Wednesday, October 22, 2014

CIS8010 Project management

Project Management

Executive summary
Present report for the information system development pertains to privately run hospital where in wireless system infrastructure would be developed which would be able to make data transfer at 20mbps speed and allowing 2000 users accessing information system at single time. Present report provides a full proof resource plan for time, cost and human resources required for the implementation of the project. Further risk pertaining to the current project implementation along with suitable mitigates for the risk can be given in the report. Finally suitable assumptions for the project implementation have been provided along with justification.

Table of Contents

1.0 Introduction
Health information systems are implemented in the current age organizations in order to develop the patience information management system, billing system; HRM system and management report mechanism. In present context to the small privately run hospital which is having specialization into cardiology services, cutting edge wireless system would be implemented in order to develop the advanced communication infrastructure in the organization so that information system can properly function in the organization. With the help of cutting edge wireless system users would be able to access the information system from any place with high ease of use (Lee, 2007).
The aim of present paper is to develop detailed implementation plan in order to have the cutting edge wireless system for privately run hospital. Implementation plan for the project would consist of several schedules such as time plan, resource plan and cost plan etc. Further present report would analyze the potential risk and mitigate for the cutting edge wireless system in context so as to manage the project implementation with lower level of uncertainty by proposing the mitigates for the potential risk which would be faced in the organizational context. Finally set of assumptions would be provided which are being considered for the development of project plan.
2.0 Implementation plan for cutting edge wireless technology
Present section of the report would provide the implementation schedule for the cutting edge wireless technology proposed in privately owned hospital. Wireless system proposed for implementation in the hospital would be having advantage of high speed transfer for 20 mbps and capability that 2000 users can simultaneously access the information system of the hospital. Further usage of wireless system would enable access for information system through several devices such as ipad and other handheld devices. Further present wireless technology would enable data transfer into several formats such as text, audio, video and image format etc. The present schedule for implementation would require development of time plan, resource plan and costing structure (Alan, 2009).
2.1 Time plan
Development of time plan for the present wireless project would require work breakdown structure so as to understand activities which would be accomplished for completion of project, Gantt chart in order to understand sequential schedule of the work activities to be accomplished and time plan which would provide the total working hours for each of the project stakeholder so that allotted work activities can be accomplished in given time frame. Work breakdown structure for the project of wireless system implementation can be given as below:
Work breakdown structure
1.0     About Project (Project planning)
1.1     Introducing the project
1.2     Brief about project
1.3     Collecting project requirement
1.4     Planning project outcome
2.0     Team (Resource planning)
2.1     Selection
2.2     Assigning roles and responsibility
2.3     Solution identification for resource planning
3.0     Development and Implementation
3.1     Hardware identification for project implementation
3.2     Identification of Software
3.3     Integration and implementation of software
4.0     Customization basis company policy
4.1     Research paper including feedback of the users
4.2     Developing charter with management functionality
4.3     Customization as per company requirement
5.0     Testing
5.1     Test plan schedule
5.2     Testing system Module wise
5.3     Integration of the tested modules
5.4     System testing by live
6.0     Training and support activities
6.1     Identification and development of training modules
6.2      Training schedule
6.3     Identification of the trainer and trainee
6.4     Supervising training progress
6.5     Online support system
Figure 1: Work breakdown structure for wireless system implementation
There would be in total six steps in which entire project implementation would be taken such as about project which is project planning phase, team planning, development & implementation, customization as per company policy, testing, training & support activities. Entire project completion would take 6 months and would start on 1st Jan, 2013.
2.2 Resource plan
Resource planning for the project for wireless technology implementation would follow below mentioned stages:
§  Determining the size of team: Size of the team can be determined by the two factors which are total number of task to be performed and efforts needed to perform the task. For the present project for wireless technology implementation size of the team required would be approx 100 members (Digman, 2000).
§  Determining required skills: A list of the skills required in order to perform the task should be developed and accordingly type of personnel would be demanded for the particular project. In the current project for wireless technology infrastructure project implementation skills required would be need analysis for system requirement, identifying hardware, software requirements, integration need analysis, training need analysis and developed training content for imparting training.
§  Defining resource profile: Resource plan for the project would consist of staffing plan i.e. when and how staff would be employed in the project and taken off from the project. For the current project of wireless technology infrastructure development a sample staffing plan can be given as below while the final staffing plan can be developed at the time of original project implementation phase only
Figure 2: Showing a sample staffing plan for the wireless infrastructure development project
§  Forming the team: Project manager would be having the significant role in order to form the team and assign the roles and responsibility for each team member. Team formation for the current project would involve several stakeholders in the project who would be the part of overall project team such as sponsor of the project, management team, project manager, team members and external consultant (Cortada, 2005). A schedule with task assigned, total time required and work done each day for every stakeholder can be given as below:
Task assigned
Total time
Work  done/ day
Mr James
Major role for project sponsor would be to monitor the objectives for current project implementation and involve into decision making process
6 months
3 hour/day
Management (20)
Supervision for need analysis, system installation and training & support
6 months
8 hour/day
Project manager
Mr Richard
Planning for the entire project and managing project team so as to meet project objectives
6 months
Daily reviews
Team member Internal
Internal team members for the project would be from several departments such as technical, finance and human resource having responsibility to contribute into need analysis, budgeting, developing time schedule and system implementation
6 months
10 hour/day
Team member External
Role of external team members would be to provided support for specific functionalities which are not available in house such as system integration support and other technical support
6 months
10 hour/day
Consultant (30)
Role of external consultant would be to understand the hospital environment to plan out the need for new system and help in system purchase and installation work
6 months
10 hour/day

