MGT8022 Project Based Management
Get support/help for this assignment by mailing us at
Assessment consists of:
self-assessment questions (no marks are allocated) and
assignments (marks are allocated).
an endeavour to enable you to progressively assess your level of knowledge of
the subject areas, self -assessment questions may be included with some
modules. These questions are formative – they have no marks allocated to them.
They do not form part of the formal course assessment and answers should not be
submitted for marking. If they are diligently completed they will be of value
in assisting you to achieve the required learning outcomes.
assessment items have marks allocated to them and form part of the formal
course assessment. There are three assignments and they should be completed
and/or submitted by the due date so that you do not get behind in your studies.
See the course specification for submission requirements and extension
Marks out of
Due date
Assignment 1
4 December 2013
(online multiple choice
(In 2013, this is
(see Note 1)
assessment only
and no marks are
awarded. Students
are encouraged to
complete the quiz
to gain feedback
on their
understanding of
the materials).
Assignment 2 (Essay)
23 December 2013
(see Note 2)
Assignment 3 (Case study
7 February 2014
(see Note 3)
© University of
Southern Queensland
– Project-based management
1 –
Assignment 1 is a short online multiple choice questionnaire – 0 marks are allocated
for this activity, but students are encouraged to complete the activity to
assist students to gain an indication of their level of understanding of the
project management discipline at the commencement of their studies.
Note 2 –
Assignment 2 is an essay requiring students to carry out a critical analysis of
nominated aspects of a project of the student’s choice. It is recommended
that the same project be used for assignments 2 and 3.
Note 3 – Assignment 3 is a major
project-based case study report requiring students to carry out a
critical analysis of nominated aspects of a project of the student’s choice. It
is recommended that the same project be used for assignments 2 and 3 but they
do not have to be the same project.
is NO examination for this course.
extension policy
Refer to the course specification for
the extension policy. There is no need to obtain prior approval for an
extension of less than one week. Submit your assignment as soon as possible
after the due date together with any supporting documentation that might be
required to justify the late submission.
Throughout the materials, reference may be
made to the mode of study selected by students.
‘Online ’ students are those
who are enrolled in the course as ‘WEB’ students. This mode may not always be
‘On-campus’ students are those
who are enrolled in the course as ‘ONC’ students. This mode may not always be
students are those who are enrolled in the course as ‘EXT’ students.
● Submission
of assessment – assignment 1 is an online quiz and is completed online through
the link on the course studydesk. All students (regardless of
mode) must submit assignments 2 and 3 electronically using the
electronic assignment submission environment (EASE) facility. EASE is accessed
from the course home page on the StudyDesk for this course and a
link to detailed instructions for submission is provided. Assignments
will not be accepted by email or in hard copy unless there are extenuating
circumstances and prior approval is gained from the course examiner.
© University of Southern
● Electronic mark sheet – students must use the MGT8022
electronic assignment mark sheet for assignments 2 and 3 that are
provided as part of the StudyDesk course materials as it contains
the marking criteria. Do not use generic USQ cover sheets that may be available
for other courses.
naming – electronic
files should follow the file-naming protocols detailed on the mark
● Due date – submission should be completed prior
to midnight (Toowoomba time) on the due date specified in the study schedule.
Check the time difference. The time in Toowoomba is indicated on the StudyDesk.
● File types – Electronic copies of assignments may
be submitted in various file formats which are defined in EASE for each
course. Check to ensure that your assignment complies with the requirements.
● Originality Report from Turnitin – Assignment 2 and Assignment 3 must
be accompanied by an Originality Report from Turnitin. Students will
have to download the report as per the instructions below.
Report from Turnitin for assignments 2 and 3
Briefly, the steps to obtain an Originality
Report from Turnitin comprise the following:
a separate Turnitin version of your assignment with a new file name. Follow the
instructions below.
If you have not previously done so, register
with Turnitin at using an email address of
your own choosing and a password of your own choosing. You do not have to use
your USQ UConnect username and password.
3. Log in and access the course using the
class ID and password provided below.
4. Submit your assignment and exit
Turnitin for a least 30 minutes.
into Turnitin again after this period, and then download the Originality
Report. The Originality Report will be in HTML or PDF format and will
contain a percentage score for material that is common with other sources. You
cannot resubmit to Turitin to try to revise the score.
