Sunday, September 28, 2014

BUMKT5901 Assignment (Individual)-1

BUMKT5901 Assignment (Individual)-1 

Assignment One—Individual Report 
This assignment is challenging but will be rewarding in terms of building your knowledge of marketing and consumer behaviour theories. 
The assignment has distinct stages: 
1. Collect data on your own purchases for seven days; 
2. Gain knowledge of consumer behaviour theories/concepts—lecture and reading of the set text and other marketing / consumer behaviour text and journals; 
3. Discussions with other class members and the lecturer about how to record and analyse the purchase data; and 
4. Write and submit the report. 
Ideally, you should start collecting purchasing data no later than week 2. You will be provided with a sample (Excel file) of how to record your purchases that you can use as a guide’. This will also be available on Moodle. The more data you collect the better the analysis and hopefully, a better mark. You will also get to see a sample finished report to help you better understand what is required to obtain a high grade. 
Value: 20% of your final mark Due Date: Week-6, Thu 28 Aug 2014 before 6PM 
Style: Business report Submission: Submission Link Available Length: 2,000 - 2,500 words Marking criteria: See marking rubric Detail: Handout on Moodle 
Electronic Submission: When uploading assignment to Moodle please use the following file name protocol: Family Name_ID_Consumer Insight 
Example: Toleman_30012345_Consumer Insight 
The overall purpose of Assignment One is have you grasp the challenges of understanding the consumer and how an understanding of consumers is a key input into the development of an effective (the right type) and efficient (minimal or no waste) marketing mix strategy. 
The most efficient way to approach this report is determine your key contention / insight (See Report Writing notes on Moodle) and then aim to develop a justification based on the material from your analysis. 
You are writing a report to a consumer goods marketing manager who is: 
• Time poor; will devote limited time to reading your report in detail 
• Is seeking your insight on the behaviour of consumers 
• Wants to use your insight in the development of a marketing mix strategy 
1. Structure (see report writing notes to assist) 
a. Cover sheet 
b. Marking Rubric x 2 (one completed by you) 
c. Title page 
d. Executive Summary e. 
Table of Contents 
f. Introduction - (critical to see report writing notes) 
g. Do sections 3 – 7 below h. 
Reference list i. Appendix 
2. Begin this task as soon as possible as this is a time consuming process. Track and detail every purchase you make in one week and note what occurred in the decision making process (DMP) and the influences on the DMP for every purchase decision. 
a. These purchases need to be recorded in an Excel matrix (see Moodle). 
b. The excel spread sheet must be included as an appendix in your assignment. 
c. Note: The Excel spread sheet provided is a starting point. You are encouraged to add additional elements to the spread sheet based on your reading of marketing theory 
3. Begin by describing yourself as a consumer. 
a. For example, the consumer is a 25 year old male who has been married for 2 years, has a wife who also works part-time in health services, has no children, is in full-time employment as a professional manager, favours branded products— particularly for high tech products—rarely goes grocery shopping and prefers to search and buy online for as many products as possible’. 
b. Note—this description is only an example—there may be other relevant aspects you could describe as well. You should aim to use the concepts of marketing, particularly consumer behaviour to profile your consumer. Use this profile as part or your analysis. 
4. In the body of the report, analyse your overall purchasing behaviour (based on the data in the matrix). Your analysis MUST integrate marketing theory with an emphasis consumer behaviour theory. 
a. We are looking for overall trends in behaviour. Cluster purchases based on theory and then analyse. Do not analyse each single purchase. 
b. Note: it is critical that you use numbers to support your analysis where possible. You may choose to represent data in graphs, diagrams, etc but there must be analysis of these 
Below are a number of questions that reflect critical thinking and may be applied to this section. These will take some time to reflect on and should not be rushed. They should be revisited a number of times to determine if your thinking or output has changed as a result of your learning. 
Get a notebook and create a list of questions and jot notes, thoughts, ideas, etc. that come to mind as you progress through this process. 
DO NOT use these questions as the structure for this section. Students who do this will be penalised heavily as doing so does not reflect independent thinking (See AQF Level 9 content/uploads/2013/05/AQF-2nd-Edition-January-2013.pdf ) 
