Tuesday, October 14, 2014

CIS8000 Assignment 2

CIS8000 Assignment 2
Wearable computing

Table of Contents

Activity B
Executive summary
Present report analyzes the concept of wearable computing devices and explores financial viability of the wearable computing project in an organizational environment so as to avoid issues in salary processing system. Wearable computing devices can be effectively used for developing automatic attendance system thereby maintaining an up to date time sheet. Financial modeling for the present project provides the NPV, payback time, PI and sensitivity analysis. Looking into the positive financial aspects for the present project it is recommended to implement the project of wearable computing in this organization for smooth salary processing system.


1.0 Introduction
For human resource oriented organizations it is important to keep up to date time sheet record so that salary processing can be done smoothly without any issues faced in salary calculations for employees. Such calculation sheet would provide accurate salary estimation and timely salary processing of salary can be done in the organizational environment (Thorp, 2008). The issue faced in the present context is pertaining to provide up to date time sheet record for salary processing. As CTO of the organization such time sheet preparation technology needs to be recommended in the organization which can be used as a key tool in the organizational environment. Present report would provide the background research into wearable identification tags project and would develop the business case by analyzing financial aspects for the present plan. The financial modeling for the present project would be aimed at getting funding for the present project by providing payback period, NPV, IRR and profitability index. Further sensitivity analysis would be done to understand impact of change in various financial parameters on project.  
2.0 Background of the wearable identification tags project
Wearable mobile computing can be understood as a source of empowering professionals for the higher level of productivity with intended seamless information flow, coordination and communication at the workplace.  A suitable example of the wearable identification tag project can be an automatic attendance system through which time sheet for the employees can be managed up to date for calculating salary of the employees.
2.1 Utilization of wearable computing- automatic attendance system
An attendance tracking system can be developed with the use of wearable computing method wherein with the help of scanning system time wastage made in the card punching system can be saved and automatic attendance can be updated by using the wearable technology. The first step to such a system would require providing a unique ID to the each employee for which attendance needs to be marked (Katherine, 2013). This ID provides would be able to scan through the system with help of barcode, prox chip or magnetic strip embedded into it. In case no such IDs have been provided by the company it is recommended to develop the card printer with unique ID so that smooth attendance tracking system can be developed in the organization.  
Further organization need to locate number of tracking systems at which ID would be scanned and such systems can be a computer with reader embedded into it or independent terminal developed for the attendance system. Terminal can be placed at locations where pc can’t be located and would contain integrated reader and scanned with it. Both terminal or pc systems managed at the entry point manage login for the individual employees and record their timing. Such systems can be batch collecting system or can be in form of network so as to provide real time updates for the attendance of employees. Each terminal would record at least two basic aspects which are user ID and timing while additional details as per the requirement can also be collected through this system (Michael, 2012).
This system would be compatible with other systems so that data from this system can be easily uploaded into payroll management system and other accounting systems for the salary processing of employees.  With high level of software in place time and attendance management systems used in the organization would be able to develop fully integrated business solution in order to enhance organizational performance & monitoring employee’s working timings.
2.2 Risk associated with wearable computing
Some of the major risks associated with wearable computing systems can be enlisted below with their possible mitigates:
§  Threat of losing sensitive information: A wearable computing device has high chances for getting lost somewhere as these are present with a person at every time. Hence the login credential or vital organizational information is at risk. In order to mitigate this threat it is important to protect the wearable device with hardware and data contained inside should be encrypted.
§  Authentication: Wearable computing systems would not track the availability of particular person at the time of attendance hence there is possibility that fraud can take place in lack of proper authentication. It is recommended that proper biometric solutions needs to be provided for authentication (John, 2011).