6. Submit your Originality Report through
EASE when you lodge your assignment.
Information on how to create a separate Turnitin version
of your assignment
Turnitin will compare your assignment
to all other assignments submitted to Turnitin from USQ and all other
universities. It will also compare it with information publicly available and
with other documents contained within Turnitin. Turnitin creates a report
showing the level of material that is NOT ‘original’ and this is
indicated on a scale of zero to 100%. The lower the percentage the
NOTE: To minimise the extent of material that shows as not
being your original work, create a separate assignment file for
Turnitin and amend it as follows:
© University of
Southern Queensland
– Project-based management
● If you have previously attached the
USQ electronic mark sheet, remove it so it does not show as common material.
any other mark sheet or cover sheet so the text starts at ‘Executive Summary’.
your name and Student number to the top of the document for identification.
● Delete all appendices – the text
should now finish at the end of the List of References. You are now ready to
submit the assignment file to Turnitin.
To register as new student or to log in
you are not an existing user, select ‘New User’ and follow instructions to
enter an email address of your choosing and create a password (you do not have
to use the USQ UConnect username and password).
using your enrolled student name – do not use an alias.
Once you are registered you can simply
enter that email address and password to log in to the Turnitin website at any
To access the course – Class ID and Password
on ‘Enroll in a class’
class ID – 6448963
class password – mgt8022
● You
may be asked for your name if you have not provided this before – please use
your name that you use in normal USQ communications. Do not use aliases.
To submit assignment 2 or 3
on ‘Submit’ icon for required assignment (2 or 3). A Turnitin report is not
required for assignment 1.
‘Single file upload’.
your first name as per USQ student records (if not automatically inserted).
your last (family) name as per USQ student records (if not automatically
submission title (e.g. A2, assign 2 or similar to identify assignment).
● Make sure your file complies with the
‘requirements for single file upload’ listed by Turnitin on this page.
● Browse
to locate the assignment file on your computer (select the file that has been
adapted for submission to Turnitin with no mark sheet and no appendices).
on ‘Upload’.
for file to upload (indicated by progress bar).
submission in window to ensure that file has loaded properly.
on ‘Submit’.
for file to upload.
© University of Southern
back to Portfolio.
● Ensure
that file shows as submitted (file title and date of submission are displayed)
(if this has not happened, you may have to go back and repeat the submission
will receive an email from Turnitin to confirm submission.
To access your Originality Report and interpretation of
to Turnitin at a later time to check originality report (wait for at least 30
minutes) <>.
● Under the tab ‘My Classes’, click on
the required class code from the list under ‘enter a class’.
of your submissions will show up.
● If the assignment has been checked, a
percentage will be shown in a box under ‘Originality’.
on the number that shows the percentage of material that comes from other
sources (e.g. 12%).
the Originality Report which identifies any material from external sources and
the level of material from that source (it is colour coded and easy to read).
is no fixed percentage that represents ‘plagiarism’.
Do not worry about material that you have
‘quoted’ in the assignment or material that is clearly indicated as coming from
a source where a citation has been provided.
● A document might legitimately contain
material that has been quoted or cited and a higher percentage might be
● If the percentage is above 10%,
examine your assignment to ensure that materials are properly cited, or if
there is material that can be stated in your words rather than the words of
others. It is not possible to resubmit your assignment again to obtain
additional reports.
can explore this report and the sources that have been indicated.
● Save a copy of the report to your
computer by clicking on the ‘Download’ arrow in the top RH corner and select
Save and choose a folder to which the file can be saved (this should be an HTML
● If the report is generated as a PDF,
it will be of a large size. Select ‘Text only report’ where indicated on the
web page, and try to download the HTML version to reduce file size.
are not able to resubmit your assignment to Turnitin for further checking. You
are only allowed one submission per assignment.
© University of
Southern Queensland
– Project-based management
Submission of Originality report through EASE with
assignment 2 and 3
● When you submit your assignments 2 and
3 for marking through EASE, submit the Turnitin Report as well.
may submit it as a separate file, or you may prefer to ‘zip’ the assignment
files and the HTML Turnitin file into a single folder to simplify submission.