Why am I being asked to do this part of the overall task? What insight about marketing are they hoping I come to as a result of doing this task? Why is it important that I come to this insight? How might it influence my understanding of the concepts, theories, frameworks, development or application of marketing? Why is this important in relation to this subject overall and to my degree? How does these help me do business better? How will the output of this task be of value to a consumer goods marketer? Why? CIS3002 Information
Is it possible to group, cluster or categorise purchases over the week into similar types? What patterns of behaviour can be observed? 
Is there any theory that clusters types of purchases, types of products, types of consumers, type of purchase situations, and influences on purchases? 
Is the overall model of consumer behaviour a useful tool to frame this analysis? Are there different interpretations / representations of the overall model of consumer behaviour / marketing textbooks (658.8 in any Library)? Is one model more relevant or appropriate for this task? 
What triggers the consumer’s need for a product? Is this need always the same? What about the other influences; are they always the same? Are triggers of need / want different for different products? What are the triggers? Why are they different? Is Maslow’s 
Hierarchy of Needs the only model that clusters needs? Are there other models? Are any of them more appropriate/ offer better explanation of what the consumer is experiencing? Can similar questions be asked of every step in the decision making process? If you do, what patterns emerge? 
Does the consumer go through the same decision making process for every product? Do some purchases require more or less time to make a decision? Why? Are some steps in the decision making process skipped or omitted for different products? Why? 
Are all influences on purchases equal in their influence or do some have a greater influence? Is the level always the same or does it change for different consumers or at different times or for different products? Can influences be ranked in order or importance? Weighted based on strength of influence? 
Based on all the answers generated above, what would be one key contention or insight I would provide a consumer good marketing manager that would support, contribute to or enhance my overall insight for this report? 
Can any of the information above be better represented in tables, graphs, or diagrams to enhance the reader’s comprehension of the material? Can I use numbers to more clearly reflect the scale, relative position or scope for any of the information I am presenting? 
5. Nominate and describe a high-involvement product that you are likely to purchase in the near future or one that you recently purchased 
a. Provide a detailed analysis of your purchasing behaviour for the nominated product. 
b. Your analysis MUST integrate marketing theory with an emphasis consumer behaviour theory. 
Below are a number of questions that reflect critical thinking and may be applied to this section. These will take some time to reflect on and should not be rushed. They should be revisited a number of times to determine if your thinking or output has changed as a result of your learning. 
Get a notebook and create a list of questions and jot notes, thoughts, ideas, etc. that come to mind as you progress through this process. 
DO NOT use these questions as the structure for this section. Students who do this will be penalised heavily as doing so does not reflect independent thinking (See AQF Level 9 content/uploads/2013/05/AQF-2nd-Edition-January-2013.pdf ) 
Why am I being asked to do this part of the overall task? What insight about marketing are they hoping I come to as a result of doing this task? Why is it important that I come to this insight? How might it influence my understanding of the concepts, theories, frameworks, development or application of marketing? Why is this important in relation to this subject overall and to my degree? How does these help me do business better? How will the output of this task be of value to a consumer goods marketer? Why? 
Why have I selected this product as my nominated product? How and in what ways is it distinct from other products in my weekly purchase? 
If I had to pick one thing that described how I approached the process or purchase or influence on the purchase of this product, what would it be? Why this thing and what were the other things I considered? 
If I used an overall model of consumer behaviour in the section above, can it be applied to this product? If it is works the same what insight can I offer the reader? If it is different, how and in what way is it different? 
What triggered the consumer’s need for this product? Is this need always the same? What about the other influences; are they always the same? Is Maslow’s Hierarchy of a relevant model? Are there other models? Are any of them more appropriate/ offer better explanation of what the consumer is experiencing? Can similar questions be asked of every step in the decision making process? If you do, what patterns emerge? 