§  Hostile environment and unsecure network: It is not recommended to make use of the wearable computing systems and laptop outside from the area of wireless network control. This may have several security, encryption and information integrity issues associated with it. Usage outside the network area may lead to attack on information system for the information sent as well as on the information available on network. Integrity checks and encryption would require processing power putting limitations to the encryption algorithm and encryption key used for wearable computing devices (Urban et al, 2013).
§  Body area network security: Body area network is formed by the wearable computing device, sensors and other devices forming the entire system. The information contained in system is at risk in case wearable are identified and electronic identity is stolen.
2.3 Advantages and disadvantages
Advantages and disadvantages of using wearable computing devices can be summed as under:
1.      Wearable computing devices provide enhanced communication wherein with the help of wearable computing range of communication increases and no manual intervention is required
2.      Wearable computing devices offer unique solution for completing daily task as these can be used in order to track the habits and movement of a person
3.      Wearable computing devices provide flexibilityWearable Technology CIS8000
4.      Wearable computing devices provide freedom as there is no physical contact required with the reader devices (Edward, 2012)
5.      There is high degree of convenience associated with wearable computing devices
6.      Work from anywhere can be done using wearable computing devices
1.      Sometimes equipment used for the wearable technology can be highly expensive and bulky
2.      Wearable computing devices on some instances may include complex wiring system which would create problem while wearing
3.      Wearable computing devices can create harmful impacts on human body
4.      There can be several misuses of wearable computing devices
5.      In case the device is stolen information contained in the device or at system might be at risk (Hubert, 2008)
2.4 Infrastructure required
In order to develop wearable computing system for attendance tracking of employees in any organization four major components of infrastructure would be required. Important elements of infrastructure required for this project along with their specification can be given as specified under:
§  Software for tracking time: This software would be the central unit to entire attendance or time tracking system. This system would determine details which need to be tracked and the way in which these details would be reported. In order to select particular time tracking software two important points of consideration would be the compatibility of this software with other systems in organization such as payroll system & accounting system and support extended for different ID types (Bilton, 2012). These two factors would determine the best fit in terms of time tracking software used for the time tracking or automatic attendance system (Zieniewicz et al, 2012).
§  Terminal or pc with reader: A fixed terminal or pc with reader would do the job of identification of the ID card issued to the employees. It is recommended to use fixed terminal in place of pc so as to save space and most of the terminal would be having scanner and readers embedded into them for developing complete attendance tracking solution.
§  Magnetic strip, Prox reader or barcode scanner: In order to track any individual some mean of tracking would be required. Based on the particular technology used for the ID card identification readers can be implemented in the attendance tracking systems (Collins, 2007).
§  ID card printer: Every employee would be provided with an ID on which barcode or magnetic strip would be employed for identification. ID card printer device would help in developing cards keeping in mind security and customization features for the particular organization.
2.5 Best practice for managing wearable tags
Best practices needs to be managed for the wearable tags as these are the most vulnerable devices where information attacks can happen and an organization may get invader to their information security systems through wearable tags. Some of the major best practices for wearable tags includes below mentioned:
§  While uploading the data into wearable tags it should be properly encrypted so that in case such tags are stolen or lost then other user might not make sense out of the data contained in the tags
§  Wearable tags should be embedded into hard body so that in case these are fallen down or hit by something there is no damage to the tags (Steve, 2009)
§  Biometric systems should be implemented at the terminal so that when someone makes unauthorized use of the tag then through biometric technology that person can be identified
§  Strong security measures should be adopted in order to avoid pairing of the wearable tags so that through pairing with other devices there are no data lose happening from the wearable tags
§  Wearable tags should be avoided against the threat of local read and write memory
Business case
This section present the business case for the proposed wearable tag attendance system implemented for the organization. Hypothetical value for benefits obtained through such system has been adopted over four years by making correct salary calculations and saving cost through timely processing of salary in a human resource intensive organization. As evident through below table that present project has capability to generate positive cash flows from second year only hence payback period for the present project would be 2 years.
Cash Flow
Cumulative Cash flow
Payback Period
2 Years