● If
you have problems with submission of your assignment for checking or with
downloading an originality report, there is a link to the Turnitin HelpDesk at
the bottom of the Turnitin web pages. You can seek assistance there. Simply
follow the instructions.
Turnitin is unable to assist, you can contact USQ for support through UConnect.
guidelines for assignments 2 and 3
● The
word count is indicative. Past experience indicates that it is difficult to
discuss the issues in less than the nominated word count but try to stay close
to the word count if possible. Marks are gained for conciseness and marks are
lost for unnecessary material.
high standard of presentation is expected at postgraduate level. There is no
excuse for poor spelling, bad grammar, nor lack of formatting. Use one and a
half line spacing with 12-point font, and pages must be numbered.
● Do not use ‘I, we, you, our’ etc.
Reports and assignments should not be written in the ‘first person’.
Executive summary (required only for assignment 3)
● An
Executive summary must be provided for assignment 3 case study (before the
Contents page). It provides a reader with a summary of why the report
(assignment) was prepared, what it covers, and a summation of the conclusions,
and/or recommendations.
● It should be about 10% of the
assignment length, single line spacing, and is excluded from formal word
is not an introduction, but should function as a totally self-contained
removable document for readers who will read no more of the report.
should contain all pertinent information including conclusions and
recommendations in a concise summary, but should not contain any theory.
Table of contents and numbering (required only for
assignment 3)
● A
comprehensive table of contents is required for assignment 3, with section
numbers, section headings, and page numbers as per the assignment requirements.
It will include the List of references, a List of appendices, a List of
figures, and a List of tables, all with page numbers indicated. All sections
and pages should be fully numbered. At this level of study, you should
be able to use the automated table of contents function in MS Word to create a
professional report.
© University of Southern
● An Introduction should be provided at
the beginning to summarise the structure of the following sections of the
● The introduction does not contain
theory, nor does it contain any conclusions nor recommendations.
● Do
not assume that the reader has read any Executive Summary if one is provided,
as it is a totally separate document. Include any relevant information in the
Body of assignment
● This
is an academic assignment, so it is essential that your statements be justified
by relevant academic theory. For example, don’t just use terms like
‘stakeholder’– explain why you selected those terms, and the academic theory to
justify their use.
● A
major failing of students is to simply ‘describe’ the processes that have
happened. At postgraduate level, you are expected to be able to apply
recognised theory to situations, and form opinions. You will often find
conflicting opinions from so-called ‘experts’. You should be developing
analytical and communication skills.
● Students coming from other
universities, and especially overseas students, find this need for ‘analysis’
the most difficult transition to make to Australian university study. You are
expected to use your judgement to analyse problems, make value judgements as to
whether it is good or bad (or both), use existing academic theory from a range
of sources to justify your position, and to argue whether something is valid or
not. In the study of management, there are no right nor wrong answers, only
lots of opinions, many of which change over a period of time. Show that you can
act as managers, and communicate your opinions.
● Major sections of assignment 3 should
start on a new page. You will be surprised just how much more readable
it makes your assignment / report.
is NOT just inserting a list of publications at the end of the report and this
is not acceptable.
● Referencing is NOT just inserting a
citation at the end of each paragraph and this is not acceptable.
● At
postgraduate level, you are expected to cite at least 10 to 15 different
sources of reference material, and to make multiple references to such
material. This is where e-Books and e-Journals are valuable – they are accessed
through the Library website.
● References
must be cited using Harvard AGPS system (which is author/date). Please do not
use footnotes, etc. Read your Communication skills handbook for
information on how to cite reference materials. This is where Endnote
bibliographic software will be of value. You can download it for free from the
Library website.
© University of Southern
– Project-based management
print and electronic publications. There are exercises
provided to give you practice in using the Harvard AGPS referencing system.
Marks will be deducted for failure to use the Harvard AGPS style.
the Harvard AGPS references must be listed alphabetically by author in a
single List of References at the end of each assignment. Do not put multiple
lists of references at the end of each section or part.
● The required referencing style is Harvard
AGPS and the recommended version is AGPS 6. Endnote users may download this
style from the USQ Library website. If you have problems,
contact the Library staff for assistance.
Figures and tables
There are many instances where diagrams and
tables would assist in the communication of information, and the reduction of
word length. For example, if a stakeholder analysis were required, it would be
much more clearly understood if presented in a table.