Would the consumer go through the same decision making process every time they purchased this product? Why? Are some steps in the decision making process skipped or omitted for different products? Why? 
Are all influences on the purchase equal in their influence or do some have a greater influence? Is the level always the same or does it change for different consumers or at different times? Can influences be ranked in order or importance? Weighted based on strength of influence? 
Based on all the answers generated above, what would be one key contention or insight I would provide a consumer good marketing manager that would support, contribute to or enhance my overall insight for this report? 
Can any of the information above be better represented in tables, graphs, or diagrams to enhance the reader’s comprehension of the material? Can I use numbers to more clearly reflect the scale, relative position or scope for any of the information I am presenting? 
6. Compare and contrast your buying behaviour for the products purchased over the week with your buying behaviour of your nominated product. i.e compare and contrast analysis from #3 & #4. 
Below are a number of questions that reflect critical thinking and may be applied to this section. These will take some time to reflect on and should not be rushed. They should be revisited a number of times to determine if your thinking or output has changed as a result of your learning. 
Get a notebook and create a list of questions and jot notes, thoughts, ideas, etc. that come to mind as you progress through this process. 
DO NOT use these questions as the structure for this section. Students who do this will be penalised heavily as doing so does not reflect independent thinking (See AQF Level 9 content/uploads/2013/05/AQF-2nd-Edition-January-2013.pdf ) 
What does compare and contrast mean? Why am I being asked to do this part of the overall task? What insight about marketing are they hoping I come to as a result of doing this task? Why is it important that I come to this insight? How might it influence my understanding of the concepts, theories, frameworks, development or application of marketing? Why is this important in relation to this subject overall and to my degree? How does these help me do business better? How will the output of this task be of value to a consumer goods marketer? Why? 
What possible contention or insight be generated from this analysis? 
What overall differences exist between the two different sets of purchases? What are the overall similarities? Why do these differences and similarities exist? Is there a marketing or consumer behaviour theory that helps frame or explain this? 
Whatever insight I come up with in comparing and contrasting the two sections, would it be constant over time? Would it be the same for all consumers? Why or why not? 
In comparing and contrasting the two sections, is there an insight that will have an impact on the development, execution or management of the marketing mix strategy for a consumer goods company? Would the insight be the same for all consumer goods companies? Would its value alter depending on type of product (good or service) size of company or different target segments? 
7. Provide a key (single) overall contention / insight and justification (use theory to support) regarding what you have discovered in #5. 
a. Briefly explain to a consumer goods marketing manager why this insight might be useful. 
Below are a number of questions that reflect critical thinking and may be applied to this section. These will take some time to reflect on and should not be rushed. They should be revisited a number of times to determine if your thinking or output has changed as a result of your learning. 
Get a notebook and create a list of questions and jot notes, thoughts, ideas, etc. that come to mind as you progress through this process. 
DO NOT use these questions as the structure for this section. Students who do this will be penalised heavily as doing so does not reflect independent thinking (See AQF Level 9 content/uploads/2013/05/AQF-2nd-Edition-January-2013.pdf ) 
Whatever my key contention, is there are weight of evidence within my analysis and contentions above that would lead the reader to agree with me. 
Does my contention reflect a logical sequence of ideas that are connected together in a meaningful way? 
Why might my contention / insight be of interest or value to a consumer good marketing manager? How might it help as in input to their decision-making relating to the development, execution or management of their marketing mix strategy? If it is of value, how might I “prove” this? 
Who is the consumer goods marketer? Will my insight differ depending on the type of product, size of company, competitive dynamic or type of target segment? 
If the reader were to ask questions about my contention/insight what questions would they ask and where in my report would I find the answer to support my answer in this report.