Cash Flow
PV @ 10%
Total Present Value
Accept the Business Plan

Internal rate of return for the present project would be quite high at 149%. Further present project would provide NPV of $287537 in four year duration and profitability index for the present project would be 1.3 hence looking into the profitability index and positive NPV for the current project it is recommended to accept the business plan.
Sensitivity analysis
Sensitivity analysis for the present project shows 4 year time duration and related sensitivity analysis by increase and decrease in cost factors and benefit obtained through the current project.  As shown in the figure below that project is not highly sensitive to the increase in cost by some percentage as overall profitability of the project is very high hence by some variation in cost percentage there would not be much difference in overall project financial analysis.
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Net benefits

Benefit Decrease by 25%
Benefit Increase by 25%


Infrastructure Costs decrease by 25%
Infrastructure Costs Increase by 25%
Total cost increase by 10%

Net Income if Volume decrease by 25%
Net Income if benefit increases by 25%
Net Income if Infrastructure cost decrease by 25%
Net Income if infrastructure cost increases by  25%
Net Income if Total cost increase by 10%

Conclusion and recommendations
Present report has shows the technology of wearable computing device which can be effective in order to resolve issue faced in present context for the up to date time sheet for salary processing. Looking into the financial analysis for the present project with positive NPV over four year duration and above 1 profitability index it is recommended to implement the wearable computing technology for resolving issues faced in the organization for smooth salary processing.
Thorp, E (2008). "The Invention of the First Wearable Computer". Digest of Papers. Second International Symposium on Wearable Computers (Cat. No.98EX215): 4–8.
Katherine W (2013). "Marketing Wearable Computers to Consumers: An Examination of Early Adopter Consumers' Feelings and Attitudes Toward Wearable Computers". Washington, DC.
John E (2011). "The History and Evolution of the Wristwatch". International Watch Magazine.
Urban, K, Dick M and Tom B, 2013, Proceedings of Wearables in 2012, Arlington, VA.
Edward O, 2012 "Optimal gambling systems for favorable game." Review of the International Statistical Institute, V. 37:3, pp. 273–293.
Hubert U (2008). "Wearable Eyeglass Speechreading Aid". American Annals of the Deaf 113: 222–229.
Bilton, N (2012). "Behind the Google Goggles, Virtual Reality". The New York Times. Retrieved 24 April 2014.
Collins, L. Scadden, A and Alden, B, 2007, "Mobile Studies with a Tactile Imaging Device," Fourth Conference on Systems & Devices For The Disabled, Seattle WA.
Steve M, 2009, "An historical account of the 'WearComp' and 'WearCam' inventions developed for applications in 'Personal Imaging,'" in The First International Symposium on Wearable Computers: Digest of Papers, IEEE Computer Society, 1997, pp. 66–73
Zieniewicz, M. Johnson, D. Wong, J. (2012). "The Evolution of Army Wearable Computers". Pervasive Computing. 4 1: 30–40.

Activity A: Journal
Apr 1, 2014 Technology in context (2 days)
Brief introduction of the wearable technology along with usage of wearable computing technology in present age organization was studied by understanding the usage of wearable computing technology for the ID management system. Website http://www.wearable-technologies.com/2012/05/wearables-for-identity-management/ was referred in order to understand the usage of wearable computing in present age ID management and attendance systems.
Apr 5, 2014 Application of wearable computing (3 days)
In order to understand the application of wearable computing systems in present age organizations case of Oracle HR system was referred. Website named http://marksmith.ventanaresearch.com/2014/02/22/oracle-modernizes-hr-with-mobile-and-wearable-computing/ was referred in order to access the article named Oracle Modernizes HR with mobile and wearable computing. This helped in building the basic understanding about the application for attendance system and implementing ideal case for the management of wearable computing systems in present age complex organization for their HR functions such as payroll management.
Apr 10, 2014 Working of wearable computing
Working principle for the wearable computing systems such as to manage the automatic attendance of employees in the organization was explored with the help of site http://www.wearitatwork.com/home/discovering-ubiquity/. Further book name “Invention of first wearable computer” by Thorp, 2008 was referred. This provides the history of wearable computing methods and basic technology behind the wearable computing systems.
Apr 15, 2014 Security threats of wearable computing
Information week was referred in order to explore various security threats of wearble computing method with http://www.informationweek.com/big-data/big-data-analytics/wearable-computing-equals-new-security-risks/d/d-id/1113411 link. Several security threats which are probable into present age wearable technology and can harm the organizational system for maintaining wearable computing were understood so as to mitigate these risks with the technology and employee training.
Apr 20, 2014 (4 days)- Financial modeling

In order to develop the financial viability for present business case financial modeling principle were understood in detail so that proper calculations for a project regarding NPV, IPP, Payback time and sensitivity analysis can be done. Financial modeling was studied through several internet resources and books providing financial information for the viability of a project.

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