● Figures and tables must be numbered in
some logical way, so they can be listed on the Contents page, and referred to
in the text. A recommendation is that you call it Figure/Table X.1, X.2 etc.
where ‘X’ represents the section number. Consecutive numbering through the
whole document (rather than by section) can mean lots of renumbering if there
are changes.
● Tables
should not run over onto following pages. Start them on a new page to avoid
this. If they are multi-page tables, then think about making them into an
appendix. Use a smaller font (10 point) and single line spacing to reduce the
size of tables.
● Where required, larger amounts of
relevant material (such as sample documents or supporting material) should be
put at the end of the assignment in an Appendix after the List of References.
Smaller charts or summaries could be located in the text, but anything over a
page becomes a distraction.
included, appendices should be numbered sequentially (Appendix 1, Appendix 2,
etc.). Unnecessary and irrelevant information should not be attached. Size of
assignments has no bearing on marks achieved.
● Some
students choose part of a project or organisation that is extremely simple in
its structure, and has few issues to discuss. Those of you who choose a more
complex organisation are given credit for the ‘degree of difficulty’.
● Make sure you answer all parts of the
questions. Use the mark sheet as a checklist to ensure you have addressed all
© University of
Southern Queensland
Refer to the assignment guidelines
provided as the requirements are quite specific and failure to conform to the
guidelines may result in loss of marks.
Guidelines for preparation of
assignments are provided on the Study Desk for the course. These are in the
form of short videos which explain how to carry out critical analysis of your
selected project in relation to the topics for each assignment. You are
strongly advised to watch these videos multiple times during the semester to
ensure you have an understanding of the expectations of the course examiner.
There is no examination for this
course, so a higher standard of assignment work is expected in this course than
for courses with examination requirements.
of suitable project
should identify a project or projects suitable for carrying out assignments 2
and 3. You may have to read ahead to understand the requirements of those
assignments. The project/s should be from your workplace, personal experience,
or from some source where you can obtain appropriate and sufficient
information. Although it is recommended that you use the same project for
assignments 2 and 3, it is acceptable to use different projects for the
respective assignments. Your project should be complex enough so that you are
able to examine the issues related to the issues covered by these assignments.
Read the assignment requirements immediately so that you understand what you
will need.
Read the requirements of assignment 3
carefully and make sure that you select a project for which a Project
Management Plan (PMP) is available (or one for which you are prepared to
develop a PMP).
the purposes of these assignments, a ‘project’ is any significant endeavour
undertaken by an organisation. It may be internal or external, but should be of
sufficient size or complexity to warrant detailed analysis. For example, it
could be:
organisational restructure or company merger
of a capital asset (building, structure, etc.)
of intellectual property (software, website)
of some capability (Defence projects, information system)
of a conference or large event, or
of a new product range.
requirements for assignments
Identify any software requirements you
might require to complete assignments. Obtain this software in sufficient time
to become familiar with it before attempting the assignments. As a USQ student,
you are entitled to purchase ‘academic’ versions of software through authorised
retailers (including the USQ Bookshop) at reduced prices, whether you live in
Australia or overseas.
© University of
Southern Queensland
10 MGT8022 –
Project-based management
of MGT8022 and MGT8025 will be provided access to Microsoft Project at no
charge for the duration of the course. Instructions will be provided to obtain
the electronic ‘key’ required to load the software. Information will be
available on the StudyDesk.
There is no requirement to use this
software. It is provided to allow students to become familiar with
industry-based project management software and to use it where it is of
Permission to use project data
If your project proposal is from your workplace and
contains sensitive information, it may be in your interests to obtain
permission in writing from a senior person in your organisation to base your
assignment on the identified proposal, and that you have permission to obtain
and analyse relevant data. There is no requirement to submit the letter of
permission with your assignment, but you may do so if you wish. Assignments are
returned to students, and confidentiality of sensitive information is respected
by USQ staff.
© University of
Southern Queensland
Assignment 1
Marks out of
Due date
Word count
Assignment 1
4 December 2013
Not applicable
(multiple choice
(In 2013, this is
formative assessment
only and no marks are
awarded. Students are
encouraged to
the quiz to gain
feedback on their
understanding of the
1 is a short online questionnaire. Although no marks are allocated , students
are encouraged to complete the activity to ensure they understand the nature of
the studies.