BUMKT5901 Assignment 2 – Analysis of Supermarket Marketing – Report

BUMKT5901 Assignment 2 – Analysis of Supermarket Marketing – Report 

Get assignment help for this assignment at just $200 USD mail us at

Value: 30%: Report = 20%, Presentation 10% 
Length: Report 
Length: Presentation 2,000 – 2,500 words 
20 slides max, 20 minutes max + 10 minutes for questions 
Type Group report 
Due Date See CD 
Submission Electronic: Report AND Presentation 
Physical: Presentation slide x 3 per page – handed to academic on day of presentation 
Electronic Submission File protocol Report: Word document. Filename: Family name_student_ID_question Presentation: PowerPoint. Filename: Family name_student_ID_question 
Additional information Marking rubric must be completed by group, indicating what they believe their report should be graded. This must be attached to the report. 
Objective of Task 
In the first assignment you reflected on how marketing and other influences impacted your shopping behaviour. In this assignment you begin to apply the principles of marketing in order to influence the behaviour of buyers. 
Marketing is fundamentally focused on increasing revenue for the business today and into the future. However, getting consumer’s to change their behaviour is very challenging, a fact you would have come to realise in Assignment One (what would a marketer have to do to get YOU to change your habitual shopping habits?). 
In this assignment you are to analyse two segments and recommend to a supermarket marketing manager how the marketing activities (4Ps and service elements) can be changed to either a) have the identified target segment currently shopping at the supermarket to spend more or b) have the identified target segment NOT shopping at the supermarket to come to the supermarket and spend money. 
Executive Summary 
Introductory sentence/short paragraph 
Major findings 
Major recommendations 
Background to the task 
Purpose of the report 
Format of the report 
Layout of the branded stores 
Compare and contrasts the branded store layouts 
Description of ONE target market for each branded store 
Analyses of consumer influences (based on data recorded in a table) CIS3002
Marketing recommendations for each target market of the branded stores (linked to relevant concepts and theories from this course) 
Report format—business (not an essay) 
DO NOT write in the first or second person (I, we, our)—write in third person only 
Proof read at least three times for spelling, grammatical and logic errors 
Paragraphs—fully justified 
Line spacing—1½ lines 
Before and after spacing—6 points 
Paragraph spacing—one space before and after 
All tables and diagrams labelled—they do not form part of the word count 
APA reference style 
Section 1 
Visit TWO different BRANDED supermarkets and as the size of the store may be a contributing factor to store layout make sure you eliminate this factor by having stores of ‘equivalent’ sizes—do not have a large and a small store. 
The first section requires you to focus on the marketing activities of both supermarkets and note whether reality aligns with an ideal. 
You are trying to determine whether what is said in the articles provided or in research you are able to find aligns with what you observe in the two supermarkets you visit. If there is not alignment, what insight arises; what does this mean for the marketing manager? If they do align what insight might arises? 
(Academic Sources Supermarket News, Supermarket Business, Food Retail Industry Profile, International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management. In addition, use the library databases such as ProQuest or Business Source Complete and type “supermarket” and change the search filter to “Title”) 
1. Given the information in the articles “Supermarket Confidential” and “Tricks of the Trade”, and using research from supermarket and FMCG related marketing and industry journals, create a criteria by which a marketing manager for a supermarket could analyse the effectiveness of a supermarket’s marketing mix (4Ps and services marketing). Justify your list by citing multiple pieces of credible research for each point. 
The list you are creating will assist you in step three of this assignment 
2. Draw the layout (approximately in proportion) of each store and if possible include photographs—make sure you indicate the brand on the diagram; 
There is drawing function in Word and this will help you. If you don't know how to use the draw functionality see - . Aim to use consistent colours, names, and proportions, etc. If you are trying to work out the size of the supermarket, you could pace out the length and width assuming that each one of your steps is approximately 1 meter. 
3. Using your criteria (‘ideal’ marketing mix - 4Ps and services marketing) for the supermarket) compare and contrast the 4Ps and services marketing for each store. 
a. Construct a table with Criteria as rows and each of the Two Supermarkets as columns and record your data /judgements /observations 
If you do not know how to create a table in word see – 
