if it meets the above criteria. Complete the requirements below by producing a written report to the CEO. Part 1: Introduction: background of selected organisation 1.1 Describe the background of the selected organisation in terms of the following: the industry sector (e.g. banking, healthcare, travel, airline etc.) it operates within, its key products/services, corporate mission, corporate structure, major business processes, business strategy and relationship with external entities e.g. other organisations, government etc. Provide its homepage URL. Part 2: IT infrastructure - management issues and Cloud Computing 2.1 Using Figure 5-9 ‘The IT Infrastructure Ecosystem’ in Laudon and Laudon 12th edn p. 206 as a guide describe the organisation’s current IT infrastructure. 2.2 Identify the issues and challenges that the organisation faces in the management of its IT infrastructure. Use the information provided in Section 5.5: Management Issues on pp. 224227 of the textbook as a guide. 2.3 Search the Internet for articles about Cloud Computing. Ascertain whether the organisation already has a strategy to take advantage of Cloud Computing in place or intends to establish one. Then, describe, analyse and discuss any current or planned Cloud Computing Strategy or otherwise the Strategy you would recommend, explain why it is important for the organisation to have one. You are required to justify your reasons. Start your research using the prescribed text first. According to L&L ‘cloud computing provides access to shared pool of computing resources..’ (page 200). Review the material on page 213 and the case on page 233 based on Acquire more information on the Internet about cloud computing and explain to CEO what cloud computing is and its current trends. Part 3: Big Data – background and recommended strategy 3.1 One of the emerging innovations is around the concept of Big Data; this involves the advent of tools to analyse massive quantities of data that up to now would have been difficult or impossible. This has a number of potential benefits including identifying trends, needs, consumer perceptions and many more. Search the Internet to find out about Big Data eg: What is big data? Every day, we create 2.5 quintillion bytes of data — so much that 90% of the data in the world today has been created in the last two years alone. This data comes from
everywhere: sensors used to gather climate information, posts to social media sites, digital pictures and videos, purchase transaction records, and cell phone GPS signals to name a few. This data is big data. (source: IBM Write a summary to the CEO and other senior managers in the organisation addressing the following: â— What Big Data is about ï‚· The potential of Big Data â— How businesses are using Big Data â— Business opportunities and benefits from Big Data â— Problems and drawbacks of Big Data â— The future of Big Data and the next steps for taking advantage of Big Data 3.2 Recommend a strategy to help the organisation plan to leverage Big Data to achieve its business objectives. If the organisation already has such a strategy in place, recommend how it could further avail itself of new opportunities provided by recent advancements in Big Data technologies. Before you commence your search for material to help you formulate the strategy you should first review ‘Chapter 3: Information systems, organisations and strategy’ in the textbook. Your recommended strategy should be sufficiently detailed to help the CEO in its implementation. The following are some of the areas and issues which your strategy must factor in: â— The reasons why the organisation should consider investing in Big Data â— The key areas where Big Data is likely to have an impact on its business e.g. customer and supplier intimacy, business intelligence, knowledge management, future planning â— The risks the organisation should consider and how these can be mitigated â— The supporting tools, solutions and skills the organisation need to have, â— How the organisation can measure the success of its Big Data initiative
Part 4: Conclusions: key findings and recommendations 4.1 Summarise your key findings and recommendations to the CEO related to your analysis. Clearly state your conclusions.
General guidelines for Activity B
â— Your submission must be submitted to the CEO as a report in a single document, not an essay. The format must comply with the report structure detailed in chapter 3 (‘Report Writing’) of the Communication skills handbook 3edn, except that you would not need a glossary. Please note from the handbook that reports do have subheadings and an appropriate letter of transmittal is required. â— The word count does not include the following: executive summary, letter of transmittal, table of contents, figures, tables, references or appendices. â— The body of the report should be about 4,000 words in length and you may lose marks if it varies by more than 10%. Additional relevant material may be included in the Appendices. â— You must demonstrate additional research from outside the text. Suggestions for other references include other general texts on information systems management, industry journals, periodicals, electronic databases etc. (many of which are available online from the USQ Library at: .
â— Use the Harvard referencing format for in-text references and the reference list. Your references should include at least one web/electronic link but all the references should not be from the web. Refer to chapter 2 (referencing) of the Communication skills handbook 3edn for further details. â— Inappropriate referencing or excessive grammar/spelling errors will incur a penalty. You should refrain from cutting and pasting chunks of materials from the Internet as this will be treated as plagiarism. To avoid any allegation of academic misconduct from unintentional plagiarism from Internet sources you should use the Turnitin software to check your work before submitting it. Report formatting instructions â— Major headings should be in upper case, 14 point Times New Roman Bold. â— Minor headings should be in lower-case, 12 point Times New Roman Bold. â— Body text should be formatted to 12 point, Times New Roman. â— Page size should be A4. Allow for a 25 mm margin on both sides of each page, a 25 mm margin at the top of each page and a 25 mm margin at the bottom of each page. â— Use single line spacing. â— Your assignment should be submitted in one of the following formats: o Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) o Rich Text Format (.rtf) o Portable Document Format (.pdf).
Marking criteria
You are strongly advised to read the marking criteria carefully before starting on your assignment. Note the marks allocation for each part and sub-part in Activity B. Ensure that the length of your solution should be commensurate with the allocated marks. Also, note that the journal is worth 10% and the report presentation 10% of the total marks.