To complete assignment 1, go to the
StudyDesk and follow
the instructions to complete the online quiz.
© University of
Southern Queensland
12 MGT8022 – Project-based management
Marks out of
Due date
Word count
Assignment 2 (Essay)
23 December 2013
2000 approx.
Critical analysis of a project business case
should be attached to the specific electronic mark sheet for this assignment.
● All assignments are to be submitted
through EASE (Electronic assignment submission environment).
● Check the file types and maximum file
sizes that can be submitted through the EASE website.
● Assignment 2 submissions that do not
include an Originality Report generated by Turnitin will not be marked (refer
previous instructions).
Word length
Assignment 2 should be 2500 words
approximately, exclusive of tables, figures, appendices, etc.
Software requirement to complete assignment
are no specific software requirements for this assignment, apart from word
processing. You may wish to use software to create diagrams where they are of
to the Assignment Guidelines for assistance in completing this assignment.
Remember to integrate academic theory into your assignment to support your
arguments and proposals.
Guidelines for preparation of
assignments are provided on the StudyDesk for the course. These are in the form
of short videos which explain how to carry out critical analysis of your
selected project in relation to the topics for each assignment. You are
strongly advised to watch these videos multiple times during the semester to
ensure you have an understanding of the expectations of the course examiner.
Provide the following:
Assignment 2 mark sheet:
Download the MGT8022 electronic submission mark sheet from the StudyDesk
Course Content under Assessment. Electronic assignments should follow the
correct file-naming guidelines and use the electronic submission mark sheet.
Ensure that your essay includes a normal cover sheet or title page that would
be expected of a professional document to provide details of essay
title, author, date, student
© University of
Southern Queensland
etc. (this is in addition to the electronic mark sheet discussed above). This
assignment is a professional academic paper so should be presented as one.
No executive summary is required for this assignment as it essay style). (Note:
No table of contents is required as it is essay style).
Critical analysis of a project business case
chosen by you (around 2000 words)
the following statement:
It has been suggested that a project
business case provides ‘justification for undertaking a
project, in terms of evaluating the benefit, cost and risk of
alternative options and the rationale for the preferred solution. Its purpose
is to obtain management commitment and approval for investment in
the project. The business case is owned by the (project) sponsor’.
Association for Project Management 2006, Body of Knowledge, 5th edn,
APM, UK, p. 129) (Note: bolding has been added.)
Write a critical analysis of the
chosen project business case in the form of an essay about the issues that you
think are important in the context of the business case for your chosen project.
Your responses will differ depending on whether your project is completed, is
underway or is yet to start.
Refer to your Communication skills
handbook to understand how to structure and write an essay. It is expected
that you would provide an introduction, the body of your essay, a conclusion
and recommendations, and a list of references. You may use headings for
sections if you wish.
assignment is deliberately open-ended to give you an opportunity to do some
research about project-related business cases in the context of project
management. There are no right or wrong answers. This assignment will allow you
to explore the text books, journal articles and other sources on the importance
or otherwise of business cases in project management. There is not a lot of
information about this topic so it will require you to access the e-Books and
e-Journals in the USQ Library website and develop some research skills. See
● As part of your analysis, ensure that
you make reference to the relevant theory (or theories) covered in the study
materials, text, selected readings and other relevant sources. Make sure you
use figures and tables to clearly and concisely illustrate and support your
analysis where this is appropriate.
of references – (using the Harvard AGPS system):
Provide a complete list of references providing full details of all
citations used in the body of the essay. For a postgraduate assignment, if you
have done sufficient research, there should be at least 15 references, many of
which will be cited more than once. Remember to use the e-Journals and e-Books
available from the Library website to research the literature on the topic
© University of
Southern Queensland
14 MGT8022 –
Project-based management
Books 24×7 and eBrary). Contact the
Library staff if you need assistance to find these databases.
Appendices: If you have any
appendices, they should be attached to the essay after the list of references.
They should be numbered sequentially, e.g. Appendix 1, Appendix 2, etc.