2.3 Budget plan
Budget planning for the current project would be based on the work breakdown structure developed as costing for the entire project has been developed in concurrence with the overall work breakdown items developed in the project implementation phase. Budget plan for the project of wireless system implementation can be given as mentioned below:
# Units/Hrs.
% of Total
Internal Labor
Outsourced Costs
WBS Items

About Project (Project planning)


   Project manager


   Team members-Teresa


   Team members-James


   Team members-Le


   Team members-Matt



 $        -  

  Internal team


  Outsourced labor

Development and Implementation

 $        -  

   Internal team


   Outsourced labor





Customization basis company policy

 $        -  

   Internal team


   Outsourced labor

Implementation Schedule

 $        -  

   Internal team


   Outsourced labor


 $        -  

   Internal team


   Outsourced labor

Training and support activities

 $        -  

   Internal team


   Outsourced labor

          Total project cost estimate



Month 1
Month 2
Month 3
Month 4
Month 5
Month 6
WBS Items

About Project

Development and Implementation


Customization basis company policy

Implementation Schedule


Training and support activities

          Total project cost estimate

As shown in the above table that budget plan has been developed in order to reflect the project costing structure as per the work breakdown of the project and six month plan for the project. Total projected budget for the project would be approx $50,000 which would be invested in the project in initial time frame of six months.
3.0 Potential risk and mitigates
Every project is exposed to certain amount of risk while implementation and same is scenario for the current project implementation for the cutting edge wireless technology infrastructure in context of privately owned hospital. Some of the major risk confronted to the project along with mitigates for the risk can be given as below:
§  Technical failure: Present project involves high level of technical expertise for implementing the wireless technology infrastructure in context to develop hospital information system. There is big risk for the technical failure in the project as the technology is quiet new for the hospital and may face some issues at the time of practical implementation. In order to mitigate the risk of technical failure it is important to have specialized consultants for handling the technical issues and there should be close relations with the vendor handling the technical aspects (Roehrig, 2006).
§  Integration issues: Hardware and software required for the project implementation would be bought from different vendor as the single vendor does not have expertise for both hardware and software. Hence there is risk for the integration failure for the project. In order to mitigate the integration risk for the current project it is important to analyze integration feasibility and test run during the project implementation which would reduce risk to minimum possible level.USQ
§  Cost & time overrun: Cost and time plans have been developed at the start of the project but during the final implementation of project there are chances that cost & time may overrun from the planned schedule. In order to mitigate the risk for cost & time overrun it is important to develop a comprehensive schedule and timely monitoring & contingency plans would be vital to keep cost & time on the track. Contingency plans should be in hand so that at the time of overrun proper measures can be adopted so that overall project implementation can be kept under control.
§  High investment: Present project would involve high investment for the hospital which needs to be covered through benefits received from the project. But there is risk that the current project may not meet the objectives for which it has been implemented. In order to mitigate such risk it is important to test the functionality which would be required to cover the cost of investment in the project to ensure that investment made in project does not go in vain (Cortada, 2005).
4.0 Assumptions and justification
Every project implementation can be done under several assumptive environments and for the current project of wireless technology implementation below assumptions has been made:
§  Present project implementation would be accomplished within time of six months, six months time has been considered for the project looking at the case study for accomplishing the wireless project implementation within similar schedule
§  Total cost for implementation has been considered at $50,000, the present cost estimation has been considered looking at the general costing structure prevailing in the market for such project implementation
§  Present project implementation would require different skill set for the employees working in the project and these skill set would include technical expertise, need analysis, system installation and training needs
§  It is the basic assumption that hospital would be having basic level of IT expertise in house so as to support the project implementation as currently hospital is having developed information system CIS8009 Business communication network
From the present paper of wireless system implementation in privately owned hospital it can be concluded that project implementation would include time plan, resource plan and costing as its major elements. A full proof plan for these resource implementation need to be in hand in advance so that overall project implementation can be made on time, within given cost and along with resources in hand for the project. Risk inherent in the project should be properly mitigated at the start of the project by advising suitable mitigates for the project.
§  Lee, A., 2007, The Coming of Age of Double Entry: The Giovanni Farolfi Ledger of 1299-1300, Accounting Historians Journal, Vol. 4, No. 2, p.80 University of Mississippi
§  Alan S, 2009, Using accounting history and Luca Pacioli to teach double entry, Middlesex University Business School, p.9,
§  Digman, M (2000). "Personality Structure: Emergence of the Five-Factor Model". Annual Review of Psychology
§  Cortada, W. (2005). The Digital Hand: Volume II: How Computers Changed the Work of American Financial, Telecommunicati​ons, Media, and Entertainment Industries. USA: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-516587-6.

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