b. Analyse the table, expanding on the insights and observations by linking them to researched and referenced marketing theories and concepts. 
The final part of this section is to provide insights you develop based on your academic and your observation research. In 3b you are demonstrating your critical thinking skills by providing relevant insight to the supermarket marketing manager using the both the theory and observation research to justify your insight. 
Section 2 
The focus of section 2, and the focus of marketing, is the consumer. The profile you build of the selected target segment will be based on observation and theory from text book and other sources. 
The fundamental goal is determine what is currently influencing the target segment’s behaviour. These insights will be used in section three (below) as a part of the evidence to justify your recommendations to the supermarket marketing manager. 
(Academic Sources Supermarket News, Supermarket Business, Food Retail Industry Profile, International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management. In addition, use the library databases such as ProQuest or Business Source Complete and type “supermarket consumer” and change the search filter to “Title”) 
4. Describe in detail a target market/segment for each branded supermarket. Whilst you may describe them using socio-economic, psychographic or lifestyle profiles from marketing theory remember that observation research is a valid method for data collection. 
You need to describe one target segment for each supermarket. These should be different target segments for each store as this enables a broader analysis of the influences on consumer behaviour. 
If you select the same target segment for each store then aim to select very different supermarkets, i.e. supermarkets in distinct socio-economic environments or supermarkets that have different and distinct positions in the market e.g. premium quality supermarket versus lower quality supermarket. 
The information to develop your profile of the consumer will come from both observation and academic research (see sources above). Please note that higher grade assignments will integrate both observational research and 15 academic research articles (see report marking rubric). If you are not familiar with observation research see - or 
Your observational research will require you to generate a range of critically thought through questions: who is the target segment – use demographics as a starting point, what time are they shopping? How much are they buying, what are they buying? Who are they shopping with? Where are they shopping, what are the alternatives and why are they shopping here? How long do they spend shopping? This is not an exhaustive list and there are many more questions you can ask to guide how you are approach your research. The key is to ask questions that will give insights which enable the marketer to understand behaviour of the consumer so that marketing activities can be designed to influence the spending behaviour of the consumer. 
5. Given these target market, determine the influences on consumer purchase behaviour, e.g. situation influences, how much time each target market has to shop, how often they shop and the role that shopping plays in the overall lifestyle of the consumer, etc. (refer to assignment 1 to develop your criteria list) 
a. Construct a table with Influences as rows and each of the Target Markets as columns and record your data/judgements/observations 
b. Analyse the table, expanding on the insights and observations by linking them to researched and referenced marketing theories and concepts. 
Developing the insights as to what is influencing the behaviour of your target segments will be based on both observations of target segment in supermarket, research from academic and industry sources and broader research about consumer behaviour and/or type in “insight to Australian supermarket consumers” in Google to see current articles. Also, please see the resource on critical thinking and developing an argument, as you will need to apply deductive reasoning – 
It is critical that you integrate theory from this subject to create and justify your insight as a way of demonstrating your comprehension of material covered in this subject 
Section 3 
This section draws together the insights in section 1 and 2 in order to develop recommendations for the supermarket marketing manager. Again, you are aiming to demonstrate your comprehension of the theory covered in this subject by integrating this theory in order to frame your recommendations. That is, do not simply offer opinion but draw on marketing theories, concepts and frameworks covered in this subject in order to give structure to your recommendations. 
6. Make recommendations for some or all of the 4Ps and services marketing, to the marketing manager for each branded supermarket, as how they can improve the shopping experience as a means of generating greater revenue, for the identified target market (in #4 above). Justify your recommendation using researched and referenced marketing concepts and theories. 