Turnitin Originality Report: Remember to submit a shortened
version of your assignment (without the mark sheet and appendices) to
Turnitin for checking and to submit a copy of the Turnitin Originality Report
with your assignment through EASE. See ‘Course assessment’ above for more
detailed instructions.
Marking criteria for assignment 2
Marking criteria is included in the
electronic mark sheet. Use only the MGT8022 mark sheet provided for assignment
2 for this course.
© University of
Southern Queensland
Marks out of
Due date
Word count
Assignment 3
7 February 2014
(Case study report )
Critical analysis of a Project Management Plan (PMP)
should be attached to the specific MGT8022 electronic mark sheet for this
● All assignments are to be submitted
through EASE (Electronic assignment submission environment).
● Check the file types and maximum file
sizes that can be submitted through the EASE website.
● Assignment 3 submissions that do not
include an Originality Report generated by Turnitin will not be marked (refer
previous instructions).
Word length
3000–4000 words approximately,
exclusive of the executive summary, tables, figures, appendices, etc. and
excluding all appendices.
Software requirement to complete assignment
Software requirements for this
assignment will include word processing. If you need to produce a project
schedule, a copy of MS Project is supplied with the study materials. See
previous instructions.
Refer to the Assignment Guidelines for
assistance in completing this assignment. Remember to integrate academic theory
into your assignment to support your arguments and proposals. Guidelines for
preparation of assignments are provided on the StudyDesk for the course.
These are in the form of short videos
which explain how to carry out critical analysis of your selected project in
relation to the topics for each assignment. You are strongly advised to watch
these videos multiple times during the semester to ensure you have an
understanding of the expectations of the course examiner.
carry out this assignment, it will be necessary for you to read other texts and
journal articles on PM Plans to gain an understanding of their role. It is
recommended that you use the e-Books and electronic journals available from the
USQ Library website.
now,you should have chosen a project for which a project management plan (PMP)
(sometimes described as a Project Plan or a Project Implementation Plan) is
available. The PMP is a document that should adequately define what is to be
done, who is to do it, when
16 MGT8022 – Project-based management
they are to do it, etc. If you are
working on a very large project, use one of its sub-projects for your
assignment. If the project is too large, it may increase your workload
significantly and it is not recommended. Your PMP may be a single document or it
may be a compilation of several documents prepared for the project. The PMP
might be a plan that you produce yourself for this assignment, or it might be a
plan that you import from your workplace, or from an external source. Note
carefully that a project schedule or a Gantt chart by itself is NOT a PMP.
submission should have TWO PARTS.
● The first part is the body of
the assignment and is a ‘critical analysis’ of your chosen PMP. It will contain
a description of the project and a critical analysis of the structure and
content of the PMP, fully supported by reference to relevant project management
theory. It is not a critical analysis of the project itself, nor how it was
managed. The focus should be on the PMP. Read the study materials and a wide range
of other reference materials (including the PMBOK® Guide and the set
text) to be clear on the purpose and content of a PMP as this topic is not
widely covered in the literature. You will have to research relevant literature
to complete this assignment, using the e-Books in the USQ Library.
● The second
part is Appendix 1 which should be the ‘Project Management Plan’ (sometimes
described as a Project Plan) for your chosen project. The PMP might be a plan
that you produce yourself for this assignment, or it might be a plan that you
import from your workplace, or from an external source. You must state
clearly the source of the plan. NOTE: no marks are allocated for
the actual PMP as it may not be original work in many instances. Any
other attachments would become Appendix 2, 3, etc.
If you produce your own project
management plan, it is strongly recommended that you use project management
software for development of the project schedule and network. You may also use
it to develop the project budget, but a spreadsheet can be equally useful. It
is essential that you become familiar with the software at the earliest opportunity
as it can be time-consuming to learn how to use it effectively. The course
leader is not available to provide guidance on the use of the software,
although other students may help through exchanges on the Discussion Board.
to the Assignment Guidelines for assistance in completing this assignment.
Remember to integrate academic theory into your assignment to support your
arguments and proposals.
Provide the following:
Assignment 3 mark sheet: Download the MGT8022 electronic
submission mark sheet from the StudyDesk (or CD-ROM if provided).
Electronic assignments should follow the correct file-naming guidelines.
