Sunday, January 13, 2019

CIS8000 Assignment 1 Guideine

CIS8000 Assignment 1

Page of 6CIS8000 Assignment 1
Assignment 1100353 April 2017
In this Assignment 1 you are the Manager of a department in a global multinational company (The
type of Organization/industry/business/service will be assigned to you via an email from the Course

CIS8000 Assignment 1
In the light of the increasing number of your employees using different types of applications for
managing all aspects of operations, you have come up with an idea for a 
Desktop Application for a
particular problem that will help improve the workflow, communications and productivity of your
staff, both in-house as well as with company employees across the globe.
Using Microsoft PowerPoint, develop a 
Professional presentation to the CIO to convince him/her to
provide the appropriate resources to realize the development, implementation and integration of
your concept application into the Enterprise’s in-house Application store
The concept of the application does not have to be particularly sophisticated or innovative for the
purposes of this course. We are more interested in the processes and issues involved rather than the
end product itself, and the application is therefore to be considered only as a means to an end. So an
adaptation of an existing product or solution is acceptable.
Your pitch to the CIO will include:
1. Details about the Organization/industry/business/service
1.1. Industry Type (assigned to you)
1.2. Description of the Organization
1.3. Description of department of which you are the Manager
2. The concept
3. The business drivers
4. The benefits
5. The target audience
6. Impact on existing staff, processes and procedures
7. A wireframe/prototype design of the user interfaces showing the application in its various steps
and phases

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1. In the design process, the best way to show customers, managers, and programmers the
product you have in mind and want to create is to make a mockup of the views that
compose the Desktop Application user interface.
2. One of the first things you want to do to develop your Desktop Application idea is to create a
mockup of the Application. A mockup, as the name implies, is a basic visual prototype of the
look and feel of your Application. Mockups serve two purposes, one is to test the core
concepts of your application and the second is to serve as a blueprint to use when working
with developers to build your application. A good mockup will lay out what every screen in
your application looks like down to the buttons, colours and fonts and will illustrate how
someone moves through the application to complete basic tasks.
a. The course examiner has negotiated a free licence for the Balsamiq wireframe
software which you are free to download and use
( Explore the many resources (videos, tutorials,
blogs, etc.) at this site. You can find the License Information on your Study Desk
under Additional Resources Section
b. Please note that you may use a mockup/wireframe/prototype tool of your choice
3. The maximum number of slides is 20 (twenty).
4. Each slide must include speaker’s notes (in the Notes section) that expand on the bullet
points and graphics on the slide.
5. There must be evidence in your presentation that your Desktop Application is directly
related to the organization/industry/business/service that you have been assigned. Failure
to do so will result in zero marks being awarded for this assignment.
ASSIGNMENT SUBMISSION1) The file naming guidelines are as follows:
a. It is important that you use this convention to ensure that assignments can be tracked:
Familyname_studentnumber_CIS8000_A1i. Replace ‘familyname’ with YOUR family or surname
ii. Replace ‘
studentnumber’ with YOUR student number (which starts with ‘00’)
2) Submit your assignment using the Online Assignment Submission link on the Study Desk
3) Late submission of assignment work
a. Late assignments will be penalised unless permission has been granted by the
course leader BEFORE the assignment due date. Late assignments may be penalised
by reducing the allocated mark by 5% per day late.

Page of 6GENERAL REQUIREMENTS1. The assignment must be the expression of your own work. It is acceptable to discuss course
content with others to improve your understanding and clarify requirements, but solutions to
this assignment must be done on your own.
2. You must not copy from anyone, including tutors and fellow students, nor provide copies of your
work to others. Assignments that do not adhere to this requirement will be deemed as being the
result of collusion or plagiarism. This may lead to severe academic penalties as outlined in
Academic Regulation 5.10 of the USQ 
Handbook. It is your own responsibility to ensure the
integrity of your work. Refer to the Faculty of Business policy for further details.
3. NOTE: Your assignment will be sent automatically to the plagiarism checking website Turnitin
when you submit your assignment.

Page of 6CIS8000 Assignment 2
Assignment 21003529 May 2017
For the purposes of this Assignment 2 you are now the CIO of the multi-national company (you
identified in Assignment 1).
As the CIO you are impressed with the concept of the Desktop Application presented to you in
Assignment 1 by the Manager, and have commissioned, on your behalf, a senior member of your ICT
department to prepare a comprehensive report to the CFO of the company presenting a case for the
strategic development, implementation and integration of the application within the existing
organizational and information systems framework.
There are a number of technical and non-technical issues that need to be fully researched and
investigated in writing up your report with specific reference to the proposed Application from
Assignment 1. Clearly state any assumptions you have had to make in attempting to address any of
the topics. Also please note that in keeping within the page length restrictions you give due
weighting and consideration to each of the topics based on your own determinations.
The report will include:
1. The problem
2. The concept and solution (do not repeat the UI diagrams from Assignment 1)
3. Key features of the Desktop Application
4. Business case
5. Target audience
6. Strategic alignment within the organization’s business and IT strategies
7. Value proposition and other benefits
8. Infrastructure requirements including
8.1. Development platforms
8.2. Coding languages and tools
8.3. Use of cloud services
9. Software design, development and testing strategies
10. Internationalization for a global market

Page of 611. Social media integration strategies
12. Risk management – privacy, security, confidentiality, ethical issues etc.
13. Deployment and integration strategies
14. User acceptance and change management
15. Legacy systems
15.1. Database integration
15.2. Enterprise data integration
16. Maintenance
17. Future opportunities and enhancements
18. Recommendations and conclusion
NOTES1. This assignment must follow the USQ guidelines for report writing.
a. See: and the Useful Links on the page.2. The maximum number of pages for Assignment 2 is ten (10) EXCLUDING the title page,
executive summary, table of contents, list of references, and appendices.
3. There must be evidence in your report that your application is directly related to the
organization/industry/business/service that you have been assigned. Failure to do so will
result in zero marks being awarded for this assignment.
ASSIGNMENT SUBMISSION4) The file naming guidelines are as follows:
a. It is important that you use this convention to ensure that assignments can be tracked:
Familyname_studentnumber_CIS8000_A2i. Replace ‘familyname’ with YOUR family or surname
ii. Replace ‘
studentnumber’ with YOUR student number (which starts with ‘00’)
5) Submit your assignment using the Online Assignment Submission link on the Study Desk
6) Late submission of assignment work
a. Late assignments will be penalised unless permission has been granted by the
course leader BEFORE the assignment due date. Late assignments may be penalised
by reducing the allocated mark by 5% per day late.

Page of 6GENERAL REQUIREMENTS1. Ideas obtained from sources must be included in your discussion by expressing the idea in your
words and citing the source using the 
Harvard Referencing style.
2. Direct quotes of more than five (5) words will not be considered a demonstration of your
knowledge and will be assessed accordingly.
3. The assignment must be the expression of your own work. It is acceptable to discuss course
content with others to improve your understanding and clarify requirements, but solutions to
this assignment must be done on your own.
4. You must not copy from anyone, including tutors and fellow students, nor provide copies of your
work to others. Assignments that do not adhere to this requirement will be deemed as being the
result of collusion or plagiarism. This may lead to severe academic penalties as outlined in
Academic Regulation 5.10 of the USQ 
Handbook. It is your own responsibility to ensure the
integrity of your work. Refer to the Faculty of Business policy for further details.
NOTE: Your assignment will be sent automatically to the plagiarism checking website Turnitin
when you submit your assignment.

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