Thursday, September 25, 2014



Description Marks out of Wtg(%) Due date
Assignment 3 (MS Project) 100 35% See the study schedule
This written assignment is to be electronically submitted through the EASE system in
the CIS8010 Study Desk. Hardcopy or email submission will NOT be accepted and
will NOT be acknowledged. (You MUST use a plagiarism application to ensure that the
part is plagiarism free)
Student requirements
The objective of this assignment is to assess your understanding of basic project management
concepts and your proficiency in using project management software to produce project
charts and reports. In particular, the assignment focuses on the following project
management knowledge areas in the PMBOK: project integration management, project scope
management, project time management and project resource management.
Company XYZ is in the software games application development and has been aware that
their production of a popular game application will not continue to satisfy consumer demands.
This application has seen an increase of about 10 – 12% for the past five years. Currently the
games are sold as individual packs. However, sales forecast has indicated that this will not
continue due to other products emerging in the market, customer preferences, market
distribution and price competition.
The CEO had asked an internal team to review current processes and propose changes, along
with upgrades to software to meet the demands for the future. The proposed changes include
writing new games to suit young audiences, licensing options, access to games through
mobile devices and smartphones. The CEO also wanted an upgrade to equipment used to
develop software applications as well as test them, and a redesign of the processes in software
development processes with solid metrics relating to the increase in customer markets.
This has necessitated XYZ in specific anticipated changes such as team composition,
procurement of skills to write software to the mobile and smartphone markets, distribution of
their applications through telephone companies, and providing ongoing support for access.
The above specific changes also warranted XYZ to think about their software team
composition, marketing team composition, finance team composition, game writing process
aspects, and customer care team composition. XYZ is keen to make changes to their HR
composition as well as software writing processes, and would like to investigate, if these
changes were made to the organisational process, whether they would be able to manage those
process changes.
The Project Plan
XYZ would like to see an outline of a project plan with tentative timelines and cost ranges so
that serious consideration can be given to the process changes. The project plan that XYZ
would like to see should include included identification of needs for increased production, as
well as identification of affected departments and/or processes if the increase in production
were carried out.XYZ knew from experience that changes to software writing (specific to games) wouldHow to Create a Successful Online Business Model
impact other areas. For example, procurement had a set budget for hiring software engineers.
The expenditure necessary for software libraries that were not ready to be used in software
writing would impact cash flow and require consideration as to how this can be handled as
procurement of software takes time. Further, additional vendors may be sub-contracted in the
software development, as XYZ doesn’t have all the skills required. Should the current vendors
be unable to meet increased demands, then alternative vendors needed to be in place before
any supply issues arose.
So, XYZ is keen to see a proper project plan for identifying the stakeholders and how they
would proceed to gather the data necessary to accurately document the change management
processes in order to develop new gaming software. The plan that XYZ is keen to see should
include a detailed list of requirements to achieve the market share, and list HR, software,
hardware and other resources.
XYZ is also interested in the identification of potential risks and strategies for managing them
should they come to fruition. They wanted to be sure that once they finalise the process
changes for gaming software development, they could accommodate potential changes to
other processes. They knew that changing one process would likely have a domino effect
throughout the company. For example, during one of the scenario planning sessions, the
project team found that if procurement was unable to fulfil the skills needs of software
writing, without a back up vendor in place, there would potentially be a disaster. As XYZ is
keen to advertise their process changes and advertise that a new game is going to be released
to the market on a certain date, this would be unacceptable to XYZ and would ultimately
cause customer dissatisfaction, which could lead to a loss of business to competitors.
XYZ would like to see a proper breakdown of skill and other procurement options, and
several milestones, to allow the company to move forward with working with new processes
and upgrades to resources without interrupting the current schedule of activities. At each
milestone, there were several tasks for measuring progress and comparing it to expected
results and baselines. Assessments were completed regularly to ensure the current plan held
true to the objectives. At any point during the project, if the assessments showed deficiencies
from the objectives, then an evaluation and correction strategy would be required. The Work