Ensure that your document includes a normal report cover sheet or title page
that would be expected of a professional document to provide details of
report title, author, date, student number, etc. (this is in addition to the
electronic mark sheet discussed above). This assignment is a professional
academic paper so should be presented as one.
Summary (200–250 words but this does not form part of the
assignment word count). The executive summary comes before the table of
contents. Read the guidelines and provide a formal Executive Summary with
details of why the report was prepared, how it is structured, and what the
important findings, conclusions and recommendations are. The Executive Summary
relates to the analysis only. (SUGGESTION: this should be written last after
you have finished the report.)
Table of contents: This should be a full listing with respective page
numbers of executive summary, introduction, main sections, references,
individual appendices, and full listing of all figures and tables.
(250 words): Briefly
state why your report has been prepared, what project is being analysed,
and how the report is structured. (Note – this may be similar to the
introduction in assignment 2 if you have used the same project, but this is a
new report, and you need to provide the information your reader needs to
understand the report. You can use the same information in both assignments.
There is no need to reference assignment 2 if you are using your original
2. Project
background (250 words): Your project description should
describe the project and its context – what organisation is the project
owner/sponsor, what this organisation does, why the project is being done,
where it is located, etc. The description should contain enough detail for the
reader to understand the reason behind each of the components of the plan – why
it is included and its content and format.
and structure of the Project Management Plan (1000–1500 words approximately)
3.1 Provide a critical analysis of who is
intended to be the main audience of the PM plan? What do they need to know? How
will they use the plan? What information needs to be provided?
3.2 What alternatives exist for the
structure of a PM plan (examine and compare a range of theories and opinions
here)? How should that information be provided? In what sequence? What does the
theory say?
4. Contents of the Project Management
Plan (1000–1500 words approximately)
a critical analysis of the major sections of the plan and provide some
theoretical framework for what is included in each section (e.g. Why has a
project schedule been included, is it a meaningful document, was it prepared by
the right people, does it contain the right information, etc.?) This
explanation will be drawn from the study modules, text book, selected readings,
and other sources. This discussion will probably cover most, if not all,
knowledge areas covered under the Guide to the Project Management Body of
Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) (PMI 2012) in one form or another. It does not
have to
be under those headings but
should clearly indicate that it covers all recognised areas covered by the
various Project Management Bodies of Knowledge.
(250 words):
Summarise your findings from the analysis of your project management
plan. What did you find out about the project plan? Does it conform to the
recognised theory? What aspects are important and are of significance to
project outcomes? What are its strengths and its weaknesses? (Focus here on the
project plan and not on the theory).
6. Recommendations
(250 words): What are your recommendations flowing from this analysis
with regard to your chosen PMP? What changes should be made to your PMP
18 MGT8022 –
Project-based management
for this project (or similar future
projects)? Address the shortcomings identified in the conclusions. Again, focus
on recommendations related to your PMP and not on the project itself.
List of
references: Provide a
complete list of references providing full details of all citations used
in the body of the assignment.
Appendices: The PMP you have analysed will be
attached as Appendix 1 (see below). Attach any additional appendices
that relate specifically to the analysis following appendix 1. They should be
numbered sequentially in the order in which they appear (Appendix 2, etc.).
1 should ideally be an actual project management plan for your chosen project
and would be the sort of document that would be handed to a client/manager to
illustrate how it is intended to manage the project through to completion. A
project plan is often used to gain sponsor/client commitment, and should
contain sufficient information to allow such a decision to be made with
confidence. Make sure you understand what a project management plan is before
you select a document for analysis.
might be a document that you create yourself for this assignment or it might be
an existing plan from your place of work or from another source if you don’t
have access to one from your workplace. Either way, the source should be
clearly indicated.
Appendices in addition to the PM plan
may be attached to the report. If so, they should be numbered sequentially,
e.g. Appendix 2, Appendix 3, etc.
Turnitin Originality Report
Remember to submit a shortened version of
your assignment (remove the mark sheet and all appendices) to Turnitin for
checking and to submit a copy of the Turnitin Originality Report with your
assignment through EASE. See above for more detailed instructions.
Marking criteria for assignment 3
NOTE: No marks are allocated for
appendix 1 of the assignment (the PMP to be analysed).
Marking criteria are included in the
electronic mark sheet. Use only the mark sheet provided for assignment 3 for
this course.