A Journal
Compelling and wellstructured account. Activities clearly described. Initiative clearly demonstrated. Reference list provided and correctly formatted.
Good structure and comprehensive account of activities.
Adequate structure and account of activities.
Adequate structure but limited description of activities. Limited references provided and/or poorly formatted reference list.
Poor structure and/or inadequate list of activities. Incoherent account. Lack of reference list or poorly formatted references. Disorganised/ incoherent. Poor formatting, or missing title page, table of contents.
Referencing compliant with Harvard referencing Minor errors in method with some minor referencing lapses. method. Carefully and logically organised. Title page and table of contents clear and accurate. Appendices used to provide appropriate supporting material. Expression fluent. Grammar and spelling accurate. Referencing compliant with Harvard referencing method with some minor lapses. Variety of appropriate sources appropriately analysed, applied and discussed.
B Report
Presentation of report
Professional presentation of material resulting in clarity of message and information. Professional appearance of title page and accurate table of contents. If used, appendices are clearly labelled and referenced. Excellent clarity of expression. Grammar and spelling accurate. Referencing fully compliant with Harvard referencing method. Wide range of appropriate sources appropriately analysed, applied and discussed. Clear and concise letter of transmittal, executive summary, suitable tone and style for CEO
Shows organisation Shows some attempt to and coherence. organise in a logical manner.
10%ACC 2113 Management accounting
Adequate title page and table of Some flaws in title page contents. and/or table of contents. Appendices not clearly identified or referenced. Grammar and spelling mainly accurate Most sources are referenced. Minor errors in referencing method. Clear evidence of research and application of textbook concepts. Grammar and/or spelling contains errors. Frequent mistakes in grammar and/or Gaps in referencing and spelling. errors in in-text references or reference Unsatisfactory list. referencing. Few or no references or inconsistent reference References are used in method. a purely descriptive way indicating limitations of No evidence of understanding. research or irrelevant sources cited. Language is poorly executed or uses too much jargon. Lacks letter of transmittal or executive summary. Style not appropriate for CEO. Basic facts on industry, organisations and report. Some aims identified. Lacks vital information about the industry, organisations and report. Fails to address the purpose of the assignment. Misses key points and demonstrates a low level of understanding of IT infrastructure concepts and related issues. Misses key points and demonstrates a low level of understanding of the issues and challenges in IT infrastructure. Misses key points and demonstrates a low level of understanding of cloud computing concepts and related issues. Misses key points and 10% 10%
Format suitable for CEO At times language with minor lapses in is unclear and/or audience focus. poorly unsuitable for CEO.
B1 Introduction: background of selected organisation
Attention to purpose
Clearly introduces the industry, organisations and report. Has addressed the purpose of the assignment comprehensively.
Reasonable details of industry, organisations and report. Has addressed the purpose of the assignment coherently. Demonstrates clear understanding of IT infrastructure concepts and related issues.
Basic facts on industry, organisations and report. Addressed the main purpose of the assignment. Demonstrates satisfactory understanding of IT infrastructure concepts and related issues. Demonstrates satisfactory understanding of the issues and challenges in IT infrastructure. Demonstrates satisfactory understanding of cloud computing concepts and related issues. Demonstrates
B2.1 IT infrastructure: current status
Knowledge of strategic role and critical reasoning
Demonstrates sophisticated understanding of IT infrastructure concepts and related issues.
Demonstrates some understanding of IT infrastructure concepts and related issues.
B2.2 IT infrastructure: Issues and challenges B2.3 IT infrastructure: cloud computing
Knowledge of strategic role and critical reasoning
Demonstrates sophisticated understanding of the issues and challenges in IT infrastructure.
Demonstrates clear understanding of the issues and challenges in IT infrastructure.
Demonstrates some understanding of the issues and challenges in IT infrastructure.
Knowledge of strategic role and critical reasoning
Demonstrates sophisticated understanding of cloud computing concepts and related issues.
Demonstrates clear understanding of cloud computing concepts and related issues.
Demonstrates some understanding of cloud computing concepts and related issues.
Knowledge of
Demonstrates sophisticated
Demonstrates clear
Demonstrates some
Big Data: summary to CEO B3.2 Big Data: recommende d strategy B4 Conclusions
strategic role and critical reasoning Knowledge of strategic role and critical reasoning Conclusions and recommendations
understanding of Big Data concepts and related issues.
understanding of Big Data concepts and related issues.
satisfactory understanding of Big Data concepts and related issues. Demonstrates satisfactory understanding of the strategic role of Big Data. Adequate development shown in summary, conclusions and recommendations.
understanding of Big Data concepts and related issues. Demonstrates some understanding of the strategic role of Big Data. Limited summary or conclusions do not build on analysis. Recommendations not practical for implementation.
demonstrates a low level of understanding of Big Data concepts and related issues. Misses key points and demonstrates a low level of understanding of strategic role of Big Data. Summary not provided or conclusions not drawn from material. Lack of recommendations, or recommendations not consistent with body of report.
Demonstrates sophisticated Demonstrates clear understanding of the strategic understanding of the role of Big Data. strategic role of Big Data. Effective summary, clear conclusions well-grounded in the material presented, appropriate recommendations demonstrating insights into information systems and business concepts. Good development shown in summary, conclusions and recommendations.
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