Breakdown Structure should also include an induction and training time to get individuals up
to speed.
The Risk Management Plan should include contingencies should current employees be
incapable of delivering the new game software and performing their role in a timely fashion.
Part of the contingency plan was to use employees who adapted quickly to the new vision and
mix with other employees in the organization. An integrated team concept, including
mentoring, will be put in place to assist people in getting up to speed on new vision.
The current status of the company is that XYZ is selling about 250,000 games (the most
popular game of their product line) per quarter. At the time of the undertaking of the process
improvement initiative, client demand had just reached 240,000, and demand forecast
indicates a potential decline by 30% half-annually over the next 3 years.
The directive from the executives is to pitch the sales of the new game at 300,000 for the first
quarter in 2016. Based on current projections, the company would experience a five-year
timeline before having to undertake another increase in production to satisfy growing client
demand. At that point, if client demand continued to increase, the company would be in a
better position to invest in another production site in order to meet demands after the five year
Additionally, in the current production line there was, on average, a 3.6% defect rate in
software produced. One of the directives specific to this project was to attempt to reduce this
defect rate by at least half within the first two years.The following were discovered during the current process analysis:
1. Capacity for procurement was limited due to cash flow and budgetary issues, as well
as storage. Any new process needed to take this into consideration once production
increased and would have to allow for a smooth flow between skill procurement and
product manufacturing and distribution.
2. It became apparent that once the number of game sales increased, demands on
warehousing and delivery would increase accordingly. A plan was put in place to
change warehousing and delivery processes to reduce the strain on these functions.
3. The project is allowed to run slightly (8 weeks) over the projected timeline, but
should remain within budget. The increase in the timeline may result from an
underestimate of the skill required, procuring this skill, contractual obligations etc.
4. If the decrease in the defect rate was .06%, then this will significantly exceed the goal
of 1.8%, thus causing an increase in storage and distribution. Although this is not
anticipated in a contingency plan it will not cause the executives to be unhappy. It is a
good problem.
Your task is to develop a project case for XYZ within the above scenario. If any parts of the
scenario in unclear, you are allowed make necessary assumptions, but the assumptions should
be realistic. Your task is to develop a project management document to provide an initial
idea and scope as to the cost in procuring various resources and timelines. Your
submission should include the following documents:
1. A complete project plan (PERT & GANTT Chart)
2. A Time Schedule for procuring the resources to meet 2016 implementation
3. A resource document detailing the type of resources required, cost to procure the resource
and the involvement of the resource in the development
4. A set of potential risks that you are anticipating in implementing the system
The above documents should clearly be developed using a project tool that is available to you.
You are required to state your assumptions clearly and package the documents in a professional
report to the top management for their consideration.
Report Submission:
Your report submission should be in four parts. The first part should provide a comprehensive
analysis of your research. This is a simple document, written with supporting arguments as to
various aspects highlighted, includes proper references etc. You will base this report on your
research conducted. The report should be contained within 2000 words. This report is pitched
to the management board and you are asked to use simple language as board members are
drawn from both technical and non-technical domains.
The second part of the report contains the project aspects. The four key aspects required for
the development should be explained and properly annotated.
The third part of your report should highlight the set of anticipated risks and you plan to
mitigate these risks.
The final part is the development of a complete project plan through PERT & GANTT Chart
Other Report Submission Requirements:
1. Remember state your assumptions clearly prior to developing the above documents and
your modeling.
2. Only PDF format of the final report is to be submitted through EASE system available through UConnect. (All other mode of submissions are considered as assignment is not
Marks can be deducted for the following errors:
1. Problems with format and structure of report
2. Lack of referencing (Harvard referencing format is the acceptable standard)
3. Spelling, grammar and expression error
4. Indication of plagiarism/collusion
5. Inappropriate use of in-text references
6. Late Submission as per USQ policies and procedures
Please use the following naming convention when saving your digital document:
Student last name_assignment #_CIS8010_Student USQ ID
For example, the first assignment for CIS8010 submitted by Poul Moller, student #
005890420163. If I (Mr. Poul Moller) were uploading this assessment item, file would be
named as follow:

ITECH3211-7211 Business planning report

Faculty ofScience

Name                           e-Business Planning Report

Due Date                    Week 10 – Please check your course description for date and time

Worth                          25% (60 marks)

Course Objectives

This assessment task relates to the following course objectives:
·       discuss the meaning of e-Commerce from a business and technical perspective
·       appreciate the business environments conducive to the use of successful e-Commerce applications
·       compare and report on the types of e-Commerce and their application to business
·       review the technologies used to deploy an e-Commerce solution
·       apply an understanding of the development needs of a basic e-Commerce web site using one of these technologies
·       illustrate understanding of the design, maintenance, business principles and administration of an e-Commerce site
·       discuss ethical, social and political issues in e-Commerce


You have the task of developing an e-commerce business plan for the client described in the case study below. Your planning document must meet the needs of the client and you may not choose to develop a plan for any other client (i.e. business or website). However, this case study is not intended to limit your creativity or the scope of your e-commerce business proposal.

Your must submit a report (as an MSWord format document) for the client. You may/will need to research a number of different aspects of your proposal, but some of these aspects will not be covered in lectures until Week 10 of semester – however, do not wait until that time to begin this assignment as it will take considerable time, thought and work to be successfully completed. You may refer to any authentic source in conducting your research and all references must be included in your report. You may also employ any analysis or design tool in the preparation of your report – so long as the results are suitable for presentation in the required Word document and are your own work.

Remember: this is a report intended to convince a board of directors to adopt your proposal. Your report must therefore be complete, yet concise; be clear and convincing, and professionally presented. Above all, the report must be specific to the needs of the business!

Case Study
Orion Australia

The Orion Australia is a Geelong-based company which manufactures biometric devices used for Time & Attendance data recording and access control for a wide variety of industries. They are a small first-tier family-owned supplier to the industry in Australia with capitalisation of $A25M, annual sales of $A3M, increasing at two percent per annum, and net profits of six percent of total sales. The management team are all industry experienced and university educated; the company is flexible and innovative. However, in an ever-changing industry, their future business is uncertain.

Their main business is wholesale to all major Australian banks and financial institutions (currently 50 percent of sales and 50 percent of profits). The company also has a small sideline (currently 7 percent of sales but 30 percent of profits) where it retails biometric devices, like finger print scanners, via the phone to customers all over the world.

The main suppliers to Orion Australia are based in Melbourne and Sydney, although most parts come from overseas (e.g. UK). Supplier relations are all paper-based transactions, while long-term contracts with assemblers are managed using email and facsimile transmission of orders, although the assemblers employ EDI with most other first-tier suppliers.

The Orion Australia management team is keen to expand the retail sales, which are potentially very profitable for the company and to improve relations with suppliers, parts retailers and assemblers. To do this one member of the management team has suggested the company create new online channels for sales, marketing, and supply chain management.

You have been called in as an internet and management consultant. Orion Australiawants to know how e-business technologies could be used to improve the company’s operations. The company is keen to leave as much open as possible – you have been told that it is a ‘clean sheet’ strategy but cannot consume more than half the profits of next year’s business. The Chief Executive, Mr Rodgers, needs a report from you to give the board a specific brief.



Your e-Commerce business proposal should address:
·         clearly identified e-commerce business model(s)
·         how the e-commerce business will derive revenue (i.e. revenue models)
·         what network and communications infrastructure will be required
·         what applications will be required to meet specific e-commerce business goals
·         how you will address security issues
·         how you will address e-marketing requirements
·         what choice of payment systems will be used
·         how you will address privacy and other relevant ethical concerns
·         how you will address legal issues connected with the e-commerce business
·         how you will address customer service issues
·         how you will measure the success of your proposal (metrics, tools)
Present your evaluation in a business or management style report, as outlined in the guide.
Please submit an ELECTRONIC copy via Moodle. Off campus students will need to check with their lecturers regarding their preferred submission process. Please refer to the “Course Description” for information regarding late assignments, extensions, special consideration, and plagiarism. A reminder all academic regulations can be accessed via the university’s website.

Assessment Criteria

Students work will be assessed upon:

·       evidence of completion of all proposal tasks comprising a solution based on theoretical concepts outlined in the literature, with practical supporting examples from industry, and your own ideas
·       an accurate business report including elements, such as table of contents, executive summary etc., evidence of quality written expression including good grammar, spelling, punctuation, sentence construction etc, reports should adhere to the university style guide including formatting, layout and structure, and should not exceed word limit of 2500 words
·       evidence of formatted bibliography and in-text references which comply with the APA style guide, a quality piece of work will provide a range of references for example books, journals, reputable websites, podcasts, etc, in-text references should be used in such a way as to provide support for the work

Assessment Feedback


e-Business Planning Report
Marking Scale

Poor     Excellent

1  ......................   5
Proposal     –   e-commerce business model

                   –   revenue model

                   –   applications

                   –   security

                   –   e-marketing requirements

                   –   payment system

                   –   privacy

                   –   legal issues

                   –   customer service issues

                   –   analytics

Business report elements and academic writing

Bibliography and in-text referencing

Total Mark                                                    [60 marks]

Total Worth                                                         [25%]


